
Luo Yonghao talks about "Yu Minhong and Dong Yuhui live broadcast" again: Dong Yuhui's contribution is not fairly rewarded!

author:Sanji said entertainment

Luo Yonghao's views on the live broadcast of Yu Minhong and Dong Yuhui. In the article, Luo Yonghao criticized the unfair behavior of Dongfang Selection Company, arguing that the company had serious problems in handling Dong Yuhui's contribution and profit distribution, which was a kind of oppression of young people.

Luo Yonghao talks about "Yu Minhong and Dong Yuhui live broadcast" again: Dong Yuhui's contribution is not fairly rewarded!

Luo Yonghao mentioned in the article that Dongfang Selection's behavior in the field of live broadcast e-commerce is extremely unfair. He compared the situation of other live-streaming e-commerce platforms, pointing out that family companies such as Qianxun and Xinxuan, as well as non-family enterprises such as Mei ONE, have achieved relatively fair distribution of benefits. However, when Dongfang Selection dealt with Dong Yuhui's interests, it was extremely unfair and even suspected of oppression.

Luo Yonghao talks about "Yu Minhong and Dong Yuhui live broadcast" again: Dong Yuhui's contribution is not fairly rewarded!

Luo Yonghao's view emphasizes the importance of fair and reasonable distribution of benefits in business activities. He believes that Dongfang Selection's behavior is not only unfair to Dong Yuhui, but also disrespectful to the entire younger generation. Luo Yonghao's view reflects the current society's concern about business ethics and the protection of young people's rights and interests.

Luo Yonghao talks about "Yu Minhong and Dong Yuhui live broadcast" again: Dong Yuhui's contribution is not fairly rewarded!

In live streaming e-commerce, the distribution of benefits between anchors, platforms, and suppliers may be uneven, especially the income gap between first-line anchors and behind-the-scenes teams may be large. The protection of labor rights and interests of anchors is insufficient, and problems such as long-term live broadcasts and high-intensity work are widespread.

Luo Yonghao talks about "Yu Minhong and Dong Yuhui live broadcast" again: Dong Yuhui's contribution is not fairly rewarded!
Luo Yonghao talks about "Yu Minhong and Dong Yuhui live broadcast" again: Dong Yuhui's contribution is not fairly rewarded!

Lack of transparency of product information during live broadcasting, such as exaggerated publicity, false advertising, and other issues. Conflicts of interest and potential unfair business practices, such as counterfeit sales, price gouging, etc. Consumers are easily misled on livestreaming e-commerce platforms to buy products that do not meet their expectations. The return and exchange process is complex, and it is difficult to effectively protect the rights and interests of consumers.

Luo Yonghao talks about "Yu Minhong and Dong Yuhui live broadcast" again: Dong Yuhui's contribution is not fairly rewarded!
Luo Yonghao talks about "Yu Minhong and Dong Yuhui live broadcast" again: Dong Yuhui's contribution is not fairly rewarded!
Luo Yonghao talks about "Yu Minhong and Dong Yuhui live broadcast" again: Dong Yuhui's contribution is not fairly rewarded!

The impact of live streaming e-commerce on social values, such as excessive consumption and materialism. Impact on the environment, including over-packaging, waste of resources, etc. Industry associations or regulatory agencies should formulate clear industry standards and norms, including the distribution of benefits, advertising, product quality, etc.

Luo Yonghao talks about "Yu Minhong and Dong Yuhui live broadcast" again: Dong Yuhui's contribution is not fairly rewarded!
Luo Yonghao talks about "Yu Minhong and Dong Yuhui live broadcast" again: Dong Yuhui's contribution is not fairly rewarded!

Strengthen industry self-discipline and establish an industry credit system. Enterprises should establish a fair and reasonable benefit distribution mechanism to ensure the labor rights and interests of anchors and behind-the-scenes teams. Strengthen internal governance, enhance transparency, and prevent unfair business practices. The government should improve relevant laws and regulations and strengthen supervision of the live-streaming e-commerce industry. Increase the punishment of violations of laws and regulations, and protect the legitimate rights and interests of consumers and practitioners.

Luo Yonghao talks about "Yu Minhong and Dong Yuhui live broadcast" again: Dong Yuhui's contribution is not fairly rewarded!
Luo Yonghao talks about "Yu Minhong and Dong Yuhui live broadcast" again: Dong Yuhui's contribution is not fairly rewarded!
Luo Yonghao talks about "Yu Minhong and Dong Yuhui live broadcast" again: Dong Yuhui's contribution is not fairly rewarded!

