
Deadline on December 31!2023 "Salute to the Spirit of Embroidery, Looking for Role Models in the New Era" evaluation activity is underway!

author:Yangcheng faction

Endurance, strength, concentration, fineness, precision, and meticulousness are the connotations of the spirit of embroidery, and also the concentrated embodiment of excellent qualities such as craftsman spirit, dedication, and excellence. Since 2013, the spirit of embroidery has been implemented into the annual memorabilia, from targeted poverty alleviation, poverty alleviation, urban management, cultural inheritance, business environment, urban renewal to the "double carbon" goal, it is because of the spirit of craftsmanship, dedication, excellence in the spirit of embroidery, to guide the industry to promote each other, each major event can get off to a good start, go steadily, and continue to advance to the next stage.

In this process, Yangcheng Evening News takes the spiritual connotation of embroidery as the standard, continues to look for outstanding individuals and excellent cases in various industries, and spreads positive energy! "Salute the spirit of embroidery, look for a role model in the new era" Yangcheng Evening News New Era Model Tribute Ceremony has been carried out for the sixth year. This year, Yangcheng Evening News will take high-quality development and ESG practice as the keywords, set up annual series and industry role models as categories, continue to deepen the industry, and openly solicit outstanding individuals and cases from the society.

1. Evaluation categories and details:

1. High-quality development: advanced cases of high-quality development in the industry

This category focuses on building a high-level socialist market economy system, building a modern industrial system, comprehensively promoting rural revitalization, promoting regional coordinated development, and promoting high-level opening up, and openly solicits excellent practices in some areas of the main content from governments, enterprises, and institutions, such as the reform of state-owned assets and state-owned enterprises, optimizing the development environment of private enterprises, supporting the development of small, medium and micro enterprises, property rights protection, promoting the development of the real economy, and the development of emerging industry integration clusters (information technology, artificial intelligence, biotechnology, new energy, etc.). New materials, high-end equipment, green environmental protection, etc.), new service industry system, Internet of Things, digital economy, rural revitalization, urbanization construction, protection of marine ecological environment, international trade, etc., provide reference for various industries.

2. ESG Practices: ESG Sustainability Cases

ESG stands for Environment, Social and Governance, and it is a comprehensive assessment framework for measuring and evaluating the sustainability capacity and ethical impact of companies and investment projects.

The key to implementing ESG strategies is to strike a balance between business value and social responsibility. This category collects excellent cases from enterprises to provide reference for the development of enterprises in the industry.

3. Annual Series: Industry Leaders, Ingenuity and Intelligent Manufacturing Institutions, and Excellence Development Institutions

(1) Industry leaders: play a leading role in the whole society, make a representative voice, promote social progress, economic transformation and technological development with innovative thinking, achieve fruitful results in quality improvement, quality innovation, cross-border integration, etc., and play a benchmarking and exemplary role in the spirit of embroidery.

(2) Ingenuity and intelligent manufacturing institutions: collect the outstanding achievements of institutions/units in scientific and technological innovation, technology research and development, new marketing, and integrated communication in the past two years, and highlight the scientific research strength and innovation of institutions/units.

(3) Excellent development institutions: collect the achievements made by institutions/units in brand building, service improvement, and product quality improvement in the past two years, and the overall improvement in development and construction, reflecting the centripetal force and cohesion of institutions/units.

4. Industry role models: excellent cases of rural revitalization, excellent cases of "she economy" development, green environmental protection public welfare projects, excellent cases of "double carbon" construction, and public welfare projects that practice social responsibility.

(1) Excellent cases of rural revitalization: Excellent cases of institutions/enterprises actively responding to the call of rural revitalization and helping rural development in consolidating food security, developing rural characteristic industries, and improving rural infrastructure and public service layout.

(2) Excellent cases of the development of the "She Economy": For the excellent cases or public welfare projects that promote the development of the "She Economy", institutions/enterprises will select a number of typical practices such as helping women to find employment, caring for women's health, and improving women's abilities for industries that are strongly related to women, such as clothing, daily chemicals, and beauty industries.

(3) Green environmental protection public welfare projects: public welfare projects of institutions/enterprises in recycling and sustainable development in the past two years.

