
"Green Book": A profound masterpiece that explores the transcendence of race and class

author:Mr. Huang, the movie recommendation officer

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"Green Book": A profound masterpiece that explores the transcendence of race and class


Green Book is a 2018 drama film directed by Peter Ferrari and starring Viggo Mortensen and Mahershala Ali. Based on a true story, the film follows a bodyguard, Tony, who is hired as a talented classical pianist Don to drive him on a tour that begins in New York. The film has won the love of the audience with its deep themes, superb directing and acting, and unique style. This article will analyze and evaluate the film from the aspects of plot, characters, director, and acting.

1. Plot analysis

The plot of "Green Book" is full and engaging. The story revolves around two characters, Tony and Don, and through their interactions and growth, it shows the complexity and diversity of race, class, and humanity. The plot cleverly integrates elements such as humor, warmth and suspense, so that the audience can think about human nature and social realities while enjoying the plot.

"Green Book": A profound masterpiece that explores the transcendence of race and class

2. Character building

The characterization in the movie is very successful. Tony is an ordinary white-collar worker who is initially prejudiced against blacks, but over time he gradually re-examines his values and outlook on life. Don, on the other hand, was a well-educated black pianist who chose to use music and intelligence to break down these boundaries in the face of racism. The growth and transformation of these two characters is very natural and realistic, allowing the audience to deeply feel their inner world and emotional changes.

3. Director's skills

Peter Ferrari showed excellent directing skills in the film. He skillfully uses the language of cinema to create a warm and comfortable atmosphere through the use of cameras, sound effects and set design. At the same time, the director also skillfully integrated humor and suspense elements into the film, making the plot more colorful, so that the audience can think about human nature and social realities while enjoying the plot.

"Green Book": A profound masterpiece that explores the transcendence of race and class

Fourth, acting evaluation

The actors in the movie performed very well. Viggo Mortensen and Mahershala Ali starred in superb acting, and they managed to portray the two complex characters of Tony and Don. Viggo Mortensen's performance in the film is very real and natural, and Tony's inner world and emotional changes are very delicate. Mahershala Ali showcased Don's elegance, talent and courage to the fullest, allowing the audience to deeply feel his inner world and emotional changes. The performances of both actors are excellent and add a lot to the movie.

"Green Book": A profound masterpiece that explores the transcendence of race and class

5. Theme Depth and Enlightenment

The themes of the Green Book are profound and thought-provoking. It explores the complexity and diversity of race, class, and humanity, and conveys positive values to the audience through the growth and transformation of two characters, Tony and Don. The movie teaches us that everyone should be treated equally, not differently because of skin color, gender, religion, etc. At the same time, the Green Paper also expresses respect and respect for diversity and inclusion, which are still very important and valuable in today's society.

VI. Conclusions

Overall, Green Book is a very successful film work. It has won the love of the audience with its profound themes, superb directing and acting, and unique style. For audiences who love feature films, "Green Book" is definitely a good work not to be missed. At the same time, this film also brings us profound inspiration and thinking, making us re-examine the reality of human nature and society.

"Green Book": A profound masterpiece that explores the transcendence of race and class

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