
How do you pronounce the word "厍"? What does it mean? Does it have anything to do with the library?

author:Forget about your hometown

At first glance, this word may be pronounced as a library, because between it and the library is a point of the head from the difference, it is easy to make a mistake if you don't distinguish carefully, so is there a relationship between them?

Speaking of this word, the first acquaintance is still in the "Tomb Robbery Notes" mentioned in the country of Wei, in the scene of "Qinling Altar", there is a sacred tree in the country of Wei, also called the tree of wishes, watered with blood, and then make a wish to realize your wishes, so later to check this word, let's learn and Xi Xi together~~~

How do you pronounce the word "厍"? What does it mean? Does it have anything to do with the library?

Pronunciation and meaning

How do you pronounce the word "厍"? What does it mean? Does it have anything to do with the library?

厍, pronunciation: she, the fourth tone, homophone she, has two meanings: one is the village Xiaodang, and the other is used as a surname;

厍: It means village and by extension, it means a small lake

This word is generally used in the dialect as the meaning of the village, but this word to the Jiangsu and Zhejiang areas, the meaning has been slightly changed, such as: Beiwei, Weigang, etc., especially in the Wuzhong area, where there are more large and small lakes, the larger ones we call lakes, such as Taihu Lake, but the smaller ones with a lot of reeds are called dang, such as: Sanbaidang, Yuandang, etc., and then the smaller ones are called Wei or Gang.

How do you pronounce the word "厍"? What does it mean? Does it have anything to do with the library?

Wujiang Shengjiawei historical materials

Later, these villages gradually disappeared, but the villages around them preserved the original villages, which are now more used village meanings, such as Shengjiawei, Zhangjiawei, Lijiawei and so on.

厍: The origin of the surname

As a surname, it is rumored that there are mainly the following:

1. The source of his official position

How do you pronounce the word "厍"? What does it mean? Does it have anything to do with the library?

During the period from the Zhou Dynasty to the Han Dynasty, there was an official position, called Shouku Dafu, which was specially designed to guard the warehouse, so these people were called Kushi, and in ancient times, Wei and Ku were fake words, so they were also called: Wei Shi, and later passed down from generation to generation.

2. Originated from the sinicization policy of the Northern Wei Dynasty

How do you pronounce the word "厍"? What does it mean? Does it have anything to do with the library?

During the period of the Northern and Southern Dynasties, the Xianbei tribe had the Ku Weiguan tribe, and later Tuoba Hong carried out the Sinicization reform, and after moving the capital to Luoyang, he changed his tribe to a single-character surname: 厍氏, which has been passed down from generation to generation.

3. The Legend of the Kingdom of Wei

How do you pronounce the word "厍"? What does it mean? Does it have anything to do with the library?

According to the "Classic of Mountains and Seas", it is mentioned that the country of Wei is the country outside Sichuan in ancient times, and it has the same sound as the snake, so it is also called "snake country" This place is located between Shaanxi and Hubei, it is said that the people of this place believe in the gods of the human face and snake body, that is, the incarnation of Fuxi and Nuwa, some historians believe that the Wei country is the remnant of the ancient country of Huaxu, but now there is no major cultural relics to prove the existence of the ancient country of Huaxu, so the country of Wei is even more gone, and the current surname of the country is the descendants of the country of Wei, this statement has not been demonstrated by historical data, just listen to it.

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Editor: Xiaobai