
The incident of "two daughters marrying one husband" was exposed! Two people could not sleep three people in their beds

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The incident of "two daughters marrying one husband" was exposed! Two people could not sleep three people in their beds

My name is Xiao Ming, and my wife, Xiao Fang, is my high school classmate, and we have had a deep relationship with each other since our junior year of high school. After four years of college, we had a long distance and the test of a long-distance relationship, but in the end we persevered.

Finally, the moment I graduated from college, I got down on one knee excitedly and proposed to Xiaofang successfully. We started planning the wedding, customizing the beautiful wedding dress and suit, and carefully preparing the ceremony.

The incident of "two daughters marrying one husband" was exposed! Two people could not sleep three people in their beds

Today is our big day. At 8 o'clock in the morning, I came to the wedding company, and the staff started to help me with my hair and makeup. I looked at myself in the mirror with a smile on my face and a smile on my face, and my heart swelled with joy and happiness.

"Hey, Ming, are you ready to marry your princess?" My good brother Xiaoqiang ran over with a grin and put his arm around my shoulder.

I gently slapped his hand away, "Of course, I can't wait! ”

The incident of "two daughters marrying one husband" was exposed! Two people could not sleep three people in their beds

"Haha, don't worry! The sedan chair is ready, and I'm going to pick up the bride soon. By the way, the bride's sister Xiaoli is also coming to the wedding, she is beautiful, don't empathize and don't fall in love!" Xiaoqiang joked with a smile.

I gave him a blank look: "No, I just like Xiaofang." ”

While speaking, the staff had made all the preparations, and Xiaoqiang pulled me up: "Okay, okay, it's time to get ready to pick up the bride!" Xiaoqiang drove the car, I sat in the co-pilot, and we happily came to the door of Xiaofang's house. Xiao Fang was wearing a pink wedding dress and looked sweet and moving. I couldn't help but admire: "Wow, Xiaofang, you are so beautiful!"

The incident of "two daughters marrying one husband" was exposed! Two people could not sleep three people in their beds

Xiaofang blushed, and her sister Xiaoli helped her into the car. Xiaoli is also very beautiful today, with her hair permed with big wavy curls, charming and moving.

"My brother and groom are also very handsome!" Xiaoli winked at me.

I felt a little uncomfortable and giggled a few times. Xiao Fang glanced at Xiao Li and whispered: "Really, today is my big day, and you will steal the limelight for me!"

The incident of "two daughters marrying one husband" was exposed! Two people could not sleep three people in their beds

After the three got into the car, Xiaoqiang drove to the wedding hotel. Along the way, Xiao Lisu chatted with me, and I admired her liveliness and generosity.

After arriving at the hotel, Xiaofang and I had a short but grand wedding under the leadership of the host. Rings were exchanged, the bride was kissed, and with the blessings of relatives and friends, we officially became husband and wife. After the banquet began, Xiaoli toasted us frequently, and the three of them chatted enthusiastically.

The incident of "two daughters marrying one husband" was exposed! Two people could not sleep three people in their beds

During dinner, Xiaoli frequently clinked glasses with me, and she was very drunk. I had to help her into the car and take her home. Xiao Fang looked at me helping Xiaoli, and her face was a little displeased.

A month later, Xiaoli often came to the house as a guest again. Sometimes the three of them sit on the couch and watch a movie, and sometimes they go out shopping. Gradually, Xiaoli and I got very close and often chatted very well. I also found that Xiaofang and Xiaoli often quarreled in private.

I looked at the two people on the bed in shock, I couldn't believe my eyes. Xiao Fang and her sister Xiao Li are actually entangled in bed!

The incident of "two daughters marrying one husband" was exposed! Two people could not sleep three people in their beds

"What are you doing?" I asked loudly.

Xiaofang and Xiaoli were startled, quickly separated, and hurriedly got dressed.

"Explain what? Are you cheating on your sister?" I interrupted her excitedly.

The incident of "two daughters marrying one husband" was exposed! Two people could not sleep three people in their beds

I couldn't believe it all. My wife was committing incest with my own sister behind my back!

Outside the door, my old friend Xiaoqiang happened to come looking for me. Seeing my ugly face, he asked with concern, "Dude, what's wrong with you?"

I told him incoherently what had happened. Xiaoqiang's expression was complicated, and he comforted me softly: "Calm down, there must be some misunderstanding in this matter, don't get excited first, let's find a way to solve it together." ”

The incident of "two daughters marrying one husband" was exposed! Two people could not sleep three people in their beds

I stared at him for a while, and suddenly a flash of inspiration flashed: "No! Xiaoqiang, does this still have anything to do with you?"

Xiao Qiang sneered: "It doesn't matter anything, don't think nonsense!"

I grabbed him by the collar and said, "Say, what's going on?"

The incident of "two daughters marrying one husband" was exposed! Two people could not sleep three people in their beds

When I heard this, I was furious, and I punched Xiaoqiang in the face: "Bastard!

Several police officers got out of the car and separated us. It turned out that the neighbor heard the fighting and thought that there had been a murder in our house, so he was so frightened that he called the police.

The police told us to go home and warned us not to fight again. I returned home huffing and slammed the door. Xiaofang followed me, teary eyes trying to explain.

