
In 2007, Meng Xiangbin, the soldier who sacrificed his life to save the woman who jumped into the river, what is the current situation of his wife and daughter?

author:Chen Zhihua views the world

"Who will help", in the Wujiang River, Meng Xiangbin anxiously shouted this sentence, and at the same time he also held a woman who jumped into the river.

However, as soon as others rescued the woman, Meng Xiangbin sank.

In the end, the woman who jumped into the river was rescued, but Meng Xiangbin was sacrificed, and at this time Meng Xiangbin was just 28 years old, and his daughter had just turned three.

His wife, Ye Qinghua, witnessed the whole process of her husband jumping into the river to save people, and also saw her husband disappear into the river.

Now that 16 years have passed since Meng Xiangbin's sacrifice, what happened to Meng Xiangbin's wife and daughter?

In 2007, Meng Xiangbin, the soldier who sacrificed his life to save the woman who jumped into the river, what is the current situation of his wife and daughter?
The source in this article is from the official media (Xinhuanet), February 16, 2020, but in order to improve the readability of the article, the details may be polished, please read sensibly, for reference only!

Jump off the bridge to save people

"Someone jumped into the river", on November 30, 2007, on the Tongji Bridge of Wujiang River, someone shouted, and suddenly the bridge was full of anxiously waiting crowds, but the bridge was too high, people did not dare to jump down rashly to save people, and some onlookers called the police.

At this moment, a man suddenly ran over, took off his shoes on the bridge and was about to jump, an eldest sister hurriedly pulled him, saying that the bridge was too high, the water was still so cold, it was too dangerous, but the man did not hesitate, but said to the eldest sister "I can swim", and jumped off the bridge more than ten meters high.

In 2007, Meng Xiangbin, the soldier who sacrificed his life to save the woman who jumped into the river, what is the current situation of his wife and daughter?

It didn't take long for the man to find the woman who jumped into the river and tried to hold her up, but both of them were wearing very thick clothes, and the river was so cold, the man's physical strength was soon a little exhausted, but he had been trying to persevere, waiting for someone to come to the rescue.

At this moment, someone found a rope, and they put it down on the bridge, but the length of the rope was not enough, and some of the onlookers were about to cry when they saw the man sinking a little in the river.

In 2007, Meng Xiangbin, the soldier who sacrificed his life to save the woman who jumped into the river, what is the current situation of his wife and daughter?

At this moment, a motorboat finally drove over, and at the same time, a soldier named Cai Qunsong swam over to save people, and people were anxiously watching, all wanting the two to be saved as soon as possible.

However, what I didn't expect was that when the motorboat was about to drive to the woman's side, the man who rescued people suddenly began to sink downward, Cai Qunsong saw that something was wrong, and wanted to swim over and pull it in a hurry, but he was still two steps behind.

In 2007, Meng Xiangbin, the soldier who sacrificed his life to save the woman who jumped into the river, what is the current situation of his wife and daughter?

The man used his last strength to lift the woman to the motorboat, and the motorboat successfully rescued the woman who jumped into the river, but the man who saved the person disappeared on the river, Cai Qunsong and the rescuers began to search urgently in the river, but there was no result, they couldn't find anyone at all.

Seeing the man who rescued the man disappearing on the river, a woman was emotional and wanted to jump, but fortunately she was stopped by the people on the bridge, but the woman kept crying excitedly, and then people learned that this was the wife of the man who rescued the man.

In 2007, Meng Xiangbin, the soldier who sacrificed his life to save the woman who jumped into the river, what is the current situation of his wife and daughter?

The identity of the man who rescued the man was exposed

The man who rescued the man was a soldier named Meng Xiangbin, the man's wife was named Ye Qinghua, and their 3-year-old daughter also witnessed the whole process.

In the few hours waiting for the search and rescue of Meng Xiangbin, Ye Qinghua was almost fainting from crying, obviously a few hours ago, her husband was still smiling and taking herself and her daughter to go shopping, saying that she wanted to buy small leather shoes for her daughter, obviously before going down to save people, her husband also said that he would wait for him to come back, but now he will never come back.

In 2007, Meng Xiangbin, the soldier who sacrificed his life to save the woman who jumped into the river, what is the current situation of his wife and daughter?

After more than an hour of searching and salvage, Meng Xiangbin was finally salvaged, and at this time he was frozen and white, and there was no breathing and heartbeat.

After the accident, the leaders of Meng Xiangbin's troops also rushed to the scene, and when they heard the news of Meng Xiangbin's sacrifice, the leaders were also very uncomfortable, and the leaders also said that Meng Xiangbin was an excellent officer.

And at this time, people also understood how good Meng Xiangbin was.

In 2007, Meng Xiangbin, the soldier who sacrificed his life to save the woman who jumped into the river, what is the current situation of his wife and daughter?

Meng Xiangbin is a native of Qihe County, Shandong, after graduating from high school, he chose to join the army, and Meng Xiangbin's performance in the army was also very good, and then Meng Xiangbin participated in the Chinese People's Liberation Army Information Engineering University Examination, and he was successfully admitted to the Lanzhou Branch.

After graduation, he was also assigned to work in the confidential section of a certain headquarters, and later became a confidential staff officer of the deputy company of the former brigade headquarters of the Second Artillery Corps.

In 2007, Meng Xiangbin, the soldier who sacrificed his life to save the woman who jumped into the river, what is the current situation of his wife and daughter?

Meng Xiangbin married his wife Ye Qinghua in 2003, Ye Qinghua is a teacher, and the relationship between the two is also very good.

Because of Meng Xiangbin's work, he rarely has holidays, and rarely meets his wife and children, when his wife gave birth to a child, Meng Xiangbin was not able to be around, but his wife was very understanding, she knew that her husband was busy with work, so she didn't mind, and supported the family alone.

