
"Listen to Mom, dry her in March, the bride price will be discounted" "No need to dry, people are married"

author:It's fun to have Fred 5T6G

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"Listen to Mom, dry her in March, the bride price will be discounted" "No need to dry, people are married"

My name is Xiao Ming, I am 25 years old this year, and I am from Jiangnan Province and Province. I met Koharu in high school and have been in love with her ever since. Koharu is very beautiful, with a melon seed face, big eyes, and a sweet smile. In the three years since we were in high school, we have always had a good relationship.

"Koharu, I like you, would you like to be with me?" One day, I finally mustered up the courage to confess to Koharu.

Koharu blushed when she heard this, and lowered her head. After a while, she raised her head, looked at me with a smile and said, "Xiao Ming, I like you too!"

I shook her hand excitedly, and we began a sweet relationship.

"Koharu, I really love you, would you like to marry me?" I got down on one knee and pulled out the ring.

"Listen to Mom, dry her in March, the bride price will be discounted" "No need to dry, people are married"

Xiao Chun covered his mouth in surprise, with tears in his eyes, and said happily: "Xiao Ming, of course I am willing!"

I put a ring on her and we hugged each other. At this moment, I am so happy and satisfied!

That night, I happily told my parents the good news. But their reaction was very surprised and disappointed.

"You're still too young, getting married now will affect the future!" The father was furious.

"Yes, you should work for a few years first, and your career is the priority!" The mother was also against it.

I didn't expect my parents to be so strongly opposed and have a big argument with them. At the end of the quarrel, I decided to run away from home with Koharu and live together!

"Listen to Mom, dry her in March, the bride price will be discounted" "No need to dry, people are married"

Koharu's parents were also very upset with me. After knowing that we had decided to live together, Koharu's mother said something very ugly:

"I lived together before I got married, and I didn't have any interest! I saw your true face, and you are not worthy of being our son-in-law. ”

Koharu and I started living together. At first, we were immersed in love and it felt sweet. Gradually, however, we felt a lot of pressure due to the opposition and criticism of our elders and those around us. We started arguing a lot about small things.

"Don't you have the ability to argue with your parents about us?" Koharu asked me angrily once.

I was anxious and aggrieved. But thinking that I don't have a career and financial foundation at the moment, I feel very unconfident in my heart. Our future will be difficult. I started to have headaches and insomnia, and I wasn't as active and proactive in communicating with Koharu as before.

At this moment, Koharu suddenly said to me one night, "I'm sorry, Xiao Ming, I think we should break up." ”

"Listen to Mom, dry her in March, the bride price will be discounted" "No need to dry, people are married"

I was shocked, "What do you mean? Don't you love me?"

Koharu had red eyes, but said very resolutely: "I know a person who can give me a good life." We don't fit, break up. ”

It turned out that Xiaochun recently met a wealthy handsome man who was 5 years older than her at a class reunion. The man was illustrious, handsome and golden, fell in love with Xiaochun at first sight, and was willing to give five houses and a million dowry. Koharu was carried away by money and vanity and chose to break up with me.

I was in a lot of pain, but there was nothing I could do. Koharu has already made up her mind to break up with me. With full of unwillingness, I got on the bus to the city. A man went far, far away.

At the same time, Koharu is carried away by money and soon gets engaged to the rich second generation. Koharu's father was overjoyed and triumphant in front of relatives and friends:

"Listen to Damn, dry her in March, the bride price will be discounted!

"Listen to Mom, dry her in March, the bride price will be discounted" "No need to dry, people are married"

They lavishly prepared for a lavish engagement ceremony.

Just the day before the engagement, the rich second generation suddenly evaporated from the world, and all contact information was cut off. It turned out that he was a marriage cheater, playing the same tricks in different cities, seducing girls to get engaged to him, and then suddenly disappeared, taking all the gift money, down payment and cash with him.

Xiaochun lost her love this time, was cheated of money again, and regretted it. She cried bitterly all day, and she was so thin that she was only skinny and skinny.

That's when my parents found me out of the blue. They apologized and said that they shouldn't have been so strong in the first place, creating so much pressure on my love life. They said they would give me their full support, as long as I had a good time.

They also told me that Koharu was deceived badly by the bad guys. I was also very distressed when I heard that Koharu had happened. Although she chose to leave me, I heard that she was in pain now and felt pity.

After a few more months, Xiaochun suddenly found me, threw herself in my arms and cried bitterly: "I'm sorry, Xiao Ming! I know it's wrong, I still love you, let's be together!"

"Listen to Mom, dry her in March, the bride price will be discounted" "No need to dry, people are married"

I looked at her emaciated figure, and my heart was spinning. Everything between us came to mind. I know I still love her. But there were so many injuries that I couldn't make an easy decision.

"Koharu, I need time to think about it. I was silent for a long time, and then I said the same thing.

Koharu nodded, wiped away her tears, didn't say anything more, and left silently.

