
Huamao Liquor: Follow the traditional process to brew high-quality soy sauce wine

author:Taste buds adventure
Huamao Liquor: Follow the traditional process to brew high-quality soy sauce wine

In the river of oriental wine, winemakers have passed down their traditional crafts from generation to generation. Dragon Boat Festival koji, Chongyang Xiasha, secondary feeding, nine times of cooking, eight times of fermentation, seven times of wine pouring, each link adheres to the traditional process, and it takes time to precipitate before it can be made into fine wine. Huamao liquor lives up to expectations and is deeply loved by consumers. So, what is it that makes the birth of a bottle of Huamao wine so compelling? Let's unveil the mystery of Huamao wine.

The first thing is to choose good materials. Huamao liquor is produced in Moutai Town, the core production area of soy sauce liquor, and is carefully created by Moutai Liquor Co., Ltd. This 53 degree Daqukun sand sauce wine is made from glutinous red tassel sorghum, which has a high quality sorghum texture with an amylopectin content of more than 88%, and excellent cooking resistance, which is very conducive to the multi-round fermentation of sauce-flavored liquor. At the same time, the abundant tannin content in sorghum husk provides rich precursor substances for the aroma of Huamao liquor. These characteristics ensure the mellow texture during the brewing process and polish the excellent quality of Huamao liquor.

Huamao Liquor: Follow the traditional process to brew high-quality soy sauce wine

In the high-temperature koji-making stage, Huamao Liquor uses high-temperature Daqu made of pure wheat as the saccharification starter agent, and the specific process characteristics are as follows:

Inheriting the ancient craftsmanship is an important part of the production of Huamao liquor. From the Dragon Boat Festival to Chongyang Xiasha, each step is carried out in strict accordance with the traditional process, and has gone through more than 100 process links. The entire brewing process adheres to a production cycle of one year and always respects tradition. Nine times of cooking, eight times of fermentation, and seven times of pouring, the preservation of traditional craftsmanship is not only a tribute to the ancient method, but also to ensure the quality of Huamao liquor.

Huamao Liquor: Follow the traditional process to brew high-quality soy sauce wine

Finally, there is a careful blending process. The main components in baijiu are alcohols, and a small amount of acids, fats and phenols determine the style of liquor. In order to maintain a balance between these ingredients, it is necessary to combine them to ensure the quality and style of the baijiu. Huamao liquor is made of base liquor of different years, different rounds and different alcohol concentrations, carefully blended and combined according to a certain proportion, without adding any aroma substances, ensuring the pure natural characteristics of sauce-flavored liquor.

In general, the brewing process of Huamao Liquor follows the traditional process, pays attention to the selection and quality of raw materials, strives for the perfect koji-making process, adheres to the ancient process, and finally achieves a perfect presentation through careful blending. Every bottle of Huamao wine is a witness of the years and the crystallization of traditional craftsmanship and exquisite skills. Such a glass of Huamao wine is not only a pleasure for the mouth, but also a tribute to the inheritance and tribute of traditional Chinese culture.

Huamao Liquor: Follow the traditional process to brew high-quality soy sauce wine