The incident of "two daughters marrying one husband" was exposed! Two people could not sleep three people in their beds

"Nothing to explain!" I said coldly, "I'm very angry and miserable right now, and I need to be alone for a while." ”

Xiaofang ran back to the bedroom crying, and I sat alone on the sofa in the living room until the early hours of the morning. This night, I had insomnia to the extreme, tossing and turning in bed, and my mind was full of pictures of Xiaofang and Xiaoli. I felt hopeless and chilled.

"Xiao Fang, I'll give you one last chance to explain. I looked her in the eye and said word by word.

The incident of "two daughters marrying one husband" was exposed! Two people could not sleep three people in their beds

It turned out that Xiaoli had always had a crush on me. In order to get close to me, she kept touching Xiaofang and hid in the circle of my wife and me. The gradual approach between me and her deepened Xiaoli's delusions. Yesterday, she wanted to take advantage of Xiaofang's unpreparedness and attack me. was discovered by Xiaofang in time and had a big fight. I came home and ran into them.

After listening to Xiaofang's explanation, I was silent for a long time. She grabbed my hand and wept bitterly, begging for my forgiveness.

Finally, I patted her hand gently. I decided to forgive this woman who was obsessed with me because I had made a sincere promise to her when she was at her most vulnerable. Marriage and love are like sunny days and rainy days. There will always be ups and downs, but remember where the rainbow is.

The incident of "two daughters marrying one husband" was exposed! Two people could not sleep three people in their beds

After this turmoil, my relationship with Xiaofang is deeper and stronger than ever. We re-established our trust in each other, and I reassured her that I would always support and cherish her. finally ushered in the beautiful spring of married life. After the turmoil subsided, I took a month-long vacation to go abroad with Xiaofang to rebuild our relationship. This time, it was just the two of us, and there was no outside interference.

When we first arrived abroad, we were a little embarrassed. Fortunately, the exotic atmosphere quickly attracted our interest. We traveled around the city arm in arm, enjoyed delicious food, special massages together, and even the troubles caused by the language barrier made us feel fresh and interesting.

A month passed quickly. The night before leaving, Xiaofang took the initiative to confront me and once again explained to me her inner struggles during this time.

The incident of "two daughters marrying one husband" was exposed! Two people could not sleep three people in their beds

"My dear, what you bumped into that day was not my intention. I don't know why I did something out of the ordinary in a moment of confusion. From the time you found out until now, I've been feeling extremely guilty. Being with you during this time has made me re-examine myself and understand the most precious feelings between us. ”

"I want to renew my commitment to you that I will always love you, respect you, and be loyal to you. I am willing to accept and support everything you do unconditionally. Please give me a chance to mend my ways, and I will spend the rest of my life to make up for your injuries and never fail your sincerity again. ”

Xiao Fang choked up, tears welling up in her eyes. I gently hugged her into my arms and stroked her long hair.

The incident of "two daughters marrying one husband" was exposed! Two people could not sleep three people in their beds

"I forgive you. No matter what the rain or shines, I will always stand by your side. ”

Since then, our lives have been back on track. Xiaofang quit her job and concentrated on her husband and children; In my spare time, I often accompany her out shopping and watching movies. Life is plain but warm, and we cherish each other more than ever.

I believe that there is still a long way to live, and the wind and rain may still come; But with us hand in hand, we will be able to go through all the hardships again and still smile for tomorrow. Time flies, and in a blink of an eye, the baby is already three years old. My life with Xiaofang has gradually entered the track of "old husband and wife".

The incident of "two daughters marrying one husband" was exposed! Two people could not sleep three people in their beds

One day, the company had a temporary matter, and I worked overtime until late to get home. When I opened the door, it was pitch black. I gently touched the baby's room, but I saw that she was not in bed!

My heart tightened, and I hurried to find Xiaofang. At this moment, the cry came from the master bedroom. I pushed the door in, only to see Xiaofang holding the baby crying bitterly, and the baby's face was red and coughing. It turned out that she had a cold and a high fever, and Xiaofang was so anxious that she didn't know what to do!

I called for an ambulance and the baby was rushed to the pediatrics. The doctor gave her infusions and injections, and the two of us stayed on the sidelines, anxious. Fortunately, the rescue was timely, and in the middle of the night, the baby's condition finally improved, and the fever subsided. Xiaofang and I breathed a sigh of relief, hugged each other and cried bitterly.

This incident made us reflect deeply on our own problems. I was too busy with work to care for my family in a timely manner; Xiaofang is too pampered with the baby, and the daily care is not thorough. We decided to change ourselves from now on, spend more time with our baby, and develop her ability to take care of herself independently.

After that, I applied for a flexible working system and avoided overtime as much as possible. Xiaofang also taught herself a lot of parenting knowledge, learning how to prevent common illnesses such as colds and fevers. The two of us began to carefully design our baby's daily routine and urge her to master the most basic life skills.

In the blink of an eye, when the baby is in elementary school, she can already wash, dress, and simply add and subtract by herself. Xiaofang and I are pleased to find that a small life thrives under our care, which is the happiest thing as parents.

There will inevitably be cracks in family affection, but after the precipitation of time, it will become the most precious essence of life. The growth of the baby has further consolidated the unbreakable bond between me and Xiaofang. She is our common flesh and blood, and the most steadfast testimony to this marriage.

The incident of "two daughters marrying one husband" was exposed! Two people could not sleep three people in their beds