
The wife's pension is 1,500 yuan, and the husband's pension is 8,000 yuan

author:Trendsetter Alison 8w1i

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The wife's pension is 1,500 yuan, and the husband's pension is 8,000 yuan

My name is Li Yulan and my husband's name is Zhang Jianguo. We are childhood sweethearts, growing up together, and we have been married for more than 30 years. Both of us were ordinary workers, and when we got married, our conditions were not good, and we lived in dilapidated workers' dormitories, living in poverty. However, the feelings are sincere, and the two of us are in love with each other, making do with each other, and we are all right.

The wife's pension is 1,500 yuan, and the husband's pension is 8,000 yuan

Until last year, we both retired at the same time. My retirement salary is only 1,500 yuan, and my husband's retirement salary is as high as 8,000 yuan. I thought we could live a good life after retirement, but my husband took his pension of 8,000 yuan and said that he wanted to live a better life and didn't want to live with a poor person like me anymore, so he kicked me out of the house.

"Yulan, the two of us have lived together for decades, and now I have a pension of 8,000 yuan, to live a good life, your pension is only 1,500 this month, not as good as mine at all, I don't want to be together again." Let's separate, you see the dilapidated house you live in your hometown, I'll go to the city to buy a house, eat and drink spicy food every day, it's not better than now? Don't follow me, I'll be at ease alone!"

I listened to my husband's words, my heart was very uncomfortable, and tears flowed: "Jianguo, haven't we had a good relationship in the past few decades, there are hardships and difficulties, although I have a low retirement salary, I can barely support myself, do you have to leave me alone to live a good life?"

"Even your pension is too small, my 8,000 yuan is enough for me to eat and drink spicy food every day, and I still have to live that kind of poor life with you?

The wife's pension is 1,500 yuan, and the husband's pension is 8,000 yuan

I live alone in a dilapidated house in the countryside and live a life of being stretched thin. With a pension of only 1,500 yuan, it is a problem to eat a good meal. I didn't have money for treatment, and I had to endure stomach problems. There are more and more wrinkles on the face, and the body is getting weaker and weaker. I often think of my husband, and I can't stop crying. Our relationship was originally so good, and now that he is living a good life, looking at his energetic appearance in the photo, I can only wish him sadly.

At the same time, my husband Zhang Jianguo took 8,000 yuan pension to buy a house in the city, eating, drinking and having fun every day, and lived a prosperous life. He made a lot of new friends, often went out to parties to play cards, and his life was very nourishing. He called me and said how well he was doing and now knew what a wise decision it was to separate from me. I listened, my heart cut like a knife, but I didn't say anything.

The wife's pension is 1,500 yuan, and the husband's pension is 8,000 yuan

I rang the doorbell and went into his house and saw him standing on the balcony with his back to me smoking. Hearing me coming in, he turned his head suddenly, his face gloomy: "What did I let you do? Who allowed you to come to my house!"

I was startled and stepped forward to persuade him: "Husband, I am your wife Yulan, you let me take care of you, don't be angry if you are not feeling well, I'll help you take a look." ”

The wife's pension is 1,500 yuan, and the husband's pension is 8,000 yuan

"When did I call you? I'm very good by myself, I have money, a house and a car to live, what are you poor women doing to make a fuss!" He roared, scaring me back two steps.

"Feelings? I have long seen that you are useless, you think I will live with a poor person like you for the rest of my life? I used to make do with it because I was poor, but now that I have money, I don't lack anything, and you useless things still come to spoil my mood!"

The wife's pension is 1,500 yuan, and the husband's pension is 8,000 yuan

He kicked me away, pointed at the door and yelled, "I'll give you another thirty seconds, get out of here right away!"

He sneered, grabbed me by the hair, dragged me out the door, and slammed me to the ground. Then the door slammed shut.

The wife's pension is 1,500 yuan, and the husband's pension is 8,000 yuan

Kicked out of the door by my husband, I cried and dragged my tired body back to my hometown. I was heartbroken and cried day and night, I didn't expect my husband to trample on my feelings for many years so ruthlessly. I am frail and sickly, my life is difficult, and my children are busy with their own work and family, so they have no time to take care of me. I spent all day in a broken house sad and my tears were about to run dry.

After another two years, one day my husband called, saying in a bitter tone that he was seriously ill and had spent all his savings, and asked me to go to the city to take care of him. I hesitated, and although he broke my heart, I could never forget the feelings I had in the past. After thinking about it, I decided to take care of my husband.

The wife's pension is 1,500 yuan, and the husband's pension is 8,000 yuan

I went to his house in the city, and I was startled when I opened the door. My husband described him as withered, so thin that he only had a handful of bones left, and he was moaning in pain on the bed. I was very distressed, so I stepped forward to help him: "Husband, what disease do you have? Why did you become like this all of a sudden?"

I was so sad that I hurriedly went to fetch water to feed him the medicine, and bought some porridge and vegetables to feed him properly. I took good care of him, helped him wipe his body, changed his dressing, and then he knew how good I was.

