
"Shouting in the Drizzle": Settling yourself is the best way to live as an adult



Someone said: "The reason why Yu Hua became Yu Hua is not because of "Alive", but because of "Shouting in the Drizzle". ”

As Yu Hua's debut novel, this book incorporates his own feelings and insights about his childhood.

He has a doctor father, who has seen too many lives and deaths early, and is also used to seeing all kinds of things in the world.

As he picked up his pen, those memories were mixed with a slightly bitter wind, whistling and covering the pages in front of him.

In the summer of the year when he was 30 years old, accompanied by the creaking of an old fan, Yu Hua finished the 180,000-word work by hand.

The first-person narration is as if the male protagonist Sun Guanglin is sitting in front of you, telling you in detail about his unpopular childhood, his neglected past, and his growth path after several life struggles.

In reality, you and I will inevitably enter the rainy night of life, calling for love and redemption in the drizzle.

After reading this book, you will understand:

Under the difficulty of fate, only by settling down inward can we get rid of confusion and heal suffering.

"Shouting in the Drizzle": Settling yourself is the best way to live as an adult

Sun Guanglin was born at the most unfortunate noon, delaying his mother to deliver food to his father, which not only starved his father, but also made his mother usher in a scolding from his father.

As a result, this "unlucky" child became the object of cold reception from his parents.

When he was 6 years old, his parents gave him to a childless couple in the town due to the poverty of his family.

Who knows, when he was 12 years old, his adoptive father committed suicide due to emotional entanglement, and his adoptive mother also abandoned him.

Sun Guanglin, who was helpless, could only return to his hometown again.

But on the day he returned home, there happened to be a fire in his house.

In this way, his parents regarded him as a bad omen, and even brought his older brother and younger brother at home to exclude him.

Sun Guanglin became an outsider to the family, lonely and outside the family affection.

"Shouting in the Drizzle": Settling yourself is the best way to live as an adult

He experienced two partings at a young age, desperately longing for family affection and warmth, but only experienced the coldness of people's hearts.

The elder brother cut his head with a sickle, and he cried and begged his father for help, but his father believed his brother's false accusations and beat Sun Guanglin in turn.

The younger brother Sun Guangming died to save people, and the father and elder brother did not grieve the death of their relatives, and only thought about honor and bonuses.

His grandfather was old and old, but the family treated him as a burden, without compassion, only harsh.

Sun Guanglin's memories of his youth were surrounded by the indifference and meanness of the people around him.

In this helpless situation, he had to take care of himself in his own way.

The elder brother and younger brother bullied him, he didn't dwell on it much, but took the initiative to show weakness and stay away silently;

His grandfather wanted to draw him into a feud with his father, but he remained neutral and refused to mess around;

His parents deliberately neglected to take care of him, and he didn't bother to protest, just looking for a corner to read and study Xi alone.

In the end, his mother died of suffocation in cowardice and forbearance, and his brother followed in the footsteps of his father's mediocrity, and only Sun Guanglin was admitted to university and got rid of the fate of poverty.

"Shouting in the Drizzle": Settling yourself is the best way to live as an adult

Ji Xianlin wrote in "Sorrow and Joy": "There are thousands of scenes in the world, joys and sorrows, ups and downs, except for self-crossing, others can't help." ”

In the storms of life, it is luck to get help from others, and loneliness is the norm.

Relatives and friends who pushed the cup and changed the lamp yesterday may be like passers-by in the blink of an eye;

Friends who used to be heartfelt may fall into trouble when they are in trouble;

Colleagues who once shared hardships may turn against each other before interests.

Don't despair because of the selfishness and darkness of human nature, and don't give up on yourself for a moment of powerlessness.

No matter what situation you are in, keep your heart and walk the path under your feet.

Even if the fate is ill-fated, people can manage their lives well.

"Shouting in the Drizzle": Settling yourself is the best way to live as an adult

When he was in middle school, Sun Guanglin tried to integrate into the collective of his classmates in order to fill the gap in family affection, and he did not hesitate to cater to it.

In order to no longer be isolated, he started a small follower of the "campus celebrity" Su Hang.

Together with the naughty teenagers, he made trouble in class, secretly smoked after class, and used clumsy tricks to trick the girls in the class.

When Su Hang did something bad, he volunteered to look at the door, and when Su Hang mocked the teacher, he followed and coaxed.

Although these actions disgusted him, this disgust was far less than his fear of loneliness.

Sadly, however, the friendships he worked so hard to maintain were just jokes in the eyes of others.

"Shouting in the Drizzle": Settling yourself is the best way to live as an adult

Su Hang regarded him as an object that could be bullied at will, and beat him with wicker in front of his female classmates.

Sun Guanglin thought it was just a joke, and went to dodge with a smile, but he didn't expect Su Hang to be unrelenting, and even ordered him to lie down like a shouting animal, and slapped him in the face with a wicker.

