
1.4 billion people can't afford to consume? Why is it becoming more and more difficult to do business this year? The three reasons are very realistic

author:Xinyucai said

Imagine walking down a bustling street, only to find that the bustling shops of the past are crowded with few customers. What's the matter? The huge market of 1.4 billion people has not been able to activate the city's enthusiasm for consumption.

Is the business becoming more and more difficult every year sending us any signal? We often say that consumption is the locomotive of the economy, so is there something wrong with the locomotive this year?

1.4 billion people can't afford to consume? Why is it becoming more and more difficult to do business this year? The three reasons are very realistic

1. Unbalanced income distribution

In delving into the impact of unbalanced income distribution on the consumer market, we have to focus on a central question: "Why is the income gap widening?"

With the adjustment of economic structure and the rapid development of science and technology, high-income groups are often able to adapt to new changes more quickly, so as to obtain more economic benefits.

On the contrary, due to the limitations of education and skills, it is difficult for the middle and low-income groups to quickly improve their own value in this change, so the income growth is slow.

This widening of the income gap has a direct impact on the distribution of spending power. Although the high-income group has strong spending power, their number is limited, and their consumption tendency is diversified and personalized, which is not enough to support the broad consumer market.

The low- and middle-income groups, although large in number, have become more cautious and limited in their consumption due to economic pressures.

1.4 billion people can't afford to consume? Why is it becoming more and more difficult to do business this year? The three reasons are very realistic

Income inequality can also lead to social discontent, which further affects consumers' spending mindsets and behaviors.

When most people feel that the economy is unfair, they tend to be more conservative in consumption and reduce non-essential spending, and this psychological change has also invisibly exacerbated the malaise of the consumer market.

Therefore, balancing income distribution and enhancing the economic strength of low- and middle-income groups is not only necessary to narrow the social gap, but also an important way to activate the consumer market and promote healthy economic development.

Second, consumption upgrading and market saturation

In the current economic environment, consumption upgrading and market saturation have become the two key factors affecting the consumer market. The deep-seated causes and effects behind this phenomenon deserve our in-depth understanding.

The trend of consumption upgrading has become increasingly obvious. With the improvement of people's living standards, the demand for quality, health and personalization is increasing.

From food to clothing, from living to traveling, consumers are no longer satisfied with basic needs, but are looking for a higher quality of life experience. For example, consumers have a growing demand for high-end products such as organic food, smart homes, and new energy vehicles.

1.4 billion people can't afford to consume? Why is it becoming more and more difficult to do business this year? The three reasons are very realistic

This trend has prompted companies to continuously introduce new products and services to meet the needs of the market. However, with the continuous expansion of the market and the continuous enrichment of product categories, the problem of market saturation has gradually emerged.

Many industries, especially mature industries, such as mobile phones, TVs, etc., have seen an oversupply situation.

Although new products are constantly being introduced, it is difficult to substantially improve the consumer experience. As a result, consumers are less enthusiastic about new products than before, and the market growth rate is slowing.

Market saturation also brings fierce competition. In order to stand out from the competition, companies have had to invest more in R&D and marketing, but this further squeezes profit margins.

In this case, some small and medium-sized enterprises are eliminated because they cannot afford the high cost, and the market concentration increases, but the overall innovation vitality may be damaged as a result.

1.4 billion people can't afford to consume? Why is it becoming more and more difficult to do business this year? The three reasons are very realistic

The imbalance in consumption upgrading is also a problem that cannot be ignored. Although some consumers pursue high-quality and personalized products, there are still a large number of consumers who are unable to participate in the ranks of consumption upgrading due to economic constraints.

The needs of this part of the consumer are often ignored by the market, leading to further differentiation of the market. In this context, how to respond to the challenges of the market has become an important issue.

On the one hand, enterprises need to develop new products and services through innovation to truly improve the user experience of consumers and attract consumers' attention.

On the other hand, enterprises also need to pay attention to those consumers who have not yet participated in consumption upgrades, and develop products and services that are suitable for them to broaden the market.

Consumption upgrading and market saturation are two important characteristics of the current consumer market. Only by understanding these two characteristics can companies better respond to the challenges of the market and achieve sustainable development.

Policymakers also need to pay attention to this trend and promote the healthy development of the market through reasonable policy guidance.

1.4 billion people can't afford to consume? Why is it becoming more and more difficult to do business this year? The three reasons are very realistic

3. Challenges of digital transformation

As an important trend in the development of enterprises in recent years, digital transformation has brought challenges that should not be underestimated. In this process, enterprises need to face many tests in order to gain a firm foothold in the fierce market competition.

In the process of digital transformation, enterprises must invest a lot of resources and energy. This includes not only financial investments, such as the purchase of high-end digital equipment and software, but also investments in human resources, such as training employees in new skills.

This is a huge challenge for many small and medium-sized businesses, as they may not have enough financial and technical support to complete this transformation.

With the rapid development of the online market, the traditional offline market is facing a serious impact. Many consumers have become more inclined to complete activities such as shopping and entertainment online, which has led to a significant drop in foot traffic for traditional merchants.

1.4 billion people can't afford to consume? Why is it becoming more and more difficult to do business this year? The three reasons are very realistic

For those businesses that rely on offline markets, how to effectively move their business online to attract and retain customers is a key issue that needs to be solved.

Digital transformation also brings with it the challenges of data security and privacy protection. With the generation and use of a large amount of data, how to protect this data from abuse and ensure the privacy and security of customers is a problem that every enterprise needs to face.

This is not only about the reputation of the company, but also about the interests of consumers. Therefore, while digital transformation brings many opportunities for enterprises to improve efficiency and expand their markets, it also brings its own challenges.

Enterprises need to make efforts to ensure sufficient resources, adjust business models, and pay attention to data security in order to ride the wave of digitalization and achieve sustainable development.

1.4 billion people can't afford to consume? Why is it becoming more and more difficult to do business this year? The three reasons are very realistic


In the face of such market realities, we cannot simply blame the inaction of consumers, nor can we stand still. On the contrary, it is a critical moment to find solutions and drive innovation-driven development.

Only with a deep understanding of the reasons behind these can businesses and policymakers better adapt their strategies to changing market demands. Today's difficulties may be the catalyst for tomorrow's success.