
I don't want to get up early when it's cold, so I eat them for breakfast, so I can eat them well, warm my body after eating, and nourish my spleen and stomach

author:The smell of fireworks

The weather is getting colder and colder, and we all want to nest in the quilt on cold days, and the warm quilt is very comfortable. Breakfast, though, was the most important meal of the day. The weather is cold, and we need to eat more energy to maintain body temperature, so it is recommended to eat more hot soup in the morning.

The noodle soup is simple and easy to make, nutritious and delicious, we share 3 kinds of soup today are very simple, the protein, amino acids, and other minerals in it are very high, what is the specific? Let's take a look

1. Mushroom egg noodles

I don't want to get up early when it's cold, so I eat them for breakfast, so I can eat them well, warm my body after eating, and nourish my spleen and stomach

Prepare the ingredients:

Sauerkraut, shiitake mushrooms, greens, noodles, eggs, salt, peanut butter, cooking oil

Here's how:

1. Prepare the sauerkraut and rinse it in clean water and wash it. Put the washed sauerkraut on a cutting board, cut it into small cubes, and put it in a bowl for later use.

I don't want to get up early when it's cold, so I eat them for breakfast, so I can eat them well, warm my body after eating, and nourish my spleen and stomach

2. Wash the mushrooms and cut into small pieces.

I don't want to get up early when it's cold, so I eat them for breakfast, so I can eat them well, warm my body after eating, and nourish my spleen and stomach

3. Prepare two eggs, wash the surface of the eggs, beat them into a bowl, add some salt, then stir well with chopsticks, and put the egg mixture aside.

I don't want to get up early when it's cold, so I eat them for breakfast, so I can eat them well, warm my body after eating, and nourish my spleen and stomach

4. Pour oil into the pot, heat the oil, put the prepared egg liquid in the pot, fry the egg liquid in the pot over low heat, fry the eggs until they are into pieces, and put them aside.

I don't want to get up early when it's cold, so I eat them for breakfast, so I can eat them well, warm my body after eating, and nourish my spleen and stomach

5. Pour oil into the pot and put the prepared sauerkraut into the pot. Add the prepared shiitake mushrooms, flip them with a spatula, stir-fry quickly, and stir-fry the ingredients until fragrant. Add the eggs, pour in the water and bring to a boil.

I don't want to get up early when it's cold, so I eat them for breakfast, so I can eat them well, warm my body after eating, and nourish my spleen and stomach

Add the noodles, add salt and peanut butter to taste, and then add vegetables to taste.

I don't want to get up early when it's cold, so I eat them for breakfast, so I can eat them well, warm my body after eating, and nourish my spleen and stomach

2. Sauerkraut noodles

I don't want to get up early when it's cold, so I eat them for breakfast, so I can eat them well, warm my body after eating, and nourish my spleen and stomach

Prepare the ingredients:

Lean meat, noodles, sauerkraut, greens, eggs, salt, cooking oil, soy sauce, starch

Here's how:

1. Wash and slice the lean meat, then add some soy sauce and starch to grasp and marinate evenly.

I don't want to get up early when it's cold, so I eat them for breakfast, so I can eat them well, warm my body after eating, and nourish my spleen and stomach

2. Prepare two eggs, wash the eggs and beat them into a bowl, stir them with chopsticks, and put the egg liquid aside.

I don't want to get up early when it's cold, so I eat them for breakfast, so I can eat them well, warm my body after eating, and nourish my spleen and stomach

3. Prepare an appropriate amount of sauerkraut, today's sauerkraut is pickled by yourself, and the sour ones are very good for cooking vegetables or noodles. Wash it and cut it into small cubes, and set the sauerkraut aside.

I don't want to get up early when it's cold, so I eat them for breakfast, so I can eat them well, warm my body after eating, and nourish my spleen and stomach

4. Wash the greens, fold the greens into small pieces after washing, and set aside. Pour oil into a pan and fry the egg mixture into cubes.

I don't want to get up early when it's cold, so I eat them for breakfast, so I can eat them well, warm my body after eating, and nourish my spleen and stomach

5. Then put the lean meat in and stir-fry until fragrant. Pour in the sauerkraut and stir-fry.

I don't want to get up early when it's cold, so I eat them for breakfast, so I can eat them well, warm my body after eating, and nourish my spleen and stomach

6. After the ingredients are fried, add the prepared eggs and stir-fry evenly, then pour in water, and then boil the ingredients in the pot over high heat.

I don't want to get up early when it's cold, so I eat them for breakfast, so I can eat them well, warm my body after eating, and nourish my spleen and stomach

7. After the water in the pot boils, we put the prepared noodle into it, cook it for another minute under the noodle line, then add an appropriate amount of salt to adjust the taste, put in the prepared vegetables and stir it, so that a delicious noodle soup is completed.

I don't want to get up early when it's cold, so I eat them for breakfast, so I can eat them well, warm my body after eating, and nourish my spleen and stomach

3. gnocchi soup

I don't want to get up early when it's cold, so I eat them for breakfast, so I can eat them well, warm my body after eating, and nourish my spleen and stomach

Prepare the ingredients:

Greens, tomatoes, shiitake mushrooms, flour, salt, cooking oil, pickled lean meat

Here's how:

1. Wash the greens, shiitake mushrooms and tomatoes and cut them into small pieces, then put flour in a bowl, add some salt, stir well with water, and then knead them into a smooth flocculent shape and set aside for later use.

I don't want to get up early when it's cold, so I eat them for breakfast, so I can eat them well, warm my body after eating, and nourish my spleen and stomach

2. After the water in the wok is dry, pour in an appropriate amount of oil, slowly fry the diced tomatoes over low heat, fry the tomatoes into a puree, and the soup cooked in this way is fragrant and delicious, and the nutritional taste is great;

I don't want to get up early when it's cold, so I eat them for breakfast, so I can eat them well, warm my body after eating, and nourish my spleen and stomach

3. After the tomatoes in the pot are fried, add an appropriate amount of water to them, and then pour the freshly washed mushrooms into it, cover the lid, and boil the water in the pot over high heat.

I don't want to get up early when it's cold, so I eat them for breakfast, so I can eat them well, warm my body after eating, and nourish my spleen and stomach

4. After the water in the pot boils, we take out the dough that has just been prepared, use a clean pair of scissors, cut the dough into small and thin pieces, and then put the cut dough directly into the pot;

I don't want to get up early when it's cold, so I eat them for breakfast, so I can eat them well, warm my body after eating, and nourish my spleen and stomach

5. This one is the gnocchi after we cut it, then stir it gently with a spoon and wait for the water in the pot to boil. Then we throw the marinated meat into the pot one by one, stir it with a spoon to prevent it from sticking together, add the greens, season and then remove from the pot.

I don't want to get up early when it's cold, so I eat them for breakfast, so I can eat them well, warm my body after eating, and nourish my spleen and stomach
I don't want to get up early when it's cold, so I eat them for breakfast, so I can eat them well, warm my body after eating, and nourish my spleen and stomach

The above are 3 simple and nutritious dishes that are very suitable for breakfast shared today, including mushroom noodle soup, noodle soup, and gnocchi noodles. Simple and easy to make, nutritious and delicious, warm the stomach and body, and strengthen the spleen and stomach.

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