The wife's pension is 1,500 yuan, and the husband's pension is 8,000 yuan

I also shed tears and clenched his hand: "Husband, we have been married for so many years, and I naturally have to take good care of you when you are sick." Even if you didn't treat me well before, I have forgiven you. The most important thing now is to cure your illness!"

Since then, my husband has taken good care of me, and I no longer have the same temper and arrogance as before. I gave in and tolerated him, and did my best to cook food for him and serve him. And just like that, we went back to the sweet life of the past. Under my careful care, my husband's condition gradually improved and he was able to get out of bed and move. He apologized to me countless times, saying that he was blind and carried away by money, which was why he broke my heart like that. I forgave him one by one, saying that feelings are more important than anything else, and now that he is sick, let's live a good life together.

The wife's pension is 1,500 yuan, and the husband's pension is 8,000 yuan

"Wife, I'm really blind, you are so good to me, but I kicked you out of the door because of tens of thousands of dollars, I'm really not a husband thing. My husband said reproachfully.

"Come on, human nature, who hasn't made mistakes? We've been married for decades, what's this misunderstanding? Don't talk about it, let's eat porridge!" I scooped up a spoonful of hot porridge and fed it to my husband's mouth.

The wife's pension is 1,500 yuan, and the husband's pension is 8,000 yuan

He ate it, and looked at me with red eyes: "I owe you the most in this life, I will listen to you in the future and let you have the final say, we can live the rest of our old age well, okay?"

I felt extremely relieved in my sadness, nodded and said, "Well, with you, I am satisfied with what kind of life we live." ”

The wife's pension is 1,500 yuan, and the husband's pension is 8,000 yuan

In this way, under my meticulous care, my husband's health is getting better day by day. Although life is still poor, the feelings between each other are deeper than before, and this is the greatest happiness for me.

After a few more years, my husband and I depended on each other, and our children's careers became more and more successful, often coming home to visit us, and doing their best to support us. Although my husband and I are poor, we have a very good relationship, live together comfortably, and live a good old age.

The wife's pension is 1,500 yuan, and the husband's pension is 8,000 yuan

I smiled and nodded, tears rolling in my eyes: "Yes, our children are doing well, and family reunion is the happiest." Money is in love and righteousness, and it can never be compared!"

My husband and I slowly lived in a simple but warm home, and lived a good old age.

The wife's pension is 1,500 yuan, and the husband's pension is 8,000 yuan

Until one day, I found out that my husband has not been in good spirits recently, and his blood pressure is surprisingly high, but he himself doesn't care too much. My heart tightened, and I hurriedly went to the village doctor. After the doctor's examination, he said very seriously that her husband's condition was not optimistic and he had to be hospitalized.

I was anxious to hold my husband and was admitted to the best hospital nearby. Looking at my old and frail wife on the hospital bed, my heart was like a knife. The doctor said that the operation was going to be performed, and the cost was very high, so I took out my savings, and I had no choice but to sell the house. My husband struggled in pain, and I burst into tears.

The wife's pension is 1,500 yuan, and the husband's pension is 8,000 yuan

I clasped his hand and comforted him: "The house is dead, but the people are alive! As long as I can get you out of the hospital, I'm willing to do anything!"

Finally, my husband underwent surgery, and under the careful treatment of the doctor, the condition stabilized. I stayed at his bedside, tears uncontrollable. We have been through ups and downs over the years, and we finally came together, and I can't lose him!

After more than a month, my husband was basically discharged from the hospital. But because we sold our house, we were homeless. After discussing it, we decided to go back to my hometown in the countryside.

"Alas, everything that has been lost has been lost, and there are only the two of us left. It's all about being together!" I helped my husband into the house.

"Yes, I'm content to have you. From now on, we will live in this shabby house, and it doesn't hurt to live a simple life. The husband sighed.

My husband and I started living in a humble old country house. At first, life was indeed not easy, with dilapidated mud houses, lack of water and electricity, and no modern facilities. One of us is old and frail, and the other has just undergone surgery, and life is extremely difficult. However, we support each other and care for each other. Every day, I get up early and work late to take care of the housework, farm the land, raise pigs, chickens and ducks, and do my best to keep us fed and clothed. My husband also did his best to help do what he could. We depend on each other, and the budding love blooms in the humble life. Gradually, with the joint efforts of both of us, life has gradually improved. I started selling home-grown vegetables and fruits to earn some extra money, and my husband also learned to fish, and he could often catch some carp and herring at home. My children would also bring their grandchildren home to visit us on weekends, and the house gradually became lively. My husband and I sat facing each other, teasing our grandchildren together, and our hearts were very sweet. On this day, I celebrated my 65th birthday, and my husband happily held my hand and said, "Happy birthday, wife!" Although we live in a dilapidated house and live a hard life, I am very happy and satisfied with you by my side!" I also smiled happily and clenched his hand: "Husband, so am I, being with you is my greatest wish in this life!"

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