
In winter, it must be wind and cold, and in summer, it must be wind and heat? Listen to what Chinese medicine has to say!

author:Yuan Fangfang, a famous Chinese medicine artist

I don't know if you have such an idea, I think that the weather is cold in winter, and if you have a cold, it is also a wind chill cold, and in summer, if it is hot, it is a wind heat cold. Not really!

In winter, it must be wind and cold, and in summer, it must be wind and heat? Listen to what Chinese medicine has to say!

If that's the case, then it's too simple, in summer, we use wind and heat medicine, and in winter, we use wind and cold medicine, and it's over, so there will be so many colds repeatedly?

In fact, to put it simply, illness means that there is a problem with the function of the body, and conditioning is the process of recovering the function!

In winter, it must be wind and cold, and in summer, it must be wind and heat? Listen to what Chinese medicine has to say!

Although many times the cold is affected by the evil qi of the outside world, but the righteousness of oneself is more important, and it is said that the iron must be hard by oneself!

In winter, it must be wind and cold, and in summer, it must be wind and heat? Listen to what Chinese medicine has to say!

The same is the wind, if it is a person with yang deficiency, it is easy to condense cold in the body, at this time it is the wind cold cold, the body is sore, runny nose, fear of cold is serious, and it is easy to have panic and chest tightness, so refer to Guizhi soup to diffuse wind and cold, warm yang and dissolve qi.

In winter, it must be wind and cold, and in summer, it must be wind and heat? Listen to what Chinese medicine has to say!

But if it is sore, dizzy and obvious, and the back of the neck is sore and stiff, then this situation can be added or subtracted by referring to the kudzu root soup, which can evacuate the wind and cold while also raising the sun and relaxing the muscles.

In winter, it must be wind and cold, and in summer, it must be wind and heat? Listen to what Chinese medicine has to say!

At this time, there is a wisp of evil qi invading, it is easy to aggravate the situation of internal heat, this is the wind-heat cold, sore throat, sweating, obvious fever, dizziness. For example, refer to the addition and subtraction of Ma Xing Shi Gantang.

In winter, it must be wind and cold, and in summer, it must be wind and heat? Listen to what Chinese medicine has to say!

But in the final analysis, the best way to deal with colds is to improve one's own righteousness, righteousness is stored in the body, and the evil qi cannot be shaken at all!

In winter, it must be wind and cold, and in summer, it must be wind and heat? Listen to what Chinese medicine has to say!

Well, the above is the content shared today, for reference only, if you feel unwell, please seek medical attention in time. See you next time!