
Top seed Naraoka: I didn't expect me to lose three in a row

author:Gong Weijie
{"info":{"title":{"content":"头号种子奈良冈:没想到我会3连败","en":"Top seed Naraoka: I didn't expect me to lose three in a row"},"description":{"content":"被逆转主要是精神层面上不如对手。2023世界羽联总决赛小组赛落幕,男单头号种子奈良冈遭遇3连败排名垫底,被淘汰出局。奈良...","en":"The main reason for being reversed is that he is not as good as his opponent on a mental level. The group stage of the 2023 BWF Finals came to an end, and the top seed in men's singles, Naraoka, suffered three consecutive defeats and was eliminated from the competition. Nara..."}},"items":[]}