
Liqueur has become the third largest liquor in China, with a scale of 200 billion in the next few years

author:Cover News

"In 2022, the liqueur industry will achieve sales revenue of 26.2 billion yuan, and the year-on-year growth in revenue and profit has surpassed that of rice wine and wine, becoming the third largest liquor after liquor and beer. ”

On December 15, the China Liquor Industry Development Conference and Liquor Value Forum was held in Yibin, the "Chinese Liquor Capital", and Song Shuyu, chairman of the China Liquor Industry Association, said at the forum that under the condition that the overall growth rate of the liquor industry is only 5%, the liquor maintains an average annual growth rate of 30%, and the development space is huge, and it is expected that by 2030, its market size will reach 200 billion yuan.

Liqueur has become the third largest liquor in China, with a scale of 200 billion in the next few years

Song Shuyu introduced that dew wine is one of the oldest liquor species in China, and the well-known pepper wine, Bai wine, chrysanthemum wine, calamus wine, lamb wine, tulip wine, etc., are all dew wines. Liqueur began in the Shang and Zhou dynasties, expanded to the Chu and Han dynasties, flourished in the Tang and Yuan dynasties, and was abundant in the Ming and Qing dynasties.

In recent years, with the release and implementation of the new national standard "GB/T 17204-2021 Terminology and Classification of Beverage Wine", T/CBJ9101 "Liqueur", T/CBJ9102 "Liqueur Vintage Liquor (Baijiu Liquor Base)", the convening of the Liqueur T5 series of summits, industry forums and development conferences, as well as the selection competition of the "National Liqueur Evaluation Committee", and the selection of the Liqueur Green Wine Award products, the liqueur has received extensive attention from inside and outside the industry. The value of the liqueur category is becoming increasingly prominent, and it can be said that the development of liqueur has ushered in spring.

Liqueur has become the third largest liquor in China, with a scale of 200 billion in the next few years

Song Shuyu also said that it has not been very clear for a long time what kind of wine is dew wine. Actually, medicinal wine does not belong to the category of dew wine, but health wine belongs to dew wine.

The raw materials of liqueur are more extensive, such as Yibin's Zhusun, Nanjiang honeysuckle, Kushui's rose, Zuoyun tartary buckwheat, Changbai Mountain ginseng, Bozhou's chrysanthemum, Luzhou's lychee, Fuding white tea, etc., which can better meet the drinking needs of different groups of people. This makes liqueurs have a natural advantage in meeting personalized and diversified needs in the future.

There are four key points to how to brew liqueur; first, the base liquor is white wine and rice wine, and other liquors cannot be used as the base liquor of dew liquor; second, the food raw materials are the same source as medicine and food, and the new food resources (more extensively) herbs are the raw materials, animals are the raw materials, and the newly discovered animal and plant resources are the raw materials; the third is through extraction, soaking, re-distillation, or direct addition of extracts; fourth, in the flavor characteristics, the color and flavor of the base liquor can be changed, or they may not be changed, and it has the quality of "good drinking, no head, no dry mouth, and no headache".

Liqueur has become the third largest liquor in China, with a scale of 200 billion in the next few years

In addition, the new standard stipulates that the alcohol content of liqueurs can range from 3% to 68%.

Sun Baoguo, academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering and former president of Beijing Technology and Business University, also said that dew wine is not medicine, but "curing diseases" is the fundamental principle of dew wine.

He also put forward the "three points" for healthy drinking "liqueur": one is to drink in moderation, the second is to drink it often, and the third is to drink it at night.

According to Tuo Xianguo, president of Sichuan University of Light Chemical Technology, Sichuan University of Light Chemical Technology has opened majors such as "Liqueur Technology" and "Liquor Preparation Technology", which can integrate production and academia and provide talent support for the development of liqueur.

At the forum, Lu Fuping, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and President of Tianjin University of Science and Technology, Han Beizhong, Professor of China Agricultural University, Mao Jian, Professor of Jiangnan University, Guo Xinguang, Deputy Secretary-General of the National Liquor Standardization Technical Committee and Vice President of China Food and Fermentation Industry Research Institute, and other industry experts and scholars also shared their academic views on the development of liqueur.

Song Shuyu, Chairman of China Liquor Industry Association, and Jiang Wenge, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee, Vice Chairman and General Manager of Wuliangye Co., Ltd., jointly unveiled the "China Liquor Industry Cultural and Technological Innovation Center", and issued letters of appointment to 3 strategic experts and 8 first batch experts.

Liqueur has become the third largest liquor in China, with a scale of 200 billion in the next few years

Based on the development of the liqueur industry, the center will focus on technical research, quality improvement, brand creation and talent training of liqueur categories, and build an innovation platform for technological innovation and cooperation with enterprises as the main body, market-oriented, and industry-university-research associations, so as to promote the transformation and application of industry innovation achievements, promote industrial upgrading, enhance market competitiveness, and cultivate innovation culture.

Liqueur has become the third largest liquor in China, with a scale of 200 billion in the next few years

Jiang Wenge introduced that in recent years, Wuliangye liquor sector has also been well developed, its Xianlin Ecological Liquor Co., Ltd. has been committed to the research and development of liquor products and brand building, and participated in the formulation of industry standards, has become one of the three major sectors of Wuliangye liquor, has developed and obtained more than 30 unique formulas of liquor body with standard qualifications, and successfully launched "Wuliang Herbal Liquor", "Dragon Tiger Tianma Liquor" and other high-end products. In the future, Wuliangye will continue to make further efforts from three aspects: "improving quality, expanding production capacity, and building a brand".

Cover news reporter Yu Qishu

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