
Nothing happened on the 15th, and the two rumor-mongering anchors apologized and the other was hard-mouthed

author:Apple cow watch the game
Nothing happened on the 15th, and the two rumor-mongering anchors apologized and the other was hard-mouthed

The high-profile announcement on the 15th has passed, and nothing happened. But the three anchors in this turmoil did also speak out.

The first to come out was Brother Huang

Nothing happened on the 15th, and the two rumor-mongering anchors apologized and the other was hard-mouthed

Regarding Brother Huang, it is true that everyone has found the wrong person, Brother Huang only said in the live broadcast that he signed it, but for the announcement on the 15th, what he said from beginning to end was unclear and I don't know. However, Brother Huang directly threw the pot to the donkey pigeon.

But on the other hand, the official account sent by the editor of Brother Huang's official account did come back again, saying that there is indeed a lot of gossip, and everyone can wait with peace of mind.

Nothing happened on the 15th, and the two rumor-mongering anchors apologized and the other was hard-mouthed

What about the donkey pigeon named by Brother Huang?

Donkey Pigeon was live broadcast with a scolding today, but he did pick up the pot very steadily, apologized many times during the live broadcast, and also explained the reason for the rumors to the sailors

Nothing happened on the 15th, and the two rumor-mongering anchors apologized and the other was hard-mouthed

In fact, he saw the barrage during the live broadcast and said about it, so he took the conversation over. He did something wrong, but this wave of apologies was very sincere, so after the apology, the barrage was still more tolerant of him.

In stark contrast to this is the source of the rumor – the Flame Rat

The flame rat started broadcasting at 7 o'clock in the evening on the 15th, and everyone asked him if he was pretending to be dead, and he said that he just got up, not pretending to be dead, and he was also surprised to see that there was no official announcement when he got up. And at this time, the title of his live broadcast room is

Nothing happened on the 15th, and the two rumor-mongering anchors apologized and the other was hard-mouthed

Not long after the live broadcast began, the barrage atmosphere was not very good, and the flame rat had not apologized at this time, what he said was, at nine o'clock, he could also turn the tables, if it turned over, what did the people who scolded him in the live broadcast room say?

Nothing happened on the 15th, and the two rumor-mongering anchors apologized and the other was hard-mouthed

Of course, the live broadcast room didn't believe him, and started a war of words with him.

Then he said the reason for this rumor, he explained that there was an internal friend who showed him the news, and after reading it, he felt very stable, so he said so, and at this point, he didn't expect that the 15th would suddenly not be officially announced, and he was also a victim.

Nothing happened on the 15th, and the two rumor-mongering anchors apologized and the other was hard-mouthed

After talking around, he didn't mention the apology at all, only said that if he didn't announce it at nine o'clock, everyone could scold him, and he would admit it. He has been passionately with netizens in the follow-up live broadcast, so he didn't watch it, and I don't know if he apologized before the broadcast.

And he has been stubborn, saying whether the people who sprayed him caused the gold price to collapse because he said the news, making these people lose money. He didn't realize that many of the people who came here to spray him didn't even play the Asian server, didn't care about the price of gold at all, and simply came to attack the rumormongers.

But he did take Ye Luo's pot, he said that Ye Luo didn't say anything about the 15th, it was because he and Arnold were discussing this matter in YY, and the words came out of Ye Luo's live broadcast room, so there was a situation where Ye Luo said that the official announcement on the 15th appeared.

After nine o'clock, there was really no news, and the only chance to turn the tables was gone, no matter what, now he has really become the number one clown anchor in the history of Warcraft.

But there are indeed two more news today, one is that the blizzard is really coming, in a physical sense, the snow in the north is really heavy, everyone pay attention to keeping warm and safe.

Another piece of news is that NetEase itself has also started to play sidekicks

Nothing happened on the 15th, and the two rumor-mongering anchors apologized and the other was hard-mouthed

NetEase has sent this text message to many players of the dark mobile game, although it is a magic pet on the line, and it is impossible to say that it is a Warcraft, whether it is hinting or using Warcraft to increase the popularity of its mobile game, it is unknown.

There are many good things, but there is a high probability that there will be no news in December, because the United States is really on holiday in December, a very simple example, Blizzard President Mike Ybarra, who has been surfing at high intensity, has not tweeted for two weeks after entering December, which is unprecedented, there are only two reasons, one is that he is indeed busy with a big event, and the other is that he is on vacation, and he is still inclined to the second situation, so Blizzard is now in a state of full vacation, and there should be news that it should be after Christmas.