
You may have been taking the wrong bath, no wonder you have poor resistance and frequent colds in winter!

author:Brother Jay's Sky Universe

With the arrival of winter, the temperature gradually decreases, and the frequency of bathing has become a topic of concern for many people. Some people think that the number of baths in winter should be reduced so as not to affect the health of the body, while others believe that bathing can help the body clean and improve immunity. So, how often is the best time to take a shower in winter?

You may have been taking the wrong bath, no wonder you have poor resistance and frequent colds in winter!

First of all, we need to understand the appropriate frequency of bathing in winter. In general, it is more appropriate to take a shower 2-3 times a week. The purpose of bathing is to cleanse the skin, remove sweat stains, oil, and dead skin cells, and maintain the normal metabolism of the skin. Bathing too often in winter can lead to dry, itchy skin, and even an increased risk of skin diseases. Taking too few baths can lead to the accumulation of dirt on the skin, which can affect your health.

You may have been taking the wrong bath, no wonder you have poor resistance and frequent colds in winter!

So, why do some people catch colds easily after bathing in winter? This is mainly because the water temperature is too high during bathing, which causes the temperature of the skin surface to rise rapidly, resulting in uneven heat dissipation in the body. When the body is exposed to cold air, the temperature difference is too large, which can easily trigger a cold. Therefore, when bathing in winter, the water temperature should be properly controlled, and it is advisable to focus on about 40°C. In addition, the bath time should not be too long, generally 10-15 minutes is appropriate.

You may have been taking the wrong bath, no wonder you have poor resistance and frequent colds in winter!

In addition to controlling the number of baths, water temperature and time, you also need to pay attention to the following points when bathing in winter:

1. Drink a glass of warm water before bathing: When bathing in winter, the body is in a state of expansion, and drinking a glass of warm water can help the body adapt to temperature changes and prevent cardiovascular disease.

2. Use mild bath products: If you have dry skin in winter, you should choose mild, non-irritating bath products and avoid using alkaline, irritating soaps.

3. Timely skin care after bathing: After bathing, the moisture on the surface of the skin will evaporate quickly, resulting in drier skin. Therefore, you should apply a moisturizer or oil immediately after bathing to lock in moisture.

4. Pay attention to ventilation: When taking a bath in winter, the humidity in the bathroom is high, which is easy to breed bacteria. After bathing, you should open the window for ventilation in time to keep the indoor air fresh.

You may have been taking the wrong bath, no wonder you have poor resistance and frequent colds in winter!

To sum up, the appropriate frequency of bathing in winter is 2-3 times a week, and the water temperature and time should be controlled at about 40°C and 10-15 minutes. At the same time, you should pay attention to drinking warm water, using mild bath products, timely skin care and ventilation before and after bathing. Only by mastering the correct bathing method can you maintain good health, improve your immunity, and stay away from colds in winter.
