
Malaysia Airlines has been missing for 9 years, how are the families who refused to pay 2.52 million yuan in compensation doing?

author:Shihana Shikan
Malaysia Airlines has been missing for 9 years, how are the families who refused to pay 2.52 million yuan in compensation doing?

The flight lasted only six hours, but the families of the passengers waited for nine years.

In the nearly 10 years since Malaysia Airlines went missing, many family members are still living in dire straits. Although some family members have gradually accepted the airline's compensation, there are still some people who have rejected the 2.52 million.

Malaysia Airlines has been missing for 9 years, how are the families who refused to pay 2.52 million yuan in compensation doing?

These people all believe, for a variety of reasons, that they should not be compensated, but that they should be given a fresh and complete life of their loved ones – at least there should be a truth.

So, in the 9 years since Malaysia Airlines lost contact, how are the families who have been seeking the truth without accepting compensation?

Malaysia Airlines has been missing for 9 years, how are the families who refused to pay 2.52 million yuan in compensation doing?

1. Some family members of the Malaysia Airlines crash passengers still do not accept compensation

There are two types of family members of the missing Malaysia Airlines MH370, the first is those who received 50,000 yuan in advance compensation from 2014 to 2015, and then received more than 2 million yuan in insurance money, and signed an understanding agreement. These people burn incense on March 8 every year, pay tribute, and weep together. They comfort each other, support each other, and encourage each other to move towards a new life, just like those other families of accidents, trying to move towards the future;

Malaysia Airlines has been missing for 9 years, how are the families who refused to pay 2.52 million yuan in compensation doing?

The second group of people still hasn't received a penny in compensation, even if the airline has raised the compensation to 2.52 million, they still try to sue in the United States, run around the people, and hold meetings in Kuala Lumpur and Beijing.

In addition, these people meet and form groups every month, they have been to the Beijing company more than 100 times, more than 200 Malaysia Airlines offices, more than 300 letters and visits of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and have been studying flight simulations, unmanned submarines, world islands, criminal psychology, ocean currents, communication and rescue, aerial communications, and flight simulations for 6 years......

This is not the case, on the contrary, they can only endure their grief and live well for the sake of their loved ones.

So, do the second group of people not love their relatives? In fact, they love more, and are even willing to give up high compensation and give up their own stable life for the sake of their relatives who cannot be contacted.

Malaysia Airlines has been missing for 9 years, how are the families who refused to pay 2.52 million yuan in compensation doing?

However, after so many years, the disappearance of Malaysia Airlines still does not have any meaning of "the truth is revealed", and even the prime minister of Malaysia has changed several people, and there has been no progress in the disappearance of the plane.

Everyone knows that there is little hope, but the second type of family members are so "obsessed".

Recently, a Beijing court has opened a trial on the Malaysia Airlines MH370 incident, which is a real good thing for the second category of family members.

In the days leading up to the trial, the streets of Beijing were crowded with people dressed in the same color and wearing white T-shirts with pictures of the plane. The A4 paper they held in their hands was written with blood and tears: Explain the truth and return my family.

Malaysia Airlines has been missing for 9 years, how are the families who refused to pay 2.52 million yuan in compensation doing?

"I want the truth!" someone shouted.

On the faces of these people, ordinary people could not tell that they were the families of the wrecked passengers, because these people looked numb and indifferent, did not smile, and were expressionless like bystanders.

They shivered in the cold wind, looked around, exchanged ears, and saw no sign of grief.

In fact, these people have already buried the pain in their bone marrow, so that they dare not even take compensation. They are afraid that getting compensation is a betrayal of their relatives, and getting compensation is announcing the end of the matter, so they can only use their meager strength to run, cry out, and ask for help.

Malaysia Airlines has been missing for 9 years, how are the families who refused to pay 2.52 million yuan in compensation doing?

Now that the series of cases is being heard at Beijing's Chaoyang Court, the family's wish is the same as it was many years ago – to find someone and find out why Malaysia Airlines lost contact.

It is a pity that after years of collection and investigation, there are no innovative results in the final collection and investigation of this series of cases.

"To see people in life, to see corpses in death", the family members have long since lost the excitement of the group, on the contrary, they have a firm goal and shouted these eight words over and over again.

Malaysia Airlines has been missing for 9 years, how are the families who refused to pay 2.52 million yuan in compensation doing?

2. The families who refuse to pay compensation are running for the truth

The disappearance of Malaysia Airlines MH370 has become a mystery to the world.

Malaysia Airlines has been missing for 9 years, how are the families who refused to pay 2.52 million yuan in compensation doing?

On March 8, 2014, no one could have imagined that a flight from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, to Beijing would disappear in the early hours of the morning. At an altitude of 10,000 meters, the flight suddenly lost contact with the ground, and all 239 passengers on the flight, including the crew (154 passengers), were silent.

After the plane accident, the captain and co-pilot of the plane were included in the list of suspects. Public opinion was monstrous, and the family demanded that the facts be restored, but the result was that "neither of these two people is responsible".

The official statement is that there are no problems with the past life and emotions of these two people, and they have a lot of flying experience, and they have no criminal motive, in short, all the biggest hidden dangers on the plane have been ruled out.

The captain had no inclination to take revenge on society, and the plane had no hard breakdowns, but the plane disappeared.

Malaysia Airlines has been missing for 9 years, how are the families who refused to pay 2.52 million yuan in compensation doing?

On the day of the disappearance of Malaysia Airlines, there was a lot of discussion in the country, and everyone pointed the finger at the United States. Those family members who are almost crazy are frantically asking the United States to "give an explanation".

