
Put the sweet potatoes in the pot and boil, it is more nourishing than Ejiao, nourishing the lungs and strengthening the spleen and stomach, and the complexion is getting better and better

author:Longnan Cheng County released

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In the vast food universe, there are always a few delicacies, as bright as the stars, shining with the double light of health and beauty. Among them, an ordinary but extraordinary soup has quietly become popular, which has conquered many people who pursue health and beauty with its unique nutritional value and sweet taste - this is sweet potato and yam soup.

Put the sweet potatoes in the pot and boil, it is more nourishing than Ejiao, nourishing the lungs and strengthening the spleen and stomach, and the complexion is getting better and better

Sweet potato and yam soup may sound so ordinary at first glance, but when you learn about the beauty benefits behind it, you will definitely pay homage to this seemingly simple bowl of soup. The soup is made from yam, sweet potato, jujube and brown sugar. Each ingredient is a natural nourishment, and they come together to quietly release endless energy in the warm heat.

Put the sweet potatoes in the pot and boil, it is more nourishing than Ejiao, nourishing the lungs and strengthening the spleen and stomach, and the complexion is getting better and better

Yams, as a traditional nourishment, play a vital role in this bowl of soup. It is rich in mucus proteins and a variety of trace elements, which not only moisturize the skin, but also promote intestinal health. It is often said that "there are thousands of spacious buildings in Ande", and a healthy body is a solid mansion where our souls live. Nourishment begins with the yam from the inside out, just as a drizzle nourishes all things, making the human body light and refreshed.

Put the sweet potatoes in the pot and boil, it is more nourishing than Ejiao, nourishing the lungs and strengthening the spleen and stomach, and the complexion is getting better and better

Sweet potatoes are an indispensable highlight of this soup. As a highly nutritious ingredient, sweet potatoes are rich in antioxidants such as vitamins A and C and essential minerals. These ingredients are as precious as nectar to skin cells – they fight free radical damage and help maintain skin elasticity and hydration.

Put the sweet potatoes in the pot and boil, it is more nourishing than Ejiao, nourishing the lungs and strengthening the spleen and stomach, and the complexion is getting better and better

Talking about jujube, it has been known as a "natural vitamin pill" for many years. Jujube is rich in iron and micronutrients, which is the best blood supplement. Long-term consumption can help improve complexion and alleviate symptoms of anemia. In this bowl of soup, it provides both a sweet taste and a deep, nutritious undertone.

Put the sweet potatoes in the pot and boil, it is more nourishing than Ejiao, nourishing the lungs and strengthening the spleen and stomach, and the complexion is getting better and better

The spoonful of brown sugar is the finishing touch, retaining more nutrients lost in the unrefined process, giving the soup a richer, sweeter taste. Minerals such as iron and zinc bathe every cell in a warm and sweet envelope, delivering the elements the body needs one by one.

Put the sweet potatoes in the pot and boil, it is more nourishing than Ejiao, nourishing the lungs and strengthening the spleen and stomach, and the complexion is getting better and better

It doesn't have to be complicated to make this precious and ordinary bowl of soup. Simply add carefully selected fresh and natural ingredients to the pan and simmer until the ingredients are soft and cooked. The taste brewed between the pots and pans of the family is hidden in the light fragrance and deep affection.

Put the sweet potatoes in the pot and boil, it is more nourishing than Ejiao, nourishing the lungs and strengthening the spleen and stomach, and the complexion is getting better and better

Sweet potato and yam soup is not only a simple reminder of the tip of the tongue and a warm breeze across the heart, but more importantly, it provides a source of conditioning the body and mind, moistening the lungs and strengthening the spleen and stomach, and improving the complexion and vitality in our hurried days. Every bite of the soup makes you feel like you are naturally healthy and energized from the inside out.

Just as spring flowers need sunshine and rain to bloom, beauty and health also need our careful care and cultivation. Sweet potato and yam soup is the timely rain that spreads nutrients and energy into our bodies that may lose their balance and vitality under the influence of various factors, and finally blossoms and bears fruit - making the complexion more brilliant.

In conclusion, food is more than just filling your stomach, choosing and enjoying it correctly can give us more surprises than we expect – whether it's improving physical performance or increasing aesthetic and visual enjoyment. Under the pressure of the fast-paced life of modern society, such a convenient and healthy, delicious and nourishing recipe like sweet potato and yam soup has undoubtedly become a part of our daily life that cannot be ignored, it symbolizes the pursuit of quality of life and health care, and perfectly combines the art and science of "eating" in its unique way. No matter when and where, at home or traveling elsewhere, remember to give yourself a warm and nourishing body, mind and soul!

Source: Magic Starry Sky 8Dx

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