
A woman knelt down on one knee in a shopping mall to propose to her boyfriend, but her boyfriend refused: I should not be a son-in-law

author:Gourmand Cola 7H9b

In this world, love always confuses people, doesn't it? Contradictions and conflicts are embedded in every corner of love, like the story you are going to hear now. This is a complex entanglement of love, tradition and reality. She, the only daughter in the family, lives under the meticulous care of her parents. Since she was a child, she has known that carrying the hopes of her family cannot easily stay away from her parents. Therefore, her road to love inevitably involves a traditional and ancient word - door-to-door son-in-law. However, love comes both unexpectedly and beautifully. At a friend's party, she met him. His humor and witty, helpful personality made her fall in love with him at first sight. Subsequently, she did not hesitate to start her pursuit, and this pursuit eventually came to fruition, and the two confirmed their relationship. But the road to love is never easy. He, as the only child in the family, also shoulders the responsibilities and expectations of his parents. When the option of a son-in-law is placed in front of them, conflict ensues. She knew that the topic would be a stumbling block to their love, so she carefully sealed this fact. But the collision of love and reality is inevitable after all. As the relationship between the two deepens, the veil of lies is gradually lifted.

A woman knelt down on one knee in a shopping mall to propose to her boyfriend, but her boyfriend refused: I should not be a son-in-law

When he learned about this, his attitude was clear and resolute: it was impossible to be a son-in-law. His refusal made her heart feel an unprecedented frustration. At this time, how is she good? Her heart is full of anxiety and insecurity. She made a bold decision, a romantic move that only happens in movies — to get down on one knee in front of the mall public and propose to him. She offered tempting terms: an RV, a property, and even a bride price, even though she knew that these material things were not all there was to love. However, his reaction was far less than she would have liked. Instead of being moved, he felt angry because her actions touched his self-esteem and challenged his understanding of love. He said angrily that as a man with parents, he also wanted to be by their side and not turn his back on the family because of love. She tried to explain in her own way, saying that they could still visit home often after they got married, and that she was willing to be a perfect daughter-in-law and do her filial piety. However, her words didn't seem to touch the soft part of his heart. He smiled lightly and asked a rhetorical question: "Then if you marry into our family, won't we be able to visit your parents the same?"

His rhetorical question, like a fresh wind, blew away the fog, and the road in front of them seemed to become clear. In the world of love, who says that the woman has to leave the family? Doesn't tradition have to be changed? In the pull of tradition and modern concepts, what will be the decision of two people? Can love overcome this seemingly insurmountable obstacle? This story is not over yet, because love is always looking for answers in constant challenges. This is a story about how love finds a balance between tradition and modernity. This is a story about how two people face difficulties together and grow together. And whether their love can become a bridge across times and traditions, we do not yet know. But one thing is certain - love is always worth exploring, adventuring, and persevering. In the dead of night, she stared quietly at the flickering street lamps outside, mixed emotions surging in her heart. Her relationship with her boyfriend has reached the stage of discussing the future, but whenever the topic comes up, it is overshadowed by an invisible impasse. Her boyfriend's frank words still echoed in her ears, and his position was firm and clear, which filled her heart with doubts.

Yes, the love of two only children sounds like a sweet chapter in modern society. They meet in this bustling city and find a heartbeat in each other's smiles, but what follows is a battle between tradition and modernity. The expectations of their parents, their own dreams, and the vision of society are all intertwined and become a difficult problem that they must face. The reason why the boyfriend is reluctant to become a door-to-door son-in-law is both complex and simple. Under the influence of traditional beliefs, many people believe that men should be the pillars of the family, while women should conform to men's lifestyles, and this deep-rooted thinking not only affects both parents, but also leaves traces in the hearts of the younger generation. The boyfriend's resistance to this stems in part from such traditional rules. At a deeper level, however, is the issue of dignity. As a modern man, his self-esteem does not allow himself to bow his head and enter the woman's family and become a so-called "vassal". This emotional burden, coupled with the potential for social evaluation and criticism, made him feel that such a choice was a denial of his identity. It is not difficult to imagine how much pressure he will feel when he thinks of the various strange eyes he may encounter.

Perhaps the most insurmountable hurdle, however, is the issue of the next generation – the child's surname. In modern society, we shout about the equality of men and women, and call for the family concept in the new era, but when this principle is put into practice, we will still find that the traditional concept buried deep in our hearts has not really dissipated. Children take their mother's surname, which is a reflection of equality in theory, but it has become a test of male dignity in practical life. She understands her boyfriend's concerns and feels these invisible pressures. She began to wonder if her generation could really cross these seemingly invisible but profound boundaries, and she herself was willing to try, but how to convince him, or whether she should convince him, became a difficult problem. In the tug of war between love and reality, their relationship seems to have encountered one inflection point after another. She couldn't help but ask herself, is the love she believes in strong enough to resist these external pressures, and in such a situation, can their future find an outlet acceptable to both parties? Such a night, such confusion, it seems that there has never been an answer. Until one day, she heard a sentence in a late night conversation with her boyfriend, which suddenly lit up a spark of hope in her heart.

The boyfriend said: "I don't want to be a door-to-door son-in-law, not because I can't face the pressure from the outside world, but because I'm worried that such a decision will make you feel more inconvenience and grievances in the future." But if this is your choice, if you think that we can take better care of both parents, then I am willing to try to break these invisible shackles for our love. In this way, in the face of love and reality, they began to try to communicate and compromise. She learns that her boyfriend insists because he cares about their future, and he cares about how she feels, not just for his own dignity or the way the outside world looks. This made her confidence in love a little more. When two people are willing to consider each other and slowly find a balance on the scale of love, those problems that once seemed unsolvable may be solved. Their story continues, and although the future is unpredictable, they believe that as long as there is love, it is possible to create a happy ending of their own.

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