
The middle finger prick is a trick to cure insomnia

author:Healthy Road Plus

Insomnia patients are often encountered in clinical practice. Is insomnia curable?

In the past, one of the diseases I was most reluctant to take over in clinical practice was insomnia. Why? The treatment of this disease is unstable, repeatedly, there is no breakthrough in acupuncture, and the patient has been treated for a long time, and if the effect is not satisfactory, there will be complaints, which will affect the mood.

Some people who have just entered the apricot forest may think that the curative effect of traditional Chinese medicine is good, and eating some sour jujube kernels and the like will be good immediately, and I also thought the same way when I first worked, it was all no clinical paper talk, subjective speculation, in fact, there are many people who can't sleep well even after taking Valium tablets.

There is an insomnia specialist in our hospital, and there is a well-known TCM internal medicine expert sitting in the hall, it should be said that it is the largest expert in the local area, there are about seventy or eighty insomnia patients every day, and it is necessary to make an appointment at least one month in advance, which should be quite experienced, but there are many patients who have taken Chinese medicine for a few months and are not good. There are also patients who have improved after taking Chinese medicine for a few months said that after taking Chinese medicine in other hospitals for more than half a year or even several years, it is almost ineffective, and they are grateful to this expert for his excellent medical skills. We can't say how dialectical treatment is, but it's certain that insomnia is not so easy to solve. In particular, after seeing more and more insomnia patients, I found that insomnia is a big problem.

Conventional dialectical acupoints such as Shenmen, as well as eight vein intersection points such as Zhaohai and Shenmai, special effect acupoints such as insomnia acupoints and sleeping acupoints, as well as experience acupoints such as the secret Shenting Tho Baihui, have all been used, and the timeliness is ineffective, and the curative effect is repeated, and the satisfactory curative effect is always obtained. Later, I used more Wuxin acupoints combined with dialectical acupoints to treat insomnia, the treatment effect is of course much better than the general acupuncture, and the treatment is quite effective several times, and the number of insomnia patients is gradually increasing, and there are many patients who come to treat insomnia every day, but at least it takes some time to solve it well, of course, there are many who are not ideal in how to treat.

How can we improve the efficacy of acupuncture in the treatment of insomnia? How can we break this bottleneck? In addition to the traditional syndrome differentiation and acupoint extraction, will there be other paths?

In the end, I still thought of Mr. Zuo's middle finger pricking therapy!

At the same time, drawing on the experience of Li Ye and Fu Guangcheng, the middle finger pricking therapy for insomnia was formulated, which has achieved satisfactory results and has become one of my clinical tricks.

The treatment of insomnia has always been effective, and the short-term and long-term effects are far more than other treatments, most of them are effective after the first treatment, and they can sleep peacefully that night, and after several treatments, they can get insomnia with good Xi sleep habits and regularity.

Of course, there are also people who are cured at one time, and even I can't believe it, this middle finger stab is so powerful?

There was a patient who hadn't slept for a week, and the day he was pricked was completely cured, and he spread the word that I was good at treating insomnia.

With the significant improvement of the efficacy and the drastic shortening of the course of treatment, all the insomnia patients I had accumulated were cured and ran away.

Of course, later these patients thought that my acupuncture was very good and referred their family and friends to other diseases. This method of treating insomnia is too simple in operation, and one needle can end the fight.

She also confirmed and fully affirmed this method, and used her brilliant wisdom to evolve a plan that should be like a lancet for the treatment of other diseases, and received good results.

Here's how:

Choose the middle finger of the left hand of the man and the right hand of the woman, and carefully observe that there will be about 1-2 white areas the size of rice grains in the abdomen of the distal fingers, mostly oval, mostly on the side, which is the ischemic area, select the center of this area, and prick it with a No. 7 syringe needle (or lancet needle) after disinfection, and squeeze out about 10-20 drops of blood.

Simple enough, right?

This is mainly based on the teacher's middle finger pricking theory, combined with the teacher's response theory, so I will connect the two and say that "the middle finger should be like blood pricking".

The middle finger pricking blood is the teacher's favorite, and many diseases are pricked after the needle to remove the disease, the effect is like a drum, like the wind blowing clouds, and it is clear if you see the sky!

The more precise the point selection, the better the effect.

If the point is offset or incorrect, the effect will be discounted.

This is the difference between the efficacy of the puncture point in the traditional puncture.

Of course, masters who do not understand or understand the teacher's response theory can do it according to their own ideas, and do not easily deny the diagnosis and treatment ideas that are different from their own views. Traditional Chinese medicine is the crystallization of ancient civilizations, and it is the use of knowledge from various disciplines that the classics of traditional Chinese medicine have been made.

I've had many cases of insomnia since the teacher found out this trick and told me the trick last time, and I've never missed it in your way.

There are long, origin, elliptical, flaky and clustered white spots. After taking the image from the middle finger, I selected the needle site based on the patient's condition.

In my clinical observations, the white spot area should be the reflection of the ischemic foci in the patient's middle finger. And my application experience: all the stasis should be shallow, and the white spots should be observed according to the location of the patient's head, and the color and blood vessel morphology of the part of the patient's head should be observed.

Then, according to the place where the needle is to be placed, consider which artery has the greatest problem with ischemia and how deep the blood vessel is, and then decide the needle placement and needle insertion depth.

Anyone who considers the needle after this kind of injection, the amount of bleeding is extremely large, and most of them are like a spring of blood. Some can squirt half a meter or even more than a meter away, and many can bleed to 100 milliliters or even nearly 200 milliliters.

It is worth studying that the needles under these ischemic foci are also black blood, mostly viscous, and a lot of blood stasis is sprayed after squeezing out some viscous blood, and in severe cases, multiple blood stasis columns can be sprayed. Like a water gun. After bleeding here, the patient can immediately feel clear-headed, bright-eyed and relaxed neck.

By the way, it is very useful, if there are large white spots on the side and are linear, I will consider the head problem caused by the displacement of the C1~3 vertebral body of the neck and compression of the nerve, so I should ask these patients if they have cervical spine symptoms before stabbing. I first tell the patient's symptoms (because I feel more confident after reading them), then prick the blood, and then ask about the improvement of the symptoms, and then call the next day to ask about the sleep.

P.S. Another acupuncture trick - insomnia

The middle finger prick is a trick to cure insomnia

1, Houxi (Kun) The tip of the needle is fast-fed to the Lao Palace, with a 1.5-inch needle, and the tonic method is used.

2, Daling (Kan) The tip of the needle is fast-advanced to the Lao Palace, with a 1.5-inch needle, using the laxative method.

3. (shock) a little on the fish, the tip of the needle slowly advances the needle to the Lao Gong with a 1-inch needle.

4. (Off) a little under the palm of the middle finger into the needle. Insert the needle with a 1-inch needle toward the tip of the finger.

Prick the palms of both hands, leave the needles on for 1 hour, or longer, and it will be effective in 1 time.

(Please refer to the method under the guidance of a doctor and pay attention to disinfection and hygiene)