
Three Kingdoms Killing: What is the strength of the veteran Huang Gai in the eyes of AI? This is too outrageous!

author:LK Linlang

In the board game "Three Kingdoms", which is loved by players, the character of Huang Gai has become a "source of happiness" in the minds of many players because of his unique skills and gameplay. Especially in the 3 times landlord mode, Huang Gai can exert amazing strength and make the opponent feel unparalleled pressure. Below, let's explore Huang Gai's unique charm in "Three Kingdoms".

3x the yellow cover in landlord mode

Three Kingdoms Killing: What is the strength of the veteran Huang Gai in the eyes of AI? This is too outrageous!

In the 3x landlord mode of Three Kingdoms, players need to face two enemies, which undoubtedly increases the difficulty and challenge of the game. However, for Huang Gai, this is a great opportunity to show his strength. Huang Gai's "Bitter Flesh" skill allows him to discard a card during the discard phase and then deal 1 damage to himself, thus drawing two cards. This skill can be used to great effect in 3x landlord mode. By constantly "bitter meat", Huang Gai can quickly accumulate hands, increase his explosive ability, and overwhelm his opponents.

The invincible path of the AK combo

Three Kingdoms Killing: What is the strength of the veteran Huang Gai in the eyes of AI? This is too outrageous!

In addition to the "Bitter Meat" skill, Huang Gai also has a very powerful combination skill - "AK". The so-called "AK" refers to Huang Gai's super explosive power after equipping the [Zhuge Repeater] and [Qinglong Glaive Knife]. These two pieces of equipment can allow Huang Gai to infinitely [kill] during the card playing stage, causing huge damage to the enemy. In 3x Landlord mode, once Huang Gai is equipped with these two artifacts, he can easily defeat two enemies, showing his invincible strength.

The source of happiness for the yellow cover

Three Kingdoms Killing: What is the strength of the veteran Huang Gai in the eyes of AI? This is too outrageous!

The source of Huang Gai's happiness in "Three Kingdoms" mainly comes from his high explosiveness and strong control. Through the combination of the "Bitter Meat" skill and the "AK", Huang Gai can deal massive damage to enemies in a short period of time, and even kill with one hit. This feeling of quickly defeating enemies will undoubtedly make players feel very happy and satisfied. At the same time, Huang Gai can also control the enemy's hand and equipment to further weaken the enemy's strength and increase his own chances of winning. This feeling of being in control of the overall situation is also one of the joys that Huang Gai brings to players.

Huang Gai's strategies and techniques

Three Kingdoms Killing: What is the strength of the veteran Huang Gai in the eyes of AI? This is too outrageous!

In order to get the most out of Huang Gai's strength, players need to master some strategies and skills. First of all, players need to use the "bitter meat" skill wisely, both to ensure the number of cards in their hand and to avoid excessive damage to themselves. Secondly, players need to keep an eye on the enemy's hand and equipment, looking for opportunities to use the "AK" combo to deliver a critical blow. Finally, players also need to be good at using the skills and coordination of other characters to form a favorable battle situation.

Three Kingdoms Killing: What is the strength of the veteran Huang Gai in the eyes of AI? This is too outrageous!

Huang Gai in "Three Kingdoms" brings endless joy to players with his unique skills and gameplay. In the 3x landlord mode, he can play an amazing strength to make the opponent feel unparalleled pressure. For players who like a challenge and a thrill seeker, choosing the yellow cover is undoubtedly a wise choice.

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