
Should educational institutions such as school inspectorates, teaching and research departments, and training schools be abolished?

author:Poetic levitation

In recent years, with the deepening of the reform of the education system, educational institutions such as school supervision groups, teaching and research departments, and advanced training schools have emerged. The staff of these institutions are mainly composed of leaders or the wives of officials who have taken a back seat, and they are not only bloated, but also have a serious bureaucratic style and often do not go to work. The existence of these institutions has seriously affected the normal development of education and should be outlawed.

Should educational institutions such as school inspectorates, teaching and research departments, and training schools be abolished?

Engage in formalism and disrupt the order of teaching

The members of these educational institutions are separated from the front-line teaching and do not understand the actual situation of teaching, but they have to inspect and guide the school's teaching work. In anticipation of the inspection, schools and teachers had to stop teaching normally and devote a lot of time to the "inspection". These inspections are often too formal, such as requiring teachers to take photographs and make materials, which seriously affects the teaching time.

Should educational institutions such as school inspectorates, teaching and research departments, and training schools be abolished?

In addition, such as online training, teachers do not have time to learn Xi, so they can only spend money to hire someone to learn on their behalf, which increases the financial burden of teachers. It can be said that the inspection guidance of these educational institutions makes teachers busy with inspections and unable to concentrate on teaching and educating people.

It disrupts the order of teaching, wastes valuable teaching time, and should be banned. This phenomenon is particularly serious in rural schools, where many members of the supervision team do not go to the rural areas and only "go through the motions" when they come, while the hard-working rural teachers are busy with the development of rural education.

Should educational institutions such as school inspectorates, teaching and research departments, and training schools be abolished?

The staff is bloated and detached from the actual teaching

These educational institutions are not only redundant, but also mostly bureaucratic and have no practical experience in teaching. Members of the inspectorate may not have an office space, and the staff of the department and the school will not work all year round. Their high salaries and idle lives stand in stark contrast to the hard work of front-line teachers. This kind of bureaucracy of "generating income but not generating results" seriously restricts the development of education.

These bureaucrats are divorced from the reality of teaching, but they have to come to the school to point fingers at the teaching of front-line teachers, which increases the burden on teachers and makes it difficult to improve the quality of teaching. Its personnel are seriously overstaffed and their work is out of touch with reality, so it should be banned. Educational resources are limited, and the number of teachers should be front-line teachers, and the abolition of these institutions can free up more front-line teachers.

Should educational institutions such as school inspectorates, teaching and research departments, and training schools be abolished?

The phenomenon of empty salaries is serious, and the distribution is unbalanced and unfair

In addition to their special status, the salaries of the members of these educational institutions are often higher than those of teachers who are fighting on the front line of teaching. They are able to "eat empty salaries" when they do not go to work, and they are vigorously consuming the state's financial and educational resources, which is seriously unbalanced compared with the hard-working front-line teachers.

The practice of not working and contributing to education without having high wages and titles is unfair in the education system and should be outlawed. The abolition of these institutions will free up more funds to improve the conditions of rural schools and the treatment of rural teachers. It will also go a long way towards achieving equity in education.

Should educational institutions such as school inspectorates, teaching and research departments, and training schools be abolished?

More resources and front-line teachers should be allocated

To sum up, the shortcomings of these "supervision groups", "teaching and research departments" and "advanced schools" have seriously affected the efficiency and fairness of the allocation of educational resources. Their presence increases the burden on teachers and students, affecting the normal conduct of teaching and learning. Therefore, these institutions should be abolished so that educational resources can be allocated more rationally so that the vast number of teachers can teach and educate people with peace of mind.

Should educational institutions such as school inspectorates, teaching and research departments, and training schools be abolished?

By abolishing these institutions, more financial resources and front-line teachers can be allocated, and the construction of the teaching staff will be improved, and the level of teachers' remuneration will be raised. This is not only the proper meaning of the Ministry of Education's "burden reduction," but also the proper move to improve the quality of education on the mainland and realize the modernization of education.

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