
Spleen deficiency tooth mark tongue, yang deficiency tooth mark tongue, liver depression also tooth mark tongue, teach you a trick to drive away tooth mark tongue

author:Chinese Medicine Shen Hong

Many people find that they have tooth marks on the tongue, and if they want to recuperate, they will use some Chinese patent medicines to strengthen the spleen and dispel dampness, but some people will find that the tooth marks have not changed after using them for a long time, what is the reason for this? Why does others use it, but you can't use it? This may be due to your tooth marks tongue, not caused by spleen deficiency!

Because spleen deficiency will have tooth marks tongue, yang deficiency will have tooth marks tongue, and people with liver depression will also have tooth marks tongue, if you don't believe it, you can take a look at the tongue images of the following three patients.

The first one, there are tooth marks on both sides of the tongue, but the overall tongue is light, thin and slippery, and then there is a slight depression in the tongue, which mostly belongs to the tooth marks caused by spleen deficiency, because the tongue belongs to the spleen and stomach, and the depression represents deficiency, combined with his usual prone to abdominal distension and abdominal pain, less eating, indigestion, as well as some symptoms of spleen deficiency such as heavy head and body, loose stools, etc., we can judge that he belongs to spleen deficiency and dampness; , with dampness, the prescription is based on Shenling Baizhu powder, and then add some traditional Chinese medicine to nourish the lungs and invigorate qi, and after a few courses of treatment, you can clearly see the changes on his tongue.

Spleen deficiency tooth mark tongue, yang deficiency tooth mark tongue, liver depression also tooth mark tongue, teach you a trick to drive away tooth mark tongue

Second, although there are tooth marks on both sides of the tongue, the overall tongue is fat, the tongue is sunken, the base of the tongue is sunken and cracked, the tongue coating is white and slippery, combined with his symptoms, the face is relatively white, usually afraid of cold, cold hands and feet, and prone to backache and cold pain, as well as cold pain in the lower abdomen, and then loose stool from time to time, and easy to diarrhea, this is considered to be the tooth mark tongue caused by yang deficiency, and because of the spleen and stomach area at the root of his tongue, and the depression in the kidney area at the root of the tongue, it is mostly caused by spleen and kidney deficiency。

Spleen deficiency tooth mark tongue, yang deficiency tooth mark tongue, liver depression also tooth mark tongue, teach you a trick to drive away tooth mark tongue

Third, although the moss is slippery and wet, there are tooth marks on both sides, but he obviously has high convex and bulging tongue on both sides of the tongue, and there is also faint redness, which we consider to be a tooth mark tongue caused by liver depression, because both sides of the tongue belong to the liver, which combines his symptoms, usually his temper is more irritable and irritable, likes to sigh, is prone to chest tightness, chest and flank swelling, Channeling pain, as well as abdominal distention, indigestion, loose stools and other symptoms, indicating that he is indeed affected by liver depression affecting the spleen and stomach, resulting in liver and spleen imbalance, after the body is damp, only the tooth marks and tongue appear, this kind of conditioning is naturally based on sparse liver, supplemented by strengthening the spleen and dispelling dampness, so the prescription of Bupleurum sparse liver powder is based on adding some traditional Chinese medicine to strengthen the spleen and dispel dampness.

Spleen deficiency tooth mark tongue, yang deficiency tooth mark tongue, liver depression also tooth mark tongue, teach you a trick to drive away tooth mark tongue

In short, not all tooth marks and tongues have to strengthen the spleen, we still have to prescribe the right medicine according to our own situation, so if you don't know your own situation, it is recommended to go to a nearby professional medical institution for treatment, and we will see you next time!