
Is the earth hollow or solid? The "Classic of Mountains and Seas" once recorded the geocentric civilization

author:Laugh at Shi Yunyan

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From ancient times to the present, countless scholars have tried to solve the mystery of the Classic of Mountains and Seas, but there is still no accepted conclusion.

There is a new view that the Classic of Mountains and Seas does not describe the surface world.

This view is shocking, is there really a world in the center of the earth that is completely different from the surface?

Is the earth hollow or solid? The "Classic of Mountains and Seas" once recorded the geocentric civilization


As for the origins of the hollowness of the earth, we need to go back to the 19th century.

John Clifts Sims, an obscure businessman, issued a proclamation in 1818 declaring that the interior of the earth was far more empty than the surface of the earth suitable for human habitation, and he vowed to explore the interior of the earth with his life.

Is the earth hollow or solid? The "Classic of Mountains and Seas" once recorded the geocentric civilization

This absurd theory did not make much waves in the scientific world, but it gained imagination in the literary world.

Simzonia: A Journey of Discovery was published as soon as possible, telling the story of the captain's discovery of an underground civilization, followed by Jules Verne's famous book "Journey to the Center of the Earth".

In 1956, Major Bard decided to fly over the North Pole to save fuel, and over the North Pole, he witnessed the long-extinct mammoth, as well as a huge burrow with more living mammoths.

Is the earth hollow or solid? The "Classic of Mountains and Seas" once recorded the geocentric civilization

Modern science, by measuring the mass parameters of the Earth, believes that the Earth should have a liquid outer core and a solid inner core.

But if the Earth is really solid, its mass should be much higher than what is currently measured.

So what exactly exists inside the earth, there have been many opinions.

The debate over the internal structure of the Earth has been around for a long time.

Is the earth hollow or solid? The "Classic of Mountains and Seas" once recorded the geocentric civilization

In the 17th century, Descartes proposed the existence of lava in the Earth's interior and the formation of convection currents with the Earth's crust, but it was not until the 20th century that there was a new breakthrough in the Earth's internal structure.

Seismologists use the propagation of seismic waves to determine the presence of the Earth's mantle and outer core.

The solid-state structure of the core was not confirmed until 1936. Nuclear magnetic resonance and geophysics provide direct evidence for the study of the Earth's interior.

There are still many unknowns about the details of the Earth's core, and the size, density, composition, and magnetic field of the core are still quite controversial.

Is the earth hollow or solid? The "Classic of Mountains and Seas" once recorded the geocentric civilization

Some scientists believe that the Earth's interior may be much more complex than thought, with both the inner and outer nuclei likely to have solid-liquid phases, and perhaps even a "mantle"-like mesosphere.

In addition, it has been found that the boundaries of the inner core may be extremely unstable, and there is large-scale thermal convection, whether this affects the geomagnetic field remains to be further confirmed.

If the Earth's interior is really more complex than imagined, then the existence of life becomes an unavoidable problem.

Is the earth hollow or solid? The "Classic of Mountains and Seas" once recorded the geocentric civilization

From a chemical point of view, the Earth's interior has temperature, pressure conditions, and may be able to support life, and there may even be a huge underground biosphere, but so far, this possibility is purely imaginary.

In the 50s of the 20th century, the American scholar Henry Mertz explored in North America and discovered certain geographical landscapes that were strikingly similar to those depicted in the Classic of Mountains and Seas, which shocked people.

Is the earth hollow or solid? The "Classic of Mountains and Seas" once recorded the geocentric civilization

The "Classic of Mountains and Seas" was written in the pre-Qin period, when the transportation was backward, how did the ancients grasp the geography of North America?

This secret, which was more than 2,000 years old, has finally been revealed in scientific exploration.

In Antarctica, there are more unsolved mysteries, as early as the "Classic of Mountains and Seas" has been recorded, in the ice and snow, there are still vast oases and life.

This is confirmed by the discovery of Banga, but its area and location differ from the description in the Classic of Mountains and Seas.

Is the earth hollow or solid? The "Classic of Mountains and Seas" once recorded the geocentric civilization

Is it an error in the ancient books, or is the oasis changing, or has it not been fully excavated?

The mysteries of the polar regions are being uncovered in the footsteps of science and exploration.

The "Classic of Mountains and Seas", an ancient work of Zhiwei, has also been revitalized under the examination of archaeology and geography, which is not only a literary imagination, but a bridge connecting the ancient and modern, legends and historical facts.

Is the earth hollow or solid? The "Classic of Mountains and Seas" once recorded the geocentric civilization


There has always been a lot of controversy about the Classic of Mountains and Seas, and the world it describes is so strange that it is unbelievable.

But if you read it closely, you will find that many of the details are extremely detailed and convincing.

This classical book has always attracted much attention, but its authenticity is inconclusive.

The Classic of Mountains and Seas contains a large number of ancient legends that depict an extraordinary world.

Is the earth hollow or solid? The "Classic of Mountains and Seas" once recorded the geocentric civilization

There are supernatural animals and all kinds of grotesque scenes, which some scholars believe are pure fiction and are the product of the superstition of the ancients.

But there are also those who believe that many of the things described in the book are true, but have not yet been discovered by modern people.

Among them is the record of whether the earth is hollow or solid.

Some scholars have put forward an astonishing conjecture: what the Classic of Mountains and Seas describes is actually another civilized world inside the earth.

Is the earth hollow or solid? The "Classic of Mountains and Seas" once recorded the geocentric civilization

The basis of this conjecture is inextricably linked to the theory of the hollowness of the earth.

The hollow earth theory holds that there is a huge void inside the hard shell of the earth's surface.

