
The trip to Suzhou and Hangzhou made me realize the real "paradise on earth"!

author:Premium Sky H73

As a northerner, I have always had an inexplicable admiration for the south, especially the "paradise on earth" Suzhou and Hangzhou. But the real Suzhou and Hangzhou made me a little disappointed.

When I was a child, I always heard people say that "there is heaven above, and there is Suzhou and Hangzhou below". At that time, I was full of yearning for Suzhou and Hangzhou. In my impression, Suzhou has a beautiful ancient city of Gusu with modern high-rise buildings. At night in Suzhou, the high-rise buildings with brilliant lights are reflected in the water like a galaxy reflected in the water under the background of the night, which is intoxicatingly beautiful. Hangzhou, on the other hand, is famous for its West Lake, which is a continuous lake with green trees and a breathtakingly beautiful lake.

The trip to Suzhou and Hangzhou made me realize the real "paradise on earth"!

Suzhou and Hangzhou have a profound historical and cultural heritage. With a history of more than 2,000 years, Suzhou has a unique architectural style, and its antique gardens and streets make people feel as if they have traveled back in time and placed themselves in the atmosphere of ancient culture. Hangzhou is most famous for the cultural heritage of the Song Dynasty, with the fantastic West Lake and the thousand-year-old Leifeng Pagoda both rich in Song Dynasty culture.

However, the real Suzhou and Hangzhou are not as perfect as I imagined. Especially in Suzhou and Hangzhou in summer, the hot weather and humid environment are unbearable. Walking around the streets of Suzhou and Hangzhou, sweat has soaked through my clothes, as if I am in a steamer. In winter, Suzhou and Hangzhou are bitterly cold, with a cold wind that makes people shiver.

The trip to Suzhou and Hangzhou made me realize the real "paradise on earth"!

Suzhou and Hangzhou in the rainy season are even more suffocating. The sky was gray, and there was a damp smell in the dreary air, and clothes and shoes were wet. The weather makes you feel tired and completely unable to feel the intoxicating beauty. I wanted to feel the style of Jiangnan in the house of Xiaoqiao Liushui, but I could only take deep roots indoors, looking forward to the next sunny day.

Suzhou and Hangzhou in winter are even more surprising. The cold winter wind blew through like a biting bite, and the air was filled with a clammy and cold smell. Had to wear a thick down jacket and scarf to keep out the cold.

The trip to Suzhou and Hangzhou made me realize the real "paradise on earth"!

Although the weather in Suzhou and Hangzhou disappointed me, this does not deny its unique charm and historical heritage. Suzhou Gardens and Hangzhou's West Lake are still stunning sights. While I can't appreciate their beauty in perfect weather, their uniqueness is irresistible.

Overall, my impression of Suzhou and Hangzhou has changed. Although its weather is not as good as it could be, its historical and cultural heritage and unique charm cannot be denied. Although Suzhou and Hangzhou cannot be called a paradise on earth, its uniqueness is irresistible.

The trip to Suzhou and Hangzhou made me realize the real "paradise on earth"!

Perhaps, "Paradise on Earth" is not only because of the beautiful scenery, but also because it carries countless stories and humanistic feelings. If you have the opportunity to travel to Suzhou and Hangzhou, maybe you will have different feelings and experiences.