In 2007, Meng Xiangbin, the soldier who sacrificed his life to save the woman who jumped into the river, what is the current situation of his wife and daughter?

Unfortunate Sacrifice

In November 2007, Ye Qinghua took her daughter to visit relatives at her husband's place of work, because Meng Xiangbin was very busy during that time and had not rested for three months.

Meng Xiangbin was very happy to see his wife and daughter coming, and he also specially asked for leave to take his wife and daughter to go shopping, saying that he wanted to buy a pair of small leather shoes for his daughter.

In 2007, Meng Xiangbin, the soldier who sacrificed his life to save the woman who jumped into the river, what is the current situation of his wife and daughter?

However, on the way to the mall, they suddenly encountered someone jumping into the river, as a soldier, of course, Meng Xiangbin would choose to save people, he told his wife to wait for him to come back, and then hurriedly ran over to save people, but he didn't expect that he would never come back.

Seeing her mother crying bitterly, her three-year-old daughter was also frightened and cried, at this time she still did not understand the meaning of death, she saw her father lying on the hospital bed, she just thought that her father was too tired, so she fell asleep.

In 2007, Meng Xiangbin, the soldier who sacrificed his life to save the woman who jumped into the river, what is the current situation of his wife and daughter?

After Meng Xiangbin's sacrifice, a lot of people also gathered at the place where Meng Xiangbin died, and they put flowers on the bridge to mourn the hero in this way.

In December, Meng Xiangbin's ashes also returned to his hometown, and his heroic spirit was also buried in the martyrs' cemetery in Qihe County.

In 2007, Meng Xiangbin, the soldier who sacrificed his life to save the woman who jumped into the river, what is the current situation of his wife and daughter?

At that time, the woman who jumped into the river rescued by Meng Xiangbin also felt very regretful after learning about this incident, she came to Ye Qinghua, knelt down in front of her, unwilling to get up, crying tears, she said that she was because of emotional frustration, so she suddenly had the idea of suicide, she did not expect that her behavior would harm others, will harm a happy family.

Although Ye Qinghua was also very uncomfortable, she knew that her husband would definitely come forward when he encountered that kind of situation, she comforted the woman, saying that that was what her husband should do, and said that they lived well was the best reward for her husband.

In 2007, Meng Xiangbin, the soldier who sacrificed his life to save the woman who jumped into the river, what is the current situation of his wife and daughter?

Meng Xiangbin's deeds touched countless people, people have forwarded Meng Xiangbin's deeds, and some people have launched fundraising activities, wanting to relieve some of the burden on the hero's family, because Meng Xiangbin's family conditions are not good, and his parents are sick.

Now the family is supported by his wife alone, the child in the family is just three years old, and it will definitely be very difficult in the future, and someone sent small leather shoes to their daughter, Ye Qinghua also left, she wants her daughter to remember these warmth.

In 2007, Meng Xiangbin, the soldier who sacrificed his life to save the woman who jumped into the river, what is the current situation of his wife and daughter?

The current situation of his wife Ye Qinghua

After Meng Xiangbin's death, his wife Ye Qinghua and her daughter moved to Jinhua, Zhejiang, where her husband was a soldier during his lifetime, and she wanted to know more about her husband's work during his lifetime.

The death of her husband also completely changed the trajectory of Ye Qinghua's life, Ye Qinghua took care of her daughter alone, and she also had a new idea, that is, to volunteer for the martyrs.

In 2007, Meng Xiangbin, the soldier who sacrificed his life to save the woman who jumped into the river, what is the current situation of his wife and daughter?

Since then, Ye Qinghua has been searching for information, she wants to find the relatives of the unknown martyrs who died in the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression and the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, and in the 16 years since Meng Xiangbin's death, she has been insisting on this work.

So far, Ye Qinghua has helped more than 500 martyrs find their families, let more than 150 unknown martyrs have names, and she has also united many colleges and universities to paint portraits of martyrs.

In 2007, Meng Xiangbin, the soldier who sacrificed his life to save the woman who jumped into the river, what is the current situation of his wife and daughter?

She has been working hard for those martyrs, and she said that she wants more martyrs' stories to be passed on.

Every year on the Qingming Festival and death day, Ye Qinghua will return to the martyrs' cemetery in Shandong to sweep the graves of her husband and all the martyrs who are buried here.

In 2007, Meng Xiangbin, the soldier who sacrificed his life to save the woman who jumped into the river, what is the current situation of his wife and daughter?

The daughter was admitted to the school where her father used to be

Meng Xiangbin's daughter Meng Shiyan has also grown up slowly, at first the little Meng Shiyan didn't understand why everyone else had a father, but she didn't, why she could only rely on a photo to see her father.

Little Meng Shiyan was very sad, she didn't understand why her father chose to jump in to save people, leaving herself and her mother behind.

In 2007, Meng Xiangbin, the soldier who sacrificed his life to save the woman who jumped into the river, what is the current situation of his wife and daughter?

However, as she grew up, Meng Shiyan also understood her father, she understood that he was not only her father, he was also a soldier, and he had responsibilities, and this also made Meng Shiyan understand more truths.

In 2022, Meng Shiyan has graduated from high school, and with a score of 622 in the college entrance examination, she was admitted to the school where her father once stayed - Strategic Support Force Information Engineering University.

In 2007, Meng Xiangbin, the soldier who sacrificed his life to save the woman who jumped into the river, what is the current situation of his wife and daughter?

Meng Shiyan said that she wanted to be closer to her father, and she wanted to complete the unfinished business for her father and go to the military camp.

Meng Xiangbin's deeds of saving and sacrificing people are remembered by more people, and Meng Xiangbin was also named the person of the year who moved China in 2007, and his spirit also inspired more people.