
The woman was eight months pregnant and suffered from cancer, and her insistence on giving birth to a child was rejected by her husband, who did not want both

author:Miao Shi-hsien
The woman was eight months pregnant and suffered from cancer, and her insistence on giving birth to a child was rejected by her husband, who did not want both


In 2016, Yang Lingyun, who was 8 months pregnant, was found to have cancer, but in order to leave her husband with flesh and blood, she refused to induce labor and treatment.

In the difficult days, Yang Lingyun could only face the illness alone, and at the last moment of her life, Peng Jiangping finally appeared in the delivery room.

However, what Yang Lingyun never expected was that this cold-blooded man faced the choice of protecting the big and the small, and actually said something shocking - "I don't want both!"

What is the reason for a man to say such things?

The woman was eight months pregnant and suffered from cancer, and her insistence on giving birth to a child was rejected by her husband, who did not want both

The source in this article comes from the official media (readers) and was released on September 30, 2022, but in order to improve the readability of the article, the details may be edited, please read it sensibly, for reference only!


In 1976, Yang Lingyun was born in an ordinary rural family, her parents barely made ends meet by farming, and she and her sisters lived a simple life.

When she was in elementary school, Yang Lingyun had excellent grades, and her teachers were optimistic about her potential to enter university, but her poor family background forced her to drop out of junior high school and go home to help with farm work.

The woman was eight months pregnant and suffered from cancer, and her insistence on giving birth to a child was rejected by her husband, who did not want both

When she was 20 years old, Yang Lingyun heard that Shenzhen was a good place to make money, so she resolutely went south and entered a garment factory.

The hustle and bustle of the big city made her dizzy, who had never seen the world before, and she began to look forward to the future to settle down here, have her own home, and take her parents to enjoy the blessings.

The woman was eight months pregnant and suffered from cancer, and her insistence on giving birth to a child was rejected by her husband, who did not want both

However, reality soon hit Yang Lingyun in the first place - she was just an ordinary worker, mechanically repeating the work on the assembly line every day.

The hard life made her live in a crowded and dirty dormitory, and she lived a hard life with her working sisters.

The woman was eight months pregnant and suffered from cancer, and her insistence on giving birth to a child was rejected by her husband, who did not want both

Sometimes in the dead of night, Yang Lingyun would lie on the bed and cry silently, how she looked forward to a gentle person to appear, share her hard work, and bring her happiness.

Perhaps the heavens heard her cry, and a man broke into her world.

The man was well-dressed and polite, gave her flowers and gifts, and drove her around the city in a car.

The woman was eight months pregnant and suffered from cancer, and her insistence on giving birth to a child was rejected by her husband, who did not want both

20-year-old Yang Lingyun was quickly conquered, intoxicated by this sudden "romance", and soon, she found out that she was pregnant, and told her lover the news with joy, expecting him to give up everything and marry her.

However, fate made a big joke on this girl who didn't know the world, it turned out that the person already had a wife and children, he let Yang Lingyun have a fetus, and he walked away, and there was no news.

The woman was eight months pregnant and suffered from cancer, and her insistence on giving birth to a child was rejected by her husband, who did not want both

This wound was deeply rooted in Yang Lingyun's heart, and it could not heal after many years.

Under the pressure of public opinion, Yang Lingyun gritted her teeth and gave birth to a child, she listened to her inner voice and did not choose to have an abortion, just for this innocent life to have a chance to grow.

The woman was eight months pregnant and suffered from cancer, and her insistence on giving birth to a child was rejected by her husband, who did not want both

Despite the hardships, she raised the child on her own and sent him back to her biological father a few years later – because it is not easy for a woman to raise a child alone.

This experience made Yang Lingyun have a great fear of feelings, and she tried to keep herself busy with work, and no longer believed that there were people in the world who would treat her sincerely.

In 2013, Yang Lingyun met a man named Peng Jiangping in his hometown, Peng Jiangping treated her gently and considerately, and the two talked very happily.

The woman was eight months pregnant and suffered from cancer, and her insistence on giving birth to a child was rejected by her husband, who did not want both

Soon, Yang Lingyun blossomed again, regained the fantasy of happiness, and in 2016, the two entered the palace of marriage.


When Yang Lingyun was 40 years old, after years of hard work, she and her husband Peng Jiangping finally had a child of their own.

The woman was eight months pregnant and suffered from cancer, and her insistence on giving birth to a child was rejected by her husband, who did not want both

The two red lines of the pregnancy test appeared on the test strip, and Yang Lingyun was so excited that she burst into tears - her long-awaited wish was about to come true, and Peng Jiangping was also very happy, busy all day long, and tried her best to take care of his wife.

In the first few months of pregnancy, everything went well, the prenatal examination showed that the fetus was developing well, and Yang Lingyun and Peng Jiangping couldn't wait to see the arrival of the child.

The woman was eight months pregnant and suffered from cancer, and her insistence on giving birth to a child was rejected by her husband, who did not want both

It wasn't until the fifth month of prenatal check-up that the doctor found an abnormality, and Peng Jiangping accompanied Yang Lingyun to do a lot of examinations, and was finally diagnosed as a malignant tumor, which was in the middle and advanced stages.

The doctor recommended immediate termination of the pregnancy and full treatment to save the life.

The woman was eight months pregnant and suffered from cancer, and her insistence on giving birth to a child was rejected by her husband, who did not want both

Yang Lingyun fell into boundless despair, she is 40 years old, this may be the only chance in her life to give birth to a child for Peng Jiangping.

