
The "very powerful" young lady returned to her alma mater and shared and exchanged with the students of Guangzhou Pharmaceutical University

author:Yangcheng faction

About a month ago, in Shenzhen, Guangdong Province, a woman suddenly lost consciousness on the street and fell to the ground. At the critical moment, a young lady stepped forward to give first aid to the woman who fell to the ground, and finally the woman turned the corner. This incident quickly became popular on the Internet, and this young lady who saved people was widely praised by all walks of life. Mr. Zhang, who shot the video at the scene, said: "The woman (who saved people) is very powerful. The person (who fainted) did not respond, and at that time the person who fainted was given cardiopulmonary resuscitation, and she was really rescued. ”

The "very powerful" young lady returned to her alma mater and shared and exchanged with the students of Guangzhou Pharmaceutical University

This "very powerful" young lady is Gu Peixian, a 2023 graduate of Guangdong Pharmaceutical University with a master's degree in public health and preventive medicine. In August this year, he just joined the Chronic Disease Prevention and Treatment Institute of Nanshan District, Shenzhen. A few days ago, in the theme education activity of "Caring for Life and 'Saving' by Your Side" of Guangdong Pharmaceutical University, Gu Peixian returned to her alma mater and shared her story and experience with her classmates.

During the event, Gu Peixian shared her experience and mental journey of saving people, and introduced first aid equipment such as AED facilities and first aid skills. Gu Peixian said that during her time at GPU, she learned a lot of useful knowledge through various ways such as courses, competitions, practices and Xi in the school, and she thanked GPU for cultivating her. At the same time, she encouraged the students to uphold the school motto of "Chinese and Western Pharmacy, Medical Taoism for the World", carry forward the school spirit Xi of "inspirational and diligent practice, integration and innovation", study diligently, actively participate in various practical activities, and constantly improve their own skills. Gu Peixian also had an interactive exchange with the students on issues such as major selection, career planning, learning Xi, first aid skills, and life-saving experience.

The "very powerful" young lady returned to her alma mater and shared and exchanged with the students of Guangzhou Pharmaceutical University

Liu Sheng, Secretary of the Party Committee of Guangdong Pharmaceutical University, said that Gu Peixian was able to stand up at a critical moment, apply what she had learned to the needs of patients, and practice the spirit of the school motto of Guangzhou Pharmaceutical University with her high degree of professionalism, "Chinese and Western Pharmacy, Medical Taoism for the World", and at the same time be sober, modest and calm in the face of honor and appreciation. I look forward to Gu Peixian not forgetting her original intention, forging ahead, achieving more results, and winning more glory for her alma mater in the future. ”

Xiao Wei, member of the Standing Committee of the Party Committee and vice president of Guangdong Pharmaceutical University, presented a certificate of appreciation to Gu Peixian on behalf of the school in recognition of her saving deeds. "Guangdong Pharmaceutical University has always been committed to cultivating medical talents with a sense of social responsibility and mission, not only focusing on the teaching of professional knowledge, but also focusing on cultivating students' comprehensive quality and ability to respond to public health emergencies. Xiao Wei hopes that the students will carry forward the benevolence of doctors, pay attention to social welfare, constantly pursue excellence, improve professional skills, promote first aid knowledge, care for life and health, internalize the spirit of caring for life in their hearts and externalize it in their actions, actively spread first aid knowledge and skills, and contribute to the high-quality development of mass emergency rescue work and the construction of a healthy China.

The "very powerful" young lady returned to her alma mater and shared and exchanged with the students of Guangzhou Pharmaceutical University

During the event, Zeng Yuhui, director of the Emergency Department of the First Affiliated Hospital of Guangdong Pharmaceutical University, explained and demonstrated cardiopulmonary resuscitation. Since 2014, the Emergency Department of the First Affiliated Hospital of Guangzhou Pharmaceutical University has been committed to carrying out the public welfare project of "Rescue" - Emergency Ambulance Training for Emergencies, and since 2014, their training footprint has spread to 21 prefecture-level cities in the province, with more than 400,000 trainees. In 2023, the department won the title of "National Youth Civilization".

The "very powerful" young lady returned to her alma mater and shared and exchanged with the students of Guangzhou Pharmaceutical University

Zeng Yuhui led the student first aid of the Red Cross Society of Guangdong Pharmaceutical University to show the process of cardiopulmonary resuscitation to the teachers and students in detail and gave a vivid demonstration, and then carried out on-site cardiopulmonary resuscitation operations and comments under his guidance. Through explanations, demonstrations and practical exercises, the students' understanding and operation ability of cardiopulmonary resuscitation have been strengthened, and their first aid ability and awareness have been improved.

The "very powerful" young lady returned to her alma mater and shared and exchanged with the students of Guangzhou Pharmaceutical University

At the end of the event, the original song "Our Wish" on the campus of Guangdong Pharmaceutical University was released on the spot, expressing the sincere appreciation for the noble demeanor of Gu Peixian and other alumni and the sincere feelings of Guangzhou Pharmaceutical University people who care for life and health. The lyrics of the song were written by Rong Xin, teachers and students in the school, and music was composed by Zhuo Pingping, Chen Qingsong and Wang Yanni, which was performed affectionately by the school art troupe, and the singing of the art troupe won warm applause from the audience.

Text: Reporter Sun Wei, Correspondent Zhou Qingying, Li Xibei, Yang Tu, Guangdong Pharmaceutical University