
Shi Jin's death tore off the disguise of Liangshan's heroes and ripped off the "fig leaf" of brotherhood

author:Let's ask Ah Zhe

In the classic masterpiece "Water Margin", Shi Jin's death is not only a tragic event, but also profoundly reveals the complexity and contradictions hidden behind the seemingly indestructible brotherhood between the heroes of Liangshan.

Shi Jin's death tore off the disguise of Liangshan's heroes and ripped off the "fig leaf" of brotherhood

Shi Jin, as one of the famous generals of Liangshanbo, his death tore apart the unity of the heroes of Liangshan to a certain extent, revealing the actual problems and rifts between them.

Shi Jin's death reflects that the heroes of Liangshan are actually not monolithic. In "Water Margin", the heroes of Liangshan show amazing unity and courage in the face of foreign enemies, but internally, they actually have all kinds of contradictions and grievances.

These contradictions and grievances may have been suppressed in normal times, but in the event of Shi Jin's death, they were ruthlessly exposed.

Shi Jin's death tore off the disguise of Liangshan's heroes and ripped off the "fig leaf" of brotherhood

Shi Jin's death also exposed the fragility of the so-called brotherhood between the heroes of Liangshan. In their common life, they often advocated brotherhood, but at critical moments, this friendship failed to prevent tragedy.

This is not only because of the fault of individual people, but also because in an organization like Liangshanbo, which aims at rebellion, personal interests and emotions are often sacrificed.

Shi Jin's death also reveals the sense of powerlessness of the heroes of Liangshan in the face of internal contradictions and conflicts. In "Water Margin", when internal contradictions erupted, many heroes showed helplessness and pain.

Shi Jin's death tore off the disguise of Liangshan's heroes and ripped off the "fig leaf" of brotherhood

They are brave and fearless in the fight against the enemy on the outside, but they are often powerless in the face of contradictions and conflicts internally, and even unable to prevent tragedy from happening.

Although the heroes of Liangshan in "Water Margin" have noble ideals and pursuits, under the pressure of real politics and society, their ideals are often challenged or even lost. Shi Jin's death is a microcosm of the internal contradictions and dilemmas of the heroes of Liangshan under the pressure of this reality.