I walked alone along the river, watching the setting sun shine on the calm river. My mind is full of bits and pieces with Koharu.

When we were in high school, we walked hand in hand after school, and her sweet smile was always so bright. At that time, Koharu was so simple and cute.

When we were in college, we were always inseparable, shopping together, walking and chatting on the playground together, and she would lean on my shoulder and worry about failing exams. I will comfort her and encourage her.

"Listen to Mom, dry her in March, the bride price will be discounted" "No need to dry, people are married"

Later, for the sake of love and their parents, the two ran away from home. The sweetness at first was gradually consumed under the pressure of life and the opposition of the elders. Koharu begins to become nagging and emotionally unstable; I myself felt uncertain about the future and could not give her happiness.

Until the day of the breakup, I couldn't find the light in her eyes anymore, and disappointment filled the whole eye. She slapped me hard and drew a line with me. At that moment, my heart was like a knife.

Later, when I heard that she had met a liar, I was already heartbroken by her, but I still felt pity when I heard the news. After all, we had such a deep relationship. I don't want her to get hurt.

Now, she has come to find me to get back together, and I look at her haggard appearance, and my heart is mixed. I still love her, but there is so much pain that I can't take this step easily. I was really conflicted and miserable. Eventually, I asked myself inside and found that I still couldn't trust her and couldn't give her another chance. Too much of the past has come to naught, and the foundation of the relationship is gone. I finally chose to let go.

I politely declined Koharu, but wished her a happy new life. As for myself, after working hard in the city for a few years, I am finally on the right track and my career has improved. I also met another girl, Wanrong, a gentle and virtuous person. We slowly came together, then got married, had children, and lived a simple and happy life.

I occasionally bump into Koharu in my hometown. She married an honest and dutiful person, and her life was very plain. We'll say a few polite words and talk about what's going on. But most of the time, they just nodded and smiled, and there was no intersection again.

"Listen to Mom, dry her in March, the bride price will be discounted" "No need to dry, people are married"

I believe that we have all been through too many ups and downs in our journey of life. Each other may just be a passer-by on each other's journey, a light floating cloud. In the end, they all found their own side of peace. That's good too.

One day, I suddenly received a message from Koharu, saying that she wanted to meet me. I was a little surprised, hesitated, but agreed to meet her.

We made an appointment at the coffee shop we used to go to in high school. I pushed the door open, and the familiar scene reminded me of those green years in high school. Koharu was already sitting inside, with a flower basket beside her.

"You're here!" She stood up, a little excited.

I nodded, sat down and looked at her, her face was a little too heavy to hide the tiredness in her eyes.

"Brought this to you, I wish you happiness. She handed me the basket of flowers, "I heard that you are married and have children, congratulations." ”

"Listen to Mom, dry her in March, the bride price will be discounted" "No need to dry, people are married"

"Thank you. "I was a little surprised.

"I've been reflecting all these years, I'm sorry for you back then, I shouldn't have chosen to leave. Koharu said.

I listened quietly, watching the sadness that flashed in her eyes.

"I'm married to a guy who is a decade older than me, and he's nice to me, but he likes to have a few drinks sometimes. Koharu sighed, "I'm having a very flat life now, and occasionally I think about the bits and pieces we were together, and it was really my happiest time." ”

I looked at her and nodded, "That time does hold a special place in my memory. It's just a fleeting moment, and after all, it's just a past. ”

We were all silent. The sunlight outside the window is just right, and the shadows of the trees are swaying, just like the time when we walked side by side on campus when we were young.

"Listen to Mom, dry her in March, the bride price will be discounted" "No need to dry, people are married"

"I now finally understand my parents' good intentions, and the initial opposition is also to hope that we will be better. "I broke the silence.

Koharu smiled, the slightly dusty face in front of me was so familiar and kind to me, I knew that the boy in my heart would never forget the warmth that this girl brought him.

"Are you happy now?" I looked at her and asked.

She was stunned for a moment, then smiled warmly: "I'm very satisfied now." ”

I smiled heartily for the ease on her face. We've all been confused and stuck, and in the end we've all found our own piece of the world, and that's enough.

We talked a lot and were silent a lot, like two old friends who had been absent for a long time. Before leaving, she suddenly hugged me, quickly let go, said goodbye, and hurried away. I looked at her back as she left, turned to look out the window, and the clouds in the sky were still slow and idle. I know that my heart can finally settle down.

"Listen to Mom, dry her in March, the bride price will be discounted" "No need to dry, people are married"

It's been a few months since I met Koharu. After that day, I often think about how we met and parted.

The simple happiness of youth, the crazy romance of youth, are so unforgettable. We used to talk about everything, and we were inseparable. Xiaochun's eyebrows dancing and cheerful laughter are the most beautiful pictures in my memory.

The pain and heartbreak of the breakup later, and the years of wandering alone outside the country are also unforgettable. I have defined myself, regret and blame myself. If I had been more courageous in the face of my parents, would our lives have been very different? These assumptions sustained me through the most difficult days.