There is a separate ecosystem in this hollow, and there is a highly developed civilization.

The hollowness of the earth came about because scientific calculations show that with the mass and density of the earth, its interior should not be solid.

Is the earth hollow or solid? The "Classic of Mountains and Seas" once recorded the geocentric civilization

And through the study of seismic wave propagation, etc., it has also been shown that there is a possibility of a hole in the earth's interior.

The reason why the ancients were able to describe the landscape inside the earth may be that they actually entered the interior of the earth through some special passage.

This conjecture explains the mystery of the precise description of the landforms of the Americas in the Classic of Mountains and Seas.

Is the earth hollow or solid? The "Classic of Mountains and Seas" once recorded the geocentric civilization

According to the records of the Classic of Mountains and Seas, scholars even found a corresponding geographical location in the Americas, if it was impossible for the ancients at that time to travel around the world by boat, then the most reasonable explanation is that the world described in the Classic of Mountains and Seas is actually the world inside the earth.

Of course, this seemingly crazy conjecture still needs more scientific evidence to support it, such as the existence of civilizations within the earth, and there is no conclusive evidence yet.

Is the earth hollow or solid? The "Classic of Mountains and Seas" once recorded the geocentric civilization

In addition, how the ancients entered the interior of the earth also needs to be explained.

However, the development of science often breaks through the limitations of established thinking, and the existence of civilization within the earth will become a new page for mankind to explore the mysteries of the universe.


In addition, there are all kinds of bizarre creatures and geographical landscapes in the Classic of Mountains and Seas, which we usually think of as the imagination of the ancients, but if you think about it carefully, maybe there are more unsolved mysteries hidden behind it.

Is the earth hollow or solid? The "Classic of Mountains and Seas" once recorded the geocentric civilization

Before exploring this question, let's take a look at some specific records in the Classic of Mountains and Seas.

For example, the book mentions the creation of man by Emperor E, the great flood during the flood control period of Dayu, and the giants, villains, one-eyed races, etc., these stories sound absurd, but they may not be unfounded.

Regarding the Great Flood, similar legends have appeared not only in the Book of Mountains and Seas, but also in the Bible and other ancient books of civilization.

Is the earth hollow or solid? The "Classic of Mountains and Seas" once recorded the geocentric civilization

Obviously, some kind of large-scale flood disaster did occur 4,000-5,000 years ago, and the legend of Nuwa's creation of man in the Classic of Mountains and Seas may be derived from the reconstruction of human civilization after the Great Flood.

So, what are the strange creatures and alien races in the Classic of Mountains and Seas? One interesting possibility is that they may have been created by the highly developed geocentric civilization in ancient times.

Is the earth hollow or solid? The "Classic of Mountains and Seas" once recorded the geocentric civilization

Let's imagine that if the world depicted in the Classic of Mountains and Seas is a product of the geocentric civilization, everything becomes reasonable.

The giants and villains are likely to be robots they made, the ruins of famous mountains that cannot be found may be hidden underground, and the "gods" are likely to be the people of the center of the earth themselves.

The Inner Earth civilization has wisdom and abilities far beyond the surface of the earth, and the world they have created will naturally amaze and puzzle future generations.

Is the earth hollow or solid? The "Classic of Mountains and Seas" once recorded the geocentric civilization

Even, in various legends in ancient times, the actions of those "gods" may only be the intervention of the people of the earth.

This hypothesis is not groundless, since human beings still have a very limited understanding of the earth, and there are still too many unknown things, how can we conclude that the geocentric civilization does not exist?

Even, some scientists have pointed out that we do not rule out the existence of huge cavitary systems in the Earth's interior.

Is the earth hollow or solid? The "Classic of Mountains and Seas" once recorded the geocentric civilization

But the question is, even if the geocentric civilization exists, why did they create a civilization on the surface?

The "dark forest" theory comes to mind, which may be the key.

The "Dark Forest" theory holds that the universe is a dark forest, where civilizations are suspicious of each other and will not hesitate to destroy higher civilizations once they discover the existence of them.

Is the earth hollow or solid? The "Classic of Mountains and Seas" once recorded the geocentric civilization

Therefore, civilizations either fight or flee from each other, either hide or strike first.

If this set of theories is applied to the earth, everything will make sense, and the geocentric civilization may deliberately hide itself, and at the same time create the surface civilization as a pretext to disguise itself as a relatively backward world to the outside world.

In this way, you can avoid the blows of alien civilizations and protect yourself.

Is the earth hollow or solid? The "Classic of Mountains and Seas" once recorded the geocentric civilization

From time to time, they used floods and wars to destroy the civilization on the surface and then reshape it.

Even intervening in myths and stories to guide the development of surface civilization in their favor, the world depicted in the Classic of Mountains and Seas is likely to be the result of their deliberate forgery.

This requires the assumption that the Earth is not isolated, but in a vast forest of cosmic civilizations, but this assumption is not without scientific basis.

Is the earth hollow or solid? The "Classic of Mountains and Seas" once recorded the geocentric civilization

Once it is accepted that the Earth is not isolated, the "dark forest" theory becomes extremely convincing to explain the existence of a geocentric civilization.


The unsolved mysteries of the Earth's interior may have a long way to go.

But there is no doubt that contemporary geologists are building on the foundations of their predecessors and are unraveling the mysteries of the Earth's interior.

Is the earth hollow or solid? The "Classic of Mountains and Seas" once recorded the geocentric civilization

Maybe one day, we can determine whether there really is a civilization inside the earth.

Until scientific research gives a definitive answer, this will be a never-ending exploration of mankind.