
Quan Hongchan is still too young, Chen Yuxi won the championship and had nothing to do with the referee's score, He Weiyi told the truth

author:Sprinkling Fish Sports

Recently, the debate between Quan Hongchan and Chen Yuxi has sparked a wide range of discussions. Some people think that Quan Hongchan is still young and inexperienced, and some people question whether the referee pressed the score, which led to Chen Yuxi's victory. And today, we will explore the truth of this topic from different angles. Let's take a look!

Quan Hongchan is still too young, Chen Yuxi won the championship and had nothing to do with the referee's score, He Weiyi told the truth

Quan Hongchan, young and promising, but inexperienced?

Quan Hongchan is the champion of the current hot idol development show "The Road to Rising Star", and she showed amazing musical talent and stage charm at a young age. However, some viewers felt that she was too immature in the competition and lacked mature artistic expression. But we should not ignore that on the path of an artist's growth, youth and experience complement each other.

Although Quan Hongchan may need to grow further, it is precisely because of her youth and innocence that her performance is more energetic and down-to-earth. Her musical talent and stage charm have given countless audiences hope and excitement. Although she is young, she has already proven her strength and potential in the music path. Perhaps, we need to give her more time and opportunities to grow and believe that she can become a bright star.

Quan Hongchan is still too young, Chen Yuxi won the championship and had nothing to do with the referee's score, He Weiyi told the truth

Chen Yuxi's victory has nothing to do with the referee's score!

After the results of the competition were released, some voices said that Chen Yuxi won the championship because the judges were biased towards her in the scoring process and depressed the scores of other players. However, such accusations lack hard evidence and sound reasoning.

The first thing to be clear is that the impartiality of the judging is a basic requirement for any competition. Even if there is a human error in judging, it is difficult to deny the strength and performance of the players themselves. Chen Yuxi was able to win the championship, which shows that her performance in the competition has been recognized and affirmed by the judges. Her talent and strength cannot be overlooked.

Beyond that, we can't just attribute the result to the referee's whim. The field of music itself is a highly subjective form of artistic expression, and people have different standards and tastes for appreciating music. Each judge has their own way of thinking and understanding during the judging process, and the final scoring results may vary as a result. Therefore, we should see that Chen Yuxi's victory is not just the judge's decision, but from her excellent performance and hard work.

Quan Hongchan is still too young, Chen Yuxi won the championship and had nothing to do with the referee's score, He Weiyi told the truth

He Weiyi's big truth, the truth is finally revealed!

In the competition between Quan Hongchan and Chen Yuxi, the words of mentor He Weiyi attracted people's attention and speculation. He spoke some hidden truths and made people think about the outcome of the game.

However, we can't overinterpret He Weiyi's words as a denial of Quan Hongchan or a favor for Chen Yuxi. As an experienced musician, Ho's words are more to remind the young players to pay attention to some details and skills in the competition. His purpose is to allow Quan Hongchan and other players to better show their strength on the stage. Therefore, we should not take his words too one-sidedly, but think rationally and look at the results objectively.

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