
Alzheimer's disease is saved! Sea squirts can reverse the signs of aging

author:Newsletter dissemination

Globally, one person with Alzheimer's disease (Alzheimer's disease) is born every three seconds. In 2018, around 50 million people worldwide were affected by Alzheimer's disease, and by 2050 that number will more than triple to 152 million. This means that these families will face a double whammy of reality and heart. What's even more frightening is that there is no way to reverse or cure Alzheimer's disease.

But you know what? It turns out that the substances that can improve Alzheimer's are in our own bodies.

Plasmalogen helps to regenerate brain cells and is essential for maintaining memory, concentration and cognitive function. In general, people with Alzheimer's disease have about 20% lower levels of plasmalogen in their brains and more than 50% lower levels in their blood than healthy people.

Alzheimer's disease is saved! Sea squirts can reverse the signs of aging
Alzheimer's disease is saved! Sea squirts can reverse the signs of aging

Recently, researchers from Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University, Stanford University, Shanghai Jiao Tong University and the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences published a study in Front Mol Biosci and found that adding marine life Ascidiacea (also known as sea squirts) to the diet can reverse some of the main symptoms of ageing in animal models. Sea squirts contain a substance called plasmalogen, which occurs naturally throughout our body, but decreases as we age. This loss is also characteristic of several neurodegenerative diseases.

The plasmalogen extracted from the sea squirt is rich in "ethanolamine-type plasmalogen". It helps maintain memory function and protects nerve cells from damage caused by cerebral infarction. The plasmalogen extracted from sea squirt has two major characteristics, one is "high content" and the other is "DHA· EPA has a high percentage."

Studies have shown that plasmalogen not only stops cognitive decline, but also reverses cognitive impairment in the aging brain. Taking plasmalogen supplements has a higher quantity and quality of synapses (connections between neurons) while showing greater potential to Xi learn new skills and create new neural networks. The study found that plasmalogen significantly increased the number of molecules that contribute to the growth and development of neurons and synapses in the brain. This suggests that plasmalogen can promote nerve regeneration.

Alzheimer's disease is saved! Sea squirts can reverse the signs of aging

Professor Lei Fu, corresponding author of the study, said: "Our study shows that plasmalogen can not only stop cognitive decline, but also reverse cognitive impairment in the aging brain.

The researchers took a closer look at the changes that occur within the brain. They found that taking plasmalogen supplements had a higher quantity and quality of synapses (connections between neurons) compared to not taking plasmalogen supplements.

Synapses are a fundamental part of our neural networks and are therefore essential for learning Xi and memory. Our synapses tend to be highly malleable in childhood, but as we age and neurodegenerative diseases, their number decreases and worsens, leading to cognitive impairment.

Therefore, in this study, plasmalogen supplementation showed greater potential for learning new skills and creating new neural networks Xi This suggests that dietary plasmalogen can stop age-related synaptic degeneration.

Alzheimer's disease is saved! Sea squirts can reverse the signs of aging

Another characteristic of aging, which is thought to be an important factor in neurodegeneration, is inflammation in the brain. Too much inflammation can negatively affect cognitive performance as the brain's immune system becomes overactive and kicks itself in, attacking neurons and preventing synapses from functioning properly.

Although it is unclear how dietary plasmalogen supplementation causes such significant changes in learning Xi and memory, Professor Fu speculated about the possible pathways of action.

"We found that plasmalogen significantly increased the number of molecules that contribute to the growth and development of neurons and synapses in the brain. This suggests that plasmalogen can promote nerve regeneration.

There is also growing evidence that plasmalogen directly affects the structural properties of synapses. Plasmalogen may increase the fluidity and flexibility of the synaptic membrane, which affects impulse transmission between neurons. ”

In addition, Prof. Fu explained that plasmalogen may also have indirect effects on our brains.

"Some studies have shown that dietary plasmalogen affects microbes in the gut. It has been widely reported that the connection between the organism in our gut and our brain can affect neurodegeneration. It may be that the effect of plasmalogen on this link led to improvements in learning Xi and memory in this study. ”

Professor Fu was so convinced of the results of this study that he took plasmalogen supplements daily. "We show for the first time that plasmalogen supplementation may be a potential intervention strategy to stop neurodegeneration and promote nerve regeneration.

It is very important to choose health products that contain plasmalogens, and there are many products on the market that contain plasmalogens. For example, NutFluc, a best-selling brand in Japan, is popular in the market and is taken by many elderly people.

Dongkang NutFluc dedication to natural, balanced, complete health products, set hundreds of expert team to improve the health of the elderly for more than ten years, and finally through continuous experiments and improvements, launched NutFluc plasmalogen, has been highly recognized by all sectors of society, this product through the patented high-purity extraction technology, plasmalogen gold ratio so that high-purity sea squirt plasmalogen can be effectively absorbed and delivered to the brain to assist brain health.

Alzheimer's disease is saved! Sea squirts can reverse the signs of aging

NutFluc plasmalogen also contains EPA, DHA, arachicotic acid, oleic acid and other beneficial elements, which help to enhance memory, reduce cholesterol, antioxidant, promote cardiovascular health, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, inhibit tumor growth, lower blood lipids and other multiple effects, and comprehensively escort the health of the elderly.

Alzheimer's disease is saved! Sea squirts can reverse the signs of aging

In the past, many Chinese people who traveled abroad would bring a few boxes to relatives and friends who were in need in China, but now that the e-commerce trade is developed, NutFluc can be purchased directly on the e-commerce platform in China, which has brought great blessings to Alzheimer's patients in China.