
When the cold wave hits, it is recommended to eat more than 3 kinds of food to moisten the lungs and remove dryness, prevent colds and survive the winter healthily

author:Akiko Seikatsu Nippons

When the cold wave hits, the temperature plummets, the air becomes dry, and the body's immunity is relatively weakened. In order to prevent colds and stay healthy, rest more, drink plenty of water, enhance the body's immunity, and jointly resist cold and illness. It is recommended that everyone eat more of the following four foods, which have the effect of moisturizing the lungs and removing dryness, help to enhance immunity, and let us spend the winter healthily.

1. Lily - moistens the lungs and calms the nerves

When the cold wave hits, it is recommended to eat more than 3 kinds of food to moisten the lungs and remove dryness, prevent colds and survive the winter healthily

Lily lotus seed soup

1. Wash the lily, lotus seeds, and red dates separately and soak for 2 hours. Put the soaked lilies, lotus seeds, and red dates into the pot and add an appropriate amount of water.

2. After the heat is boiling, turn to low heat and cook for 40 minutes. Add rock sugar, stir well, and cook until the rock sugar melts.

2. Lotus root - nourishing the lungs and moisturizing dryness

When the cold wave hits, it is recommended to eat more than 3 kinds of food to moisten the lungs and remove dryness, prevent colds and survive the winter healthily

Jiangmi lotus root

1. Choose fresh lotus root, soak Jiang rice in advance, and prepare an appropriate amount of red dates and rock sugar. Then peel the lotus root, wash it, cut it into thin slices, wash the rice and drain it, and wash the red dates for later use.

2. Put the cut lotus root slices into the pot, add an appropriate amount of water, bring to a boil over high heat, then turn to low heat and cook for about 10 minutes. At this point, add the soaked rice and red dates to the pot and continue to cook for about 20 minutes. You can add an appropriate amount of rock sugar according to your personal taste, and after the river rice and lotus root are fully integrated, you can turn off the heat and remove from the pot.

3. Yam - nourishing yin and moistening the intestines

When the cold wave hits, it is recommended to eat more than 3 kinds of food to moisten the lungs and remove dryness, prevent colds and survive the winter healthily

Yam cakes

1. Peel the yam first and cut it into round slices. After cutting it, put it in a bowl, put it in a pot, boil the water and steam it on high heat for 15 minutes, the yam is already steamed, take it out and let it cool a little and then beat in three eggs. Add two more tablespoons of sugar, then take out the rolling pin and press it into a mashed yam.

2. Prepare another 250 grams of glutinous rice flour and 60 grams of low-gluten flour, then add the yam paste, and stir it into a dough flocculent shape with chopsticks, like this. Then knead it with your hands, and finally knead it into this soft dough, knead it into thin strips, and then knead it into small evenly sized pieces by hand. Then take a small agent, knead it round, and then pinch it with your hand, knead it into a small square square, like this, and then stick white sesame seeds on all six sides, and then pinch it with your hand to make the sesame sticky more firmly, and the yam small square is ready.

3. Preheat the electric baking pan or frying pan and brush the oil, put in the glutinous rice cubes after the oil is hot, turn on low heat and fry slowly, fry for about two minutes, fry until golden brown, and you can get out of the pot.

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