
VR lights up oriental culture, and PICO joins hands with Intel and Migu to lead the new trend of cultural IP

author:IT House

Chinese traditional culture is not only the treasure of the Chinese nation, but also the essence of Chinese civilization. In the digital era, how to innovate and develop traditional culture, how to integrate it with modern life, and how to go to the world are the problems faced by the cultural and creative industries.

In recent years, the national tide of Chinese traditional cultural IP has gradually risen, and domestic films such as "Nezha's Demon Boy Descends to the World" and "Journey to the West: The Return of the Great Sage" have skillfully integrated national tide elements and traditional cultural symbols, widely demonstrating the profound connotation and profundity of traditional Chinese culture. On the other hand, new digital cultural experiences are constantly refreshing our senses. Taking the "Tang Palace Night Banquet" of Henan Satellite TV's Spring Festival Gala in 2021 as an example, advanced 5G+AR technology is used to create a stage environment that integrates virtual and reality, creating an immersive historical and cultural atmosphere of the Central Plains for the audience.

The rise of national fashion and digitalization has promoted the development of cultural innovation and creative industries, and more and more technology companies have joined the process to use digital technology to demonstrate the value and charm of traditional Chinese culture. Among them, VR technology is a typical representative: using VR technology, the audience can break through the limitations of space and time, freely travel through various ancient cultural scenes, and feel the unique charm of traditional Chinese culture.

"Ancient Books Travel": The collision of VR and history

As a leading XR company in China, PICO's previous launch of "Ancient Books and Travels" is a good example. The film focuses on the discovery process of the four ancient books of Juyan Hanjian, Yinxu oracle bones, Dunhuang testament, and Ming and Qing archives, allowing users to experience the history of ancient books in a more immersive way, so that ancient books can truly "live".

VR lights up oriental culture, and PICO joins hands with Intel and Migu to lead the new trend of cultural IP

Image: "Ancient Books and Travels"

In "Ancient Books and Travels", the audience can enter a virtual ancient environment and experience the cultural atmosphere of the time. They can observe the details of ancient architecture, clothing, utensils, etc., and understand the lifestyle and Xi of ancient people. In addition, the audience can also interact with historical figures in the virtual environment through gesture interaction, gaining insight into ancient stories and historical events. Using advanced XR technology, museums can create a more vivid and realistic exhibition experience, allowing visitors to understand and feel the charm of history and culture more deeply.

PICO and Intel join hands to create "Why China"

Recently, PICO and Intel jointly launched a new cultural IP "Why Huaxia", actively exploring the combination of VR and culture, which includes the XR development of 3 national museum content, 1 KOL cooperation VR nature documentary and 5 VR feature films, aiming to give new vitality to Chinese traditional culture, museum cultural relics and classic IP through advanced VR technology solutions, bringing the audience an unprecedented audio-visual experience.

Recently, PICO and Intel jointly launched a new cultural IP "Why Huaxia", actively exploring the combination of VR and culture, which includes the XR development of 3 national museum content, 1 KOL cooperation VR nature documentary and 5 VR feature films, aiming to give new vitality to Chinese traditional culture, museum cultural relics and classic IP through advanced VR technology solutions, bringing the audience an unprecedented audio-visual experience.

VR lights up oriental culture, and PICO joins hands with Intel and Migu to lead the new trend of cultural IP

Image: "Why China"

PICO cooperated with Xi'an Visual and Visible Co., Ltd., based on the national cultural relics collected by the Mausoleum Museum of the First Qin Emperor and the well-known cultural and museum IP of One Qin EAST· QIN, launched the "Terracotta Warriors and Horses Wonderful Night" VR content. In this work, users will immerse themselves in the first-person story world with Yi Qin, and as the plot unfolds, everything in the museum will come to life and "live". Users can explore historical sites and touch cultural relics in entertainment, so as to achieve a blend of ancient and modern, and a dialogue with time and space. Through storytelling, users can gain a deeper understanding of the historical and cultural background of the Terracotta Army. At the same time, this immersive experience also allows users to pay more attention to and protect historical and cultural heritage, and inherit the essence of Chinese civilization.