Strengthen consumer education to improve consumers' ability to identify and self-protect their awareness of live-streaming e-commerce. Encourage consumers to consume rationally and avoid blindly following the trend. Enterprises should actively fulfill their social responsibilities, including environmental protection and public welfare. Enhance the social image and brand value of the enterprise through public welfare activities and environmental protection actions.

Luo Yonghao talks about "Yu Minhong and Dong Yuhui live broadcast" again: Dong Yuhui's contribution is not fairly rewarded!
Luo Yonghao talks about "Yu Minhong and Dong Yuhui live broadcast" again: Dong Yuhui's contribution is not fairly rewarded!

In short, the healthy development of the live streaming e-commerce industry requires the joint efforts of many parties, including industry self-discipline, corporate responsibility, policy supervision and consumer education, to ensure fair and reasonable distribution of benefits, protect the rights and interests of consumers and practitioners, and promote the sustainable development of society.

Luo Yonghao talks about "Yu Minhong and Dong Yuhui live broadcast" again: Dong Yuhui's contribution is not fairly rewarded!
Luo Yonghao talks about "Yu Minhong and Dong Yuhui live broadcast" again: Dong Yuhui's contribution is not fairly rewarded!
Luo Yonghao talks about "Yu Minhong and Dong Yuhui live broadcast" again: Dong Yuhui's contribution is not fairly rewarded!

Understand the relevant labor laws and contract laws to ensure that your legitimate rights and interests are not violated. When signing a contract, read the terms of the contract carefully and seek legal advice if necessary. Continuously improve their professional skills and knowledge level, and enhance their competitiveness in the industry. Understand industry dynamics and trends, and adapt to industry changes.

Luo Yonghao talks about "Yu Minhong and Dong Yuhui live broadcast" again: Dong Yuhui's contribution is not fairly rewarded!
Luo Yonghao talks about "Yu Minhong and Dong Yuhui live broadcast" again: Dong Yuhui's contribution is not fairly rewarded!

Conduct adequate investigation and evaluation of potential employers to avoid entering companies that are informal or have a bad record. Evaluate job opportunities rationally, and do not blindly pursue high income at the expense of working conditions and corporate culture. Pay attention to work-life balance and avoid overexertion. Take care of your mental health and seek professional help if necessary.

Luo Yonghao talks about "Yu Minhong and Dong Yuhui live broadcast" again: Dong Yuhui's contribution is not fairly rewarded!
Luo Yonghao talks about "Yu Minhong and Dong Yuhui live broadcast" again: Dong Yuhui's contribution is not fairly rewarded!
Luo Yonghao talks about "Yu Minhong and Dong Yuhui live broadcast" again: Dong Yuhui's contribution is not fairly rewarded!

The government should formulate and improve laws and regulations for emerging industries, such as labor protection, income distribution, contract management, etc. Strengthen industry regulation and crack down on illegal and unfair business practices. Provide legal advice and assistance services to young practitioners to help them defend their rights. Hold legal knowledge lectures and trainings to improve the legal awareness of practitioners.

Luo Yonghao talks about "Yu Minhong and Dong Yuhui live broadcast" again: Dong Yuhui's contribution is not fairly rewarded!
Luo Yonghao talks about "Yu Minhong and Dong Yuhui live broadcast" again: Dong Yuhui's contribution is not fairly rewarded!
Luo Yonghao talks about "Yu Minhong and Dong Yuhui live broadcast" again: Dong Yuhui's contribution is not fairly rewarded!

Encourage the establishment of self-regulatory mechanisms within the industry, such as industry associations or standards organizations, to develop industry norms and codes of ethics. Promote the fulfillment of corporate social responsibility and encourage enterprises to pay attention to employee welfare and career development. Strengthen vocational education and workplace literacy for the general public, especially young people, through the media and educational institutions.

Luo Yonghao talks about "Yu Minhong and Dong Yuhui live broadcast" again: Dong Yuhui's contribution is not fairly rewarded!
Luo Yonghao talks about "Yu Minhong and Dong Yuhui live broadcast" again: Dong Yuhui's contribution is not fairly rewarded!

Raise public awareness of the characteristics and risks of emerging industries. Governments and society should provide support and resources to encourage young people to innovate and start businesses in emerging industries. Provide entrepreneurial guidance, financial support and preferential policies to help young people build stable careers. Young people need to protect their rights and interests in emerging industries with individual efforts and support from all walks of life. The government and society should work together to create a fair, healthy and secure working environment for young workers.

Disclaimer: The process and pictures described in this article are from the Internet, and the purpose of this article is to promote social righteousness, and there is absolutely no vulgarity. If there are any questions about your work in your article, we will delete them as soon as possible!