
Wu Zetian controlled the secret of the crane prison, although he had many male favorites, but he failed to give birth to a prince

author:History at your fingertips

Under the wordless monument of the Qianling Tomb, there stands a historical mystery about the prince of Wu Zetian, the legendary empress. As a woman who has left a deep mark on Chinese history, Wu Zetian's power and intelligence are breathtaking. However, why she failed to give birth to a prince at a time when she was in power has become the focus of debate among historians.

Wu Zetian controlled the secret of the crane prison, although he had many male favorites, but he failed to give birth to a prince

Wu Zetian, who entered the palace at the age of fourteen, gradually stood out with his ingenuity and thirst for power. With her unique charm and unfathomable scheming, she successively charmed Tang Taizong Li Shimin and Tang Gaozong Li Zhi, laying a solid foundation for her future political career. However, her path to power has not been easy. In that era of male superiority and inferiority, she faced countless difficulties and challenges. However, with her wisdom and courage, she successfully broke through the shackles of tradition and showed the independence and strength of women.

Wu Zetian's wisdom and skill were the key to her strengthening her position in the imperial court. She understands the complexities and brutality of court politics and how to use various resources to consolidate her power. She gradually expanded her influence through shrewd political tactics and means. She made loyal courtiers and cronies, developed her power, and gradually gained de facto power. Her wisdom and skill have always made her invincible in the political struggle.

Wu Zetian controlled the secret of the crane prison, although he had many male favorites, but he failed to give birth to a prince

However, as she entered her old age and the power was tilted towards the opposition, the thirst for power seemed to be endless. She began her luxurious pursuit of male and female desires, establishing the "Crane Prison", a harem institution dedicated to the inclusion and selection of beautiful men. This act is undoubtedly a challenge and subversion of traditional gender roles. In this unique harem, she enjoys luxury and pleasure, satisfying her pursuit of male and female desires. She is the absolute master of this world, writing a history of women's power in a unique way. This not only shows her unique charm, but also shows her initiative and dominance as a woman in the power game.

However, despite the unprecedented luxury and Game of Thrones she enjoyed in "The Crane Prison", she never gave birth to a prince. This mystery haunts historians and makes us ponder the story behind the legendary empress.

Wu Zetian controlled the secret of the crane prison, although he had many male favorites, but he failed to give birth to a prince

First of all, Wu Zetian's physical condition may be one of the reasons why she did not give birth to a prince. When she established Wu Zhou as the female emperor, she was already 67 years old. Under the medical conditions of the time, women of this age were already well beyond the optimal age for childbearing. Physiological limitations prevented her from overcoming this natural obstacle. In addition, the prolonged court struggles and power struggles may also have caused irreversible damage to her body. All of these factors can affect her fertility.

Secondly, Wu Zetian's desire for power far outweighs the pursuit of motherhood. She devoted much of her time and energy to political struggles and struggles for power. For her, the throne is a symbol of power, not just a tool for producing offspring. She used various means to consolidate her position and expand her influence. The establishment of the "Crane Prison" was also a means for her to consolidate her power, through which she could better control the distribution of power and influence in the imperial court. So, while she has a large number of male pets, she doesn't really expect to get offspring through them.

Wu Zetian controlled the secret of the crane prison, although he had many male favorites, but he failed to give birth to a prince

In addition, Wu Zetian's political struggles in her later years were also an important factor affecting her fertility. Under her rule, the government was in turmoil, and there was constant struggle between various forces. In order to cement her position and maintain her grip on power, she needs to constantly deal with various challenges and threats. In such a political environment, her energy is more focused on the struggle for power than on her family and offspring. For her, loyal courtiers and subjects were more important than children. Therefore, she may have decided not to have a prince to avoid distraction and avoid being distracted by political battles.

In general, there are many reasons why Wu Zetian failed to give birth to a prince. Her physical condition, her desire for power, and the political struggles in her later years all had an impact on her fertility. Despite this, although no prince succeeded her to the throne, Wu Zetian's wisdom and courage were still admired by later generations, she is still an outstanding empress in Chinese history, her story is not only a historical chapter, but also a challenge and subversion of traditional gender roles, setting an example for later women, and her wordless monument has also become a witness to history, recording her legendary life.