The humiliation at that moment made Sun Guanglin completely understand that blindly catering to him could not be exchanged for a true friend.

The "warmth" from the group once made him rush to the doctor, and he was temporarily paralyzed in it.

Desperate for a sense of belonging, he was impatient to join a circle of misfits.

But being in the group did not fill the gap in his heart, but made him feel deeper emptiness and loneliness.

After this false friendship was shattered, Sun Guanglin returned to loneliness.

But this time, instead of being afraid of loneliness, he has learned to get along with himself.

After taking the initiative to stay away from the crowd, he had more time to settle himself, and it also allowed him to find a real bosom friend of the same frequency - Su Yu.

It turns out that it is better to be lonely in the bustle than to be consistent in solitude.

"Shouting in the Drizzle": Settling yourself is the best way to live as an adult

As stated in "One Hundred Years of Solitude":

The splendor that has been in life must be repaid with loneliness after all. Life will eventually be a solo trip, before loneliness is confusion, after loneliness is growth.

In the face of loneliness, some people pin their hopes on others, and they fall into a desperate situation without getting the expected response;

Some people block themselves in loneliness, tearing back and forth in emptiness and chaos, depressed;

Some people are at peace with what they encounter, even if they are alone, they can enjoy the joy of life.

In life, loneliness is unavoidable, so it is better to confront it head-on and seek a turnaround.

When you cultivate a strong core, you will naturally be able to break through the predicament and see a broader world.

"Shouting in the Drizzle": Settling yourself is the best way to live as an adult

In ignorance, Sun Guanglin came to adolescence.

The abnormality of his body made him feel at a loss, and the lust that followed was even more difficult for him to speak.

Fortunately, his friend Su Yu told him that this is the only way to grow up, and he has the same problems at the same age.

Under Su Yu's relief, Sun Guanglin gradually relieved of this, and also tried to live in peace with these changes.

Unexpectedly, just as Sun Guanglin was struggling to restrain himself, Su Yu was dominated by desire and was sentenced to one year of labor reform for sexual harassment.

Su Yu's accident made Sun Guanglin hate the word desire more and more, and it also made reason completely defeat the body and no longer be bothered by lust.

At the same time, Sun Guanglin's father became more and more indulgent as he grew older.

He climbed into the widow's bed in the village, discarded the plough that had hoeed the field, and wasted the crops in the field.

In order to please the widow, the father moved all the utensils that could be used in the house to her, but he did not care about the life or death of his wife and children.

The elder brother Sun Guangcai finally met a good family affair, but his father spoiled his daughter-in-law on the wedding day.

However, the elder brother could not hold on to himself, and soon followed in his father's footsteps and went to the widow's room.

"Shouting in the Drizzle": Settling yourself is the best way to live as an adult

Desire this demonic beast, open its minions, firmly clamp Sun Guanglin's father and brother, and break free.

The elder brother gradually went from high spirits to twilight, and the father turned from ignorance and rudeness to scoundrel skin, and finally drowned in a dung pit in a ridiculous way.

In the family's chickens and dogs, Sun Guanglin's solitude is more and more like an outlier.

He is neither like Su Hang's classmates, who peeked at color books to peek into the secrets of the opposite sex, nor like his brother, who went to depravity out of curiosity and imitation.

Sun Guanglin was always sober and resisted the temptation of desire, and in the end, he was the only one who lived another possibility in life.

"Shouting in the Drizzle": Settling yourself is the best way to live as an adult

Aristotle once said, "A slave is a man whose desire triumphs over reason." ”

As human beings, we all have times when we are blinded by desires.

Desire always appears in a posture that everyone has at their fingertips, bewitching you and me to chase it.

But when you hold it, you realize that it has a surprising price tag on the back.

Indulge in appetite, the light is out of shape, and the worst is riddled with diseases;


Indulging in sensual dogs and horses is not only an overdraft of life, but also a wasted life.

Desires are hard to fill, and letting desires drive you will only trample your life beyond recognition.

Desire is like a wild horse in the human heart, if you believe in the reins, it will only go on a rampage and trample everywhere, but if you pull the reins, it can also take you through life.

"Shouting in the Drizzle": Settling yourself is the best way to live as an adult

Many people said: ""Shouting in the Drizzle" is the most unreadable of Yu Hua's works, but I can't help but read it. ”

Indeed, the suffering that Sun Guanglin has experienced will be felt by each of us in reality.

This kind of bitterness is in the bustle but no one resonates, it is surrounded by the crowd but it is on the edge, it is the lights and wine but the heart is barren.

But as Zhou Guoping said: "Only when the heart is rich and full can we calmly resist all the restlessness and restlessness in the world." ”

The suffering of the world is silent like a drizzle, but it inevitably falls on everyone.

Only by growing inward and settling down can we build a safe haven in our hearts, and let the wind and rain invade, but also move forward steadily.