Later, I slowly settled down in this strange city, my career improved, and I also met my girlfriend Wanrong. I felt the warmth I had not felt for a long time with her, I truly loved her, and I was grateful to her for resolving many knots in my heart with gentleness.

Nowadays, life is slowly getting back on track. Although I am not wealthy, a warm little family and a harmonious family are enough to make me feel happy and satisfied. It's just that occasionally when I'm alone and quiet, I still suddenly think of Koharu and the good times we once had.

A few days ago, I suddenly received an invitation from my old classmates, saying that the high school class meeting was about to be held, and I wanted to get together with my former classmates. I gladly went, meeting up with old friends after a long absence, and everyone talked about the past. When it comes to Koharu, the classmates are all sighing. Everyone said that the two of us were really a couple in the class back then.

"Listen to Mom, dry her in March, the bride price will be discounted" "No need to dry, people are married"

"I heard that Koharu has not been in good health recently, and she has had a hard time in the past few years. Classmate Xiao Wang said.

My heart sank suddenly. For so many years, I had been vaguely worried about her living situation. When I heard the news today, I couldn't help but feel worried.

"Are you alright? I heard that you weren't well, so I came to see you. I looked at her a little nervously.

She smiled, and there was a faint emotion in her eyes: "You are always like this, and you will show up when I need it most." ”

I pulled her over and sat down on the swing in the yard, looked at her slightly trembling body, and asked her softly what was going on.

She kept her head down and whispered to me about the domestic violence she had endured all these years, and that the injuries on her body were caused by her husband beating her while drunk. As I listened, my heart was wrenched and I didn't know what to do. She was living in dire straits, and I didn't know about it.

"Listen to Mom, dry her in March, the bride price will be discounted" "No need to dry, people are married"

"Get a divorce, I'll help you. I squeezed her cold hand. "It's okay, I don't regret it. She shook her head and smiled reluctantly, "I deserve it." I owe you a debt of responsibility. ”

I looked at her emaciated figure and my heart ached. This girl in front of me, I love her so much, I love her so much, but I can't protect her when she needs me the most.

I couldn't stop crying and took her into my arms. Ten years ago we loved each other so much, and now we meet again in the wind and frost of the years, and I know that I will never love a girl like her again in my life.

"Stay with me. I said to her in a trembling voice.

She hugged me tightly, tears streaming down my shoulders.

"Listen to Mom, dry her in March, the bride price will be discounted" "No need to dry, people are married"

At this moment, I suddenly felt that God had given us a chance to reunite after a lot of hardships to give our lives a chance to start over.

I will use all the warmth I have for the rest of my life to protect her, compensate her, and never let her suffer the slightest harm.

After reconciling with Koharu, I immediately proceeded with her divorce procedures to get rid of her violent ex-husband. After that, I took her to the city where I lived and started living together.

Koharu gradually regained some strength and spirit, and we would go out for a walk and chat, reliving the sweet times of the past. Every time I see the smile and happiness on her face that I haven't seen in a long time, I feel sincerely relieved and satisfied.

My lover Wanrong was obviously a little hurt when she learned that I was back together with Koharu, but she didn't say anything in the end, just blessed us. I am grateful for the understanding and warmth she has given me over the years.

In addition to accompanying Koharu, I also take time to go back to my hometown to visit my parents. I ran away from home many years ago, and I was saddened by their opposition at the time. Now I gradually understand the painstaking work of an elder, but the way is wrong. We slowly repaired the relationship. My parents were also very happy that I was happy again.

"Listen to Mom, dry her in March, the bride price will be discounted" "No need to dry, people are married"

Koharu's body is recovering well. One day when I was about to take her to the hospital for a check-up, she suddenly looked at me with a smile in her eyes, her eyes full of happy tears: "Xiao Ming, I'm pregnant!"

I excitedly picked her up and spun around and we both cried. This is our great joy!

In the days that followed, we began to prepare for the arrival of a new life. I sold a house, used my savings to buy a bigger house, and paid off all my mortgage early. Koharu learned Xi the knowledge of baby care and clumsily prepared baby products.

Nine months later, our son was born. The name Mingbao means that we regain happiness and live a clear meaning.

Today, Koharu and I are middle-aged. Treasure our wedding photos and travel photos, as well as Mingbao's innocent smiling face. Every day when I come home from work, I am greeted by their bright smiles and warm dinner. I feel extremely happy and satisfied.

Life is like a practice, we have all been confused and displaced, and we have experienced the pain of parting. But I believe that as long as our hearts are broad and bright enough, one day, we will meet the person who is destined for us again.

"Listen to Mom, dry her in March, the bride price will be discounted" "No need to dry, people are married"

Koharu and I are destined to be each other, and we will never leave each other in this life.

"Listen to Mom, dry her in March, the bride price will be discounted" "No need to dry, people are married"