Termination of pregnancy means that Peng Jiangping has no children of her own flesh and blood in this life, Peng Jiangping persuaded her to give up, but Yang Lingyun insisted on saving the fetus, for the sake of this child, she was willing to endure the pain of cancer.

The woman was eight months pregnant and suffered from cancer, and her insistence on giving birth to a child was rejected by her husband, who did not want both

However, the day after Yang Lingyun made a decision, Peng Jiangping lost contact, and the Yang family asked around, but there was no news of him, and when he left, he secretly took Yang Lingyun's wedding ring.

The woman was eight months pregnant and suffered from cancer, and her insistence on giving birth to a child was rejected by her husband, who did not want both

Yang Lingyun couldn't believe that at this moment, she needed her husband's support and companionship, but he left ruthlessly.

Her family also persuaded her to give up the child and go all out for treatment, but Yang Lingyun did not change her mind, for this last bit of hope, she still gritted her teeth and endured the pain to save the fetus, even if the whole world abandoned her.

The woman was eight months pregnant and suffered from cancer, and her insistence on giving birth to a child was rejected by her husband, who did not want both

During the months of recuperation at home, Yang Lingyun saw Peng Jiangping twice, and both times he left in a hurry with no emotion on his face.

Yang Lingyun was in pain, she didn't understand what had happened these days, making the man in front of her a stranger who was the same as before.

The woman was eight months pregnant and suffered from cancer, and her insistence on giving birth to a child was rejected by her husband, who did not want both

Cancer raged in Yang Lingyun's body, her body quickly weakened in a state of pregnancy, and finally in the eighth month, Yang Lingyun fainted at home and was rushed to the hospital.

The results of the examination showed that the cancer cells had metastasized to various parts of the body, and her body was on the verge of collapse under the pressure of pregnancy, and the doctor suggested that if the fetus was not abandoned, neither mother nor child could be saved.

The woman was eight months pregnant and suffered from cancer, and her insistence on giving birth to a child was rejected by her husband, who did not want both

Yang Lingyun has not been able to contact Peng Jiangping, and finally, her sister Yang Xiaoyun decided to go to him in person and ask him why he suddenly turned around and ignored his wife's life and death.


The Yang family looked for Peng Jiangping everywhere, and with the help of reporters, Changde finally found him.

The woman was eight months pregnant and suffered from cancer, and her insistence on giving birth to a child was rejected by her husband, who did not want both

"You have to go back to the hospital to take care of Yang Lingyun!" The Yang family spoke fiercely to Peng Jiangping, but Peng Jiangping calmly said that he was very busy, and even said that he didn't want this child.

Everyone tried their best to persuade Peng Jiangping to go to the hospital reluctantly, and when he saw Yang Lingyun on the hospital bed, his face was pale and skinny.

The woman was eight months pregnant and suffered from cancer, and her insistence on giving birth to a child was rejected by her husband, who did not want both

"Please let this child be born, you must raise her......" Yang Lingyun begged with all his might.

Peng Jiangping was silent for a moment, turned around and left, and evaporated from the world again.

The woman was eight months pregnant and suffered from cancer, and her insistence on giving birth to a child was rejected by her husband, who did not want both


Behind this series of events, there is Peng Jiangping's unspeakable heart - he once had a son who was diagnosed with cancer and died, spent all his savings for treatment, and owed high debts.

This time, he can't bear such a blow anymore, and he is not rich himself, and he still has Yang Lingyun's daughter to raise at home, and if he has another child, it will bring him a lot of trouble.

The woman was eight months pregnant and suffered from cancer, and her insistence on giving birth to a child was rejected by her husband, who did not want both

However, his evasion posed a huge threat to the lives of Yang Lingyun and the fetus, and the attending doctor chased him out of the ward and told Peng Jiangping that he had to make a choice as soon as possible - whether to protect the mother or protect the fetus.

Peng Jiangping hesitated again and again, and finally said coldly: "I don't want both!"

The woman was eight months pregnant and suffered from cancer, and her insistence on giving birth to a child was rejected by her husband, who did not want both

At this time, Yang Lingyun was already dying, Peng Jiangping's decision was tantamount to sentencing her and the fetus to death, the Yang family was heartbroken, but there was nothing they could do, they didn't even know where Peng Jiangping went.

Just when everyone was desperate, a phone call came into the hospital - it was Peng Jiangping! His voice trembled a little: "I think about it, just keep this child." ”

The woman was eight months pregnant and suffered from cancer, and her insistence on giving birth to a child was rejected by her husband, who did not want both

Although it was too late, at least Peng Jiangping finally opened his heart and chose to take responsibility, he understood that he owed Yang Lingyun and the child too much, and hoped to give them an explanation.

The operation was successful, the baby girl was born healthy, and Yang Lingyun smiled tired and satisfied when he looked at the baby in the ward.

The woman was eight months pregnant and suffered from cancer, and her insistence on giving birth to a child was rejected by her husband, who did not want both

Ten hours after the child was born, Yang Lingyun also closed his eyes forever.


Yang Lingyun did not hesitate to gamble his life for the sake of this unexpected child, and Peng Jiangping also made a cruel struggle and choice in his heart.

In the end, he chose to face the reality and accepted his father's responsibility, although it was too late to save Yang Lingyun's life, but we must believe that he will spend his life to make up for this regret.

This story tells us that there will inevitably be difficult choices in life, we will all look for hope in despair, and I believe that as long as people have love in their hearts, they will be able to resolve misunderstandings and complete their families.

Yang Lingyun's children will grow up under the care of their father and family, and she will become the link between these two families, which is also Yang Lingyun's gift to the world.