VR lights up oriental culture, and PICO joins hands with Intel and Migu to lead the new trend of cultural IP

Image: Terracotta Warriors and Horses

Based on Intel's real-time rendering and wireless streaming technology, PICO cooperated with Gansu Silk Road Yuanzhi Company to use Unreal Engine V for 3A-level scene construction and special effects production, based on the classic oriental aesthetics and culture represented by the Dunhuang Museum, to reproduce the beautiful scenery of Dunhuang 1,000 years ago, and realistically restore Dunhuang during the prosperous period of 1,000 years. The audience can not only witness the rise and fall of the Zhai family, one of the inheritors and founders of Dunhuang culture, but also get a glimpse of the lonely loyalty of the Guiyi Army. Realistic virtual reality technology allows the audience to immerse themselves in the scene, experience the unique oriental aesthetics of Dunhuang in an all-round way, and cultural confidence arises spontaneously. With the implementation of offline exhibitions, this immersive experience will also allow users to further understand and feel the charm of Chinese civilization.

Not only that, PICO also cooperated with China Mobile Migu to jointly produce XR series content with oriental aesthetics and Chinese spirit, empowering the development of film and television with scientific and technological innovation, and revitalizing traditional culture and bursting with new vitality. With the cutting-edge XR innovation technology of PICO and China Mobile Migu as the core, these works gather a variety of traditional high-quality IPs, and are directed and produced by the famous director Lu Chuan, and jointly created by the excellent film creation team. Among them, there are not only the mythical story "The Jade Case: Cutting the Snake", which was born out of "The Legend of the White Snake", which retells the legend in the VR world, and the film is full of unique colors, patterns and other designs in traditional Chinese styles, as well as "Luban Secret Land", which brings unique ink texture visual effects and ingenious and touching stories, as well as Chinese monster-themed content like "749 Files: Red Roar" from the IP movie of the same name. In addition, it also co-created with the top domestic IPs "The Legend of Mortal Immortals" and "Perfect World" to bring the audience a pure Chinese fantasy. As PICO's first batch of VR content equipped with gesture recognition, it is believed that it will bring you an unprecedented entertainment and interactive experience.

VR lights up oriental culture, and PICO joins hands with Intel and Migu to lead the new trend of cultural IP

Image: "The Green Jade Case Snake"

VR lights up oriental culture, and PICO joins hands with Intel and Migu to lead the new trend of cultural IP

Image: "The Legend of Mortal Immortals"

In the process of developing the "Why China" cultural IP, PICO also faced many challenges, the biggest of which was to restore the details of historical scenes and cultural relics. In order to solve this problem, the technical team has done a lot of research and attempts. They collected a large amount of historical data and cultural relics data for analysis and processing. At the same time, they also combine advanced 3D modeling and image processing technology to highly restore artifacts and scenes.

Another challenge is the multi-person viewing model, where users want to be able to interact and communicate with other visitors. To achieve this, PICO has introduced for the first time cutting-edge technological features such as innovative multi-screen viewing mode and gesture interaction, which is somewhat industry-pioneering and leading, which allows multiple users to watch movies at the same time in a virtual space, and can interact and communicate. At the same time, based on the technical solution created by PICO, Intel and Migu, PICO video content will be rendered in the cloud in the form of CPU+GPU in the early stage, and then distributed to PICO devices through RTC, with the excellent performance of Intel Wi-Fi 6e/Wi-Fi 7 and a complete set of CPU+ network cards, realizing the perfect combination of cloud rendering and local deployment, bringing users a streaming experience with lower latency and higher image quality.

VR lights up oriental culture, and PICO joins hands with Intel and Migu to lead the new trend of cultural IP

As a leading VR technology company in China, PICO has been committed to exploring the way forward for the industry. They are constantly engaged in technological innovation and research and development, and apply the latest technology to the field of cultural communication. By creating the "Why China" series, PICO has once again proven its leadership in exploring the way forward for the industry. It is reported that the "Why Huaxia" series of content will be launched one after another, and you can continue to pay attention. #VR点亮东方文化#

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