(4) Excellent cases of "dual carbon" construction: Under the "double carbon" goal, institutions/enterprises have used excellent cases with remarkable achievements and universal applicability in transformation and upgrading, and promoted green and low-carbon ideas, practices, and achievements.

(5) Public welfare projects that practice social responsibility: public welfare undertakings that have practiced social responsibility in the past two years, such as helping to improve the lives of the disabled, the elderly and other groups, have good social influence.

2. Evaluation process:

(1) Solicitation objects: governments, institutions, enterprises, individuals;

(2) Participation method: Participate in the evaluation by email, fill in the registration form and submit relevant information;

(3) Selection process: preliminary evaluation by the jury - announcement of the candidate list - netizen voting + jury review - expert review - announcement of the list at the annual ceremony and on-site awards;

(4) Selection method: 50% of netizens voted + 50% of judges;

3. Activity time:

December 2023 - January 2024

(1) Case collection: from now until December 31, 2023

(2) Online publicity: January 1-7, 2024

(3) Expert review: January 8-10, 2024

(4) Tribute Ceremony: January 23, 2024 (tentative), Yangcheng Creative Park Think Tank Workshop, the specific agenda will be announced separately.

All institutions, enterprises and individuals are welcome to participate, you can click the link below to get the registration form and fill it out as required. Invitation letter and registration form download channel:

Method 1: Web page extraction


Extraction code: 1111

Method 2: QR code acquisition

Deadline on December 31!2023 "Salute to the Spirit of Embroidery, Looking for Role Models in the New Era" evaluation activity is underway!

(WeChat scan to get the file)

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the project leader: 13068585752, Miss Wei.

【Previous Review】

In 2018, the key words: the first session, covering the whole industry

"Salute to the spirit of embroidery and find a role model in the new era" 2018 Yangcheng Evening News embroidery spirit of the new era of role model tribute ceremony was held in Yangcheng Creative Industry Park, nearly 100 enterprises to share and discuss the connotation of "embroidery spirit", the ceremony aims to discover the excellent examples of all walks of life through different dimensions such as craftsman spirit and social responsibility and reward. (click the link here to jump)

In 2019, the key words: social responsibility, craftsman spirit, innovation and creativity, urban renewal

From last year's high-quality development needs the "embroidery spirit" to this year's discussion of cultural self-confidence, the "embroidery spirit" has a richer connotation. In the past year, Yangcheng Evening News Group has been looking for role models in the new era in the in-depth exploration of excellent cases from all walks of life, and paid tribute to the "embroidery spirit" from multiple dimensions such as social responsibility, craftsman spirit, innovation and creativity, and urban renewal! (click the link here to jump)

In 2020, the key words: anti-epidemic, poverty alleviation

In 2020, "new crown epidemic", "isolation" and "close contact" are the hot words of the year, telling the difficult years of mankind; The third session of Yangcheng Evening News "Salute to the Spirit of Embroidery and Find a Role Model in the New Era" focuses on the two major themes of anti-epidemic and poverty alleviation, and pays tribute to the retrograde people who fight the epidemic and the devotees of the poverty alleviation battle.

In 2021, the key word: rural revitalization

In 2021, Yangcheng Evening News Group will continue to look for role models in the new era to focus on such a group of people: they not only have the embroidery spirit of not forgetting their original intentions, meticulous craftsmanship, honesty and honesty, and long-term contribution, but also take root at the grassroots level for a long time, regardless of returns, and are willing to dedicate themselves to this land without regrets. On January 7, we launched the 4th annual ceremony of "Salute to the Spirit of Embroidery and Find Role Models in the New Era", we pay tribute to these people who have painted a beautiful picture of rural revitalization with embroidery skills.

In 2022, key words: dual carbon, urban renewal in the Greater Bay Area

One step in five years. On January 10th, the fifth "Salute to the Spirit of Embroidery and Look for a Role Model in the New Era" activity of Yangcheng Evening News Group met with you again. Focusing on the two themes of "dual carbon" construction and urban renewal in the Greater Bay Area, the event looked for typical examples of the new era in all walks of life from multiple dimensions such as social responsibility, craftsmanship, innovation and creativity, and urban renewal, and continued to inspire us to move forward with the power of example.

Text, Picture | Lan Jingran

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