
A very wonderful traditional Chinese medicine is a liver elixir, a spleen-strengthening medicine, a kidney tonic product, and a solid essence medicine

author:Professor Xie Youliang of the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine

The content is reposted from "Jinlan Traditional Chinese Medicine Says"

In "Mao's Poems", there is: "The attached wood is tired and tired to see rabbit silk, and the female Luo has a note in Mao's poems...... The kidney family has no power to do this, and it looks like fat for a long time. Li Shizhen once said that the annotation in "Mao's Poems" is the silk of the dodder.

Cuscuta is the mature seed of the annual parasitic herbaceous plant of the family Cuscuta spp. Grows on the edge of fields, wastelands and bushes. It is mainly produced in Shandong, Henan, Liaoning and other places. Plants are harvested in autumn when the fruit is ripe. It is better to have full particles and no dust and impurities.

Cuscuta is listed as the top grade in the "Shennong Materia Medica". So what is its efficacy? Traditional Chinese medicine believes that dodder seeds are sweet, pungent, astringent, and slightly warm, and return to the kidney, liver, and spleen meridians. It has the effects of tonifying the kidney, nourishing the liver and brightening the eyes, fixing the essence and shrinking the urine, stopping diarrhea, and stabilizing the fetus.

Cuscuta seed is warm and spicy, tonic but not jun, warm but not dry, which not only tonifies kidney yang, but also benefits kidney essence, and is widely used in a variety of syndromes caused by kidney yang deficiency and kidney essence deficiency.

A very wonderful traditional Chinese medicine is a liver elixir, a spleen-strengthening medicine, a kidney tonic product, and a solid essence medicine

Because it has both solid and astringent effects, it can be taken into account for the symptoms of kidney deficiency and instability such as spermatozoa, enuresis, frequent urination and collapse and leakage.

For the treatment of kidney deficiency and spermatozoa, such as the Wuzi Yanzhong Pill in the "Danxi Heart Method", it is used together with wolfberry, raspberry, schisandra and other kidney-strengthening and semen-strengthening drugs.

For the treatment of inhibition or enuresis under anxiety deficiency and coldness, such as dodder pills in "Jisheng", which are used together with drugs such as cistanche, schisandra, and mulberry crickets.

For the treatment of liver and kidney deficiency in women, Chong Ren is not solid, and can be used together with eucommia, mugwort leaves, squid bones and other drugs to tonify the kidney and strengthen the chong, warm menstruation and stop bleeding.

For the treatment of kidney deficiency, such as the internal tonic pill in "Female Cut", it is used with deer antler velvet, sand garden, etc.

A very wonderful traditional Chinese medicine is a liver elixir, a spleen-strengthening medicine, a kidney tonic product, and a solid essence medicine

In addition, the treatment of premature aging caused by liver and kidney insufficiency, sperm and blood deficiency, manifested by symptoms such as premature whitening, soreness of waist and knees, and shaking teeth, such as Qibao Beauty Pill in "Jishan Tang Fang", which is used together with wolfberry, He Shou Wu and other liver and kidney tonics, essence and blood tonics.

For kidney essence deficiency, liver and blood deficiency, and dizziness caused by the inability of essence and qi to be honored, dodder seeds can nourish the kidneys and liver, and benefit the essence and eyes, such as the Zhujing pill in "Shenghui", which is used together with rehmannia and psyllium seeds and other drugs that nourish the essence and nourish the blood and brighten the eyes.

Cuscuta seeds can not only warm the kidneys, but also have a slight effect of tonifying the spleen and stopping diarrhea. It is used for the treatment of spleen and kidney deficiency and cold, diarrhea, loose stools, backache and cold limbs, such as the spleen and kidney double supplement pills in the "Xianxingzhai Medical Notes", which are often used together with psoralen, Morinda officinalis, Schisandra chinensis and other drugs that warm the kidney, warm the spleen, and stop diarrhea.

A very wonderful traditional Chinese medicine is a liver elixir, a spleen-strengthening medicine, a kidney tonic product, and a solid essence medicine

If you have spleen deficiency and loose stools, for example, in "Fangmai Zhengzong", it is used together with ginseng, atractylodes and other spleen-tonifying and antidiarrheal drugs to enhance the efficacy.

Cuscuta is good at tonifying the liver and kidneys, and solidifying the chong to stabilize the fetus. It is often used for fetal restlessness caused by kidney deficiency and unstable and fetal loss, such as the longevity pill in the "Medical Hearts and References to the West", and is used together with mulberry parasitism, continuum and other kidney tonic and fetal drugs.

For example, when treating excessive thinking and sleep, you need to use 150 grams of dodder seeds, 60 grams of stone lotus meat (lotus seeds), and 90 grams of poria cocos.

For example, when treating low back pain, use dodder seeds and eucommia seeds in equal parts, grind them into fine powder, paste yam into sycamore-sized pills, take 50 pills each time, and take them with salt soup.