
Revealed: How much salary did the ancient emperor get per month?

author:Little Shadow Time

The ancient emperor was a mysterious being, they ruled the whole country, they had immense power and wealth, how much did the ancient emperor get paid each month? This is a curious question, in this article, we will reveal the salary of the ancient emperor.

We need to understand the ancient fiscal system, the fiscal system of ancient China was relatively simple, mainly relying on taxes and fiefs to maintain the operation of the state, while the emperor was the supreme ruler and enjoyed absolute power and privileges, and the emperor's income mainly came from the state's taxes and the income of the fiefs.

Revealed: How much salary did the ancient emperor get per month?

In ancient China, the state's taxes were mainly levied by local officials and then handed over to the central government, these taxes included land taxes, commercial taxes, industrial taxes, etc., as the supreme ruler of the country, the emperor naturally obtained a part of the income from them, and the specific amount was not clearly recorded, because this information was very confidential in ancient times.

The emperor also owned a large number of fiefs, fiefs are the land given by the emperor to meritorious officials or clan members, these lands can be used to maintain their living and expenses, and the income of these fiefs is also part of the emperor's source of income, ancient fiefs mainly include fields, manors, pastures, etc., these lands can be used to grow grain, raise livestock, etc., and generate rich income.

Revealed: How much salary did the ancient emperor get per month?

In addition to taxes and fiefs, the emperor could also obtain wealth through other means, the emperor could obtain more wealth through taxation and forced labor, and the emperor could also collect some concessions, such as the right to exploit mineral resources, commercial concessions, etc.

Although the emperor enjoyed great power and privileges, but their expenses were also very large, as the supreme ruler of the country, the emperor needed to maintain his own living and expenses, and at the same time also needed to support the members and officials of the court, the ancient court life was luxurious and cumbersome, requiring a lot of money to maintain, and the emperor also needed to bear the expenses of the state, such as the maintenance of the army, the construction of palaces and temples, etc.

The salary of the ancient emperors was a complex and difficult issue to determine, and their income came mainly from state taxes and fiefdoms, but there were also other ways to obtain wealth, and although the emperors had great power and privileges, they also paid for their expenses

Revealed: How much salary did the ancient emperor get per month?

It is very large, and the salary of the ancient emperor should be very generous, but the specific amount cannot be determined.

The income of the ancient emperors mainly came from taxes and fiefdoms, but also through other ways to obtain wealth, although they enjoyed great power and privileges, but they also needed to bear huge expenses, the salary of the ancient emperors was a complex and difficult to determine the specific amount, which also increased the mystery of the ancient emperors, and made people more curious and imaginary about their lives and power.