
The neglected beauty of "Under the Zhengyang Gate": The second sister is Li Guangfu's colleague outside the play, and Su'e has been in the army for 19 years

author:Perfect bean curd xR

Title: The Tenacious Blossom Behind "Under the Zhengyang Gate": The Story of Chunming's Second Sister and Su'e

The neglected beauty of "Under the Zhengyang Gate": The second sister is Li Guangfu's colleague outside the play, and Su'e has been in the army for 19 years

Under the gorgeous stage lighting, the two ordinary but extraordinary female characters in the TV series "Under the Zhengyang Gate" quietly won the hearts of the audience with their low-key, tenacious and focused temperament. They are the second sister Chunming and Su'e in the play, and in real life they are Wei Xiaojun and Zhang Li, who are talented but always maintain a humble attitude. Today, we will take a closer look at these two actresses to explore their true and moving stories under the interplay of light and shadow.

The neglected beauty of "Under the Zhengyang Gate": The second sister is Li Guangfu's colleague outside the play, and Su'e has been in the army for 19 years

The second sister of Chunming, a gentle and delicate character, appeared in "Under the Zhengyang Gate" with her simple image of "no makeup". She didn't have a flashy appearance, but she became an indispensable role in a family and community with ingenuity and boundless care. Wei Xiaojun, who plays this role, is also a low-key and diligent artist outside the play. She worked silently behind the scenes, interpreting every detail with her heart, and making the role of Chunming's second sister come to life.

The neglected beauty of "Under the Zhengyang Gate": The second sister is Li Guangfu's colleague outside the play, and Su'e has been in the army for 19 years

And Su'e is another very representative image - tenacious, ill-fated but still trying to move forward. She experienced many difficulties in the play, and never gave up in the face of the test given by fate. The Su'e that Zhang Li brought to us is like a pine tree that stands alone in the wind and rain, no matter how many times it is hit, it can stand up tenaciously.

The neglected beauty of "Under the Zhengyang Gate": The second sister is Li Guangfu's colleague outside the play, and Su'e has been in the army for 19 years

Time is a witness, and it records the footprints of Wei Xiaojun and Zhang Li on the road of acting. From the initial nobody's attention to today's attention, they have proved themselves with their strength and have not let the years bury their talents. Outside the screen, as ordinary people, they also show their persistent pursuit of family and career in life.

The neglected beauty of "Under the Zhengyang Gate": The second sister is Li Guangfu's colleague outside the play, and Su'e has been in the army for 19 years

The audience saw the second sister Chunming and Su E interpreting their own wonderful and affectionate life slices in the play, and also felt the strong resonance of the two actresses' perfect combination of personal qualities and art.

The neglected beauty of "Under the Zhengyang Gate": The second sister is Li Guangfu's colleague outside the play, and Su'e has been in the army for 19 years

By comparing the different but equally dazzling characteristics of the two actresses - Wei Xiaojun is indifferent to fame and fortune, introverted and reserved, and Zhang Li is resolute and courageous - we see a more three-dimensional and rich showbiz that shines with the brilliance of humanity. They bring us not only dramatic and emotionally rich performances, but also the admirable and Xi power in their attitude towards life.

The neglected beauty of "Under the Zhengyang Gate": The second sister is Li Guangfu's colleague outside the play, and Su'e has been in the army for 19 years

In the end, "Under the Zhengyang Gate" is not just a TV drama work, it carries the continuous pursuit and practice of the dreams of the two female actors, as well as the eternal love and respect for art. When we look back at the light of emotion and wisdom that quietly flowed in those shots, we may find that the real touching thing is not the beautiful scenery and beauty of the fictional arrangement—but the person who casts the character with his heart and pours his true self into it, so that the light and shadow become the poet himself.

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