In fact, when everyone was suspicious of the United States, they had already sent seven fleets to conduct a sea search, and China had also sent six fleets and put forward various plans such as satellite searches.

But after more than 1,000 days of repeated searches, after a $160 million material search, and after a carpet search of 120,000 square kilometers of sea area, the evidence that can be found is only a few fragments, not to mention that those few parts cannot explain the fact that the plane must have crashed into the sea.

The family did not give up, and they urged the authorities to investigate as soon as possible.

Malaysia Airlines has been missing for 9 years, how are the families who refused to pay 2.52 million yuan in compensation doing?

But when the official investigation report came out, everyone chose not to believe it, and in the investigation report, Malaysia Airlines was determined to have deviated from the direction and finally disappeared near the southern Indian Ocean.

However, the report did not give an answer to the key question of why it crashed into the sea, and the report also pointed out that "there was nothing wrong with the plane itself, probably because it ran out of fuel and fell into the sea." ”

With all kinds of conspiracy theories overwhelming, the families of the missing demanding justice and truth, and the media that eat human blood steamed buns publishing all kinds of speculation and false information, all of a sudden, Malaysia Airlines seems to have become a mystery that can never be solved.

Malaysia Airlines has been missing for 9 years, how are the families who refused to pay 2.52 million yuan in compensation doing?

The misty planes and inconclusive results made it even more impossible for those obsessed families to let go, so they formed an "alliance" to demand that all the families of the victims not accept compensation, and that they should see the dead or the corpses.

Boon Wan Seng, one of the family members of the Malaysia Airlines crash.

He fainted on the spot when he heard that something had happened to his relatives, if it weren't for his relatives and friends, I'm afraid he would have died with a whimper, and after waking up, he asked for a truth as soon as possible, but, many years have passed, and the truth he wants has never come.

In order to find his loved ones, he changed from an old man who could not play with a smartphone to a "young man" who was proficient in various messages and programs, and he traveled all over the country, contacting those families who were also unwilling to accept compensation, and he tried to uncover the conspiracy with them.

Malaysia Airlines has been missing for 9 years, how are the families who refused to pay 2.52 million yuan in compensation doing?

Wen Wancheng believes that he should not accept the compensation, and accepting it is a blasphemy against his relatives and a betrayal of his relatives, so for many years, he has even stopped his formal work, and he has never given up with his wife to discuss the law everywhere, and if any family member accepts the compensation, he will immediately block the other party - the Tao is not the same.

Malaysia Airlines has been missing for 9 years, how are the families who refused to pay 2.52 million yuan in compensation doing?

3. The families of the passengers only want to "see people in life, and see corpses in death"

Xu Jinhong, the daughter of a family member of Malaysia Airlines.

On the day her mother lost contact, she was still going to work normally. The moment she got the news from the computer, she went from a company executive to a sloppy shrew, and she ran to the airline to shout and go to the relevant department to ask for an explanation. After a period of commotion, no one could give her an answer, and she had no choice but to return home.

Malaysia Airlines has been missing for 9 years, how are the families who refused to pay 2.52 million yuan in compensation doing?

Since then, she has been trapped in remorse every day, relying on a large amount of sleeping pills to fall asleep at night, and during the day, Xu Jinhong has become a poor daughter looking for her mother.

At first, when the airline asked for compensation, Xu Jinhong cried: "50,000 yuan wants to buy a human life? It's impossible! 2 million can't let you buy it! 3 million! 4 million can't do it!"

Scarlet eyes were bloodshot, and in order to live to meet people, Xu Jinhong used the connections he had accumulated over the years to ask them for help. But ten years are coming, the so-called "conspiracy" has not been broken, and her life has long become a mess.

Her husband divorced her because she couldn't live a normal life, and the company closed down due to poor management.

Malaysia Airlines has been missing for 9 years, how are the families who refused to pay 2.52 million yuan in compensation doing?

Xu Jinhong has gone from a resolute female executive to a crazy woman with a dysfunctional life, who used to smoke a few cigarettes when meeting clients, and after her mother's disappearance, she became an addicted smoker.

Thirty-three thousand days was so difficult for Xu Changzhi, he didn't think that his younger brother would not be able to come back.

The younger brother is the manager of a company, and before boarding a Malaysia Airlines flight, the younger brother said the last words to him on his mobile phone. Xu Changzhi replied to his younger brother at the time: "Don't worry, fly slowly, we are all waiting for you at home." ”

He didn't know if his brother had seen this, and these things had become the saddest hurdle in his heart, if his brother saw it, then how desperate he would have been when the plane crashed, and how sorry he should have if his brother didn't see it.

Malaysia Airlines has been missing for 9 years, how are the families who refused to pay 2.52 million yuan in compensation doing?

For many years, he did not dare to live well, and he also thought that he did not deserve to live well, he found many family members who were unwilling to accept compensation, and went to the petition office and the airline with them many times, holding a banner to ask for justice as if no one was around, and insisting on finding out the truth.

He also put forward a bold idea -- could the plane not have happened at all? Is it possible that it has been controlled by interest organizations? Maybe the younger brother is not dead at all, and should still be alive somewhere in the world?

Malaysia Airlines has been missing for 9 years, how are the families who refused to pay 2.52 million yuan in compensation doing?

Hope without hope is the hardest to endure, earthquakes, tsunamis, are also huge disasters, but these disasters will make people immediately know whether their loved ones are dead or alive, but the Malaysia Airlines incident has no warning, no news, and can even be said to have no results, no obvious evidence.

So, all of them are clinging to the last bit of hope and waiting for the slim hope of survival.
