
Xiao Sun wants to kick out Dong Yuhui, Lao Yu is faced with a dilemma, and the internal chat records are suspected to be exposed

author:Sister Leigh Chronicle

Like a fascinating modern drama, the "Small Composition Incident" suddenly broke out, pushing Dongfang Selection Company to the forefront of public opinion. With the exposure of internal chats, the contradictions within the company gradually escalated, and the truth gradually emerged in the public's field of vision.

Xiao Sun wants to kick out Dong Yuhui, Lao Yu is faced with a dilemma, and the internal chat records are suspected to be exposed

The first protagonist is Dong Yuhui, the soul of Dongfang Selection. He was once the mainstay of the company's development, but he had to be involved in an irreversible whirlpool in the exposure of chat records. This superstar in the intellectual world is now caught in the whirlpool of wind and waves and has lost his former glory.

Xiao Sun wants to kick out Dong Yuhui, Lao Yu is faced with a dilemma, and the internal chat records are suspected to be exposed

Dong Yuhui chose to remain silent at the beginning of the incident, perhaps hoping to mitigate the impact of the incident through the dilution of time, however, the development of events was not what he expected. Public opinion gradually spiraled out of control and could no longer be ignored by him. In the early morning of December 13, Dong Yuhui finally responded, and he published a long article telling the story of the incident.

In this response article, Dong Yuhui expressed his gratitude to fans in sincere terms. However, perhaps his helpless words were too obvious, and the next day, he returned to his hometown of Shaanxi. This decision has triggered various speculations about whether Dong Yuhui took the initiative to leave Dongfang Selection and has doubts about the company's future.

Xiao Sun wants to kick out Dong Yuhui, Lao Yu is faced with a dilemma, and the internal chat records are suspected to be exposed

At the same time, the company's leading figure, the CEO of Dongfang Selection, nicknamed "Xiao Sun", was not spared. After the internal chat records were exposed, Xiao Sun seemed to have become the focus of internal and external contradictions. He responded forcefully in the live broadcast room, criticizing the company's editor, but inadvertently revealed Dong Yuhui's annual salary. This move has aroused more doubts in public opinion, and the contradictions within the company have become more acute.

Xiao Sun wants to kick out Dong Yuhui, Lao Yu is faced with a dilemma, and the internal chat records are suspected to be exposed

With the exposure of internal chat records, the struggle within the company is even more naked in front of the public. It is alleged that Xiao Sun forced Yu Minhong internally and tried to squeeze out Dong Yuhui. The news was shocking, as if a more complex game of interests was hidden behind the power struggle within the company.

Xiao Sun wants to kick out Dong Yuhui, Lao Yu is faced with a dilemma, and the internal chat records are suspected to be exposed

As the founder and chairman of the company, Yu Minhong faced an unprecedented difficult choice. It is a challenging choice whether to continue to support Dong Yuhui, the company's leader, or to cater to Xiao Sun's wishes and let the company find a balance in internal contradictions.

Regarding the whole incident, Yu Minhong posted a video response at noon on December 14. In response, he criticized the behavior of the company's editor, believing that he seriously lacked professionalism, and at the same time expressed dissatisfaction with Xiao Sun's behavior of revealing Dong Yuhui's salary in the live broadcast. Yu Minhong apologized to Dong Yuhui again, but the development of the situation seemed to be beyond his control.

Xiao Sun wants to kick out Dong Yuhui, Lao Yu is faced with a dilemma, and the internal chat records are suspected to be exposed

The development of the whole event is like a big drama of business war, and each character plays their own role. Dong Yuhui's return to his hometown, Xiao Sun's tough response, Yu Minhong's choice, every turn is unpredictable, just like a suspenseful plot performed on the stage of business war.

Perhaps, the outcome of the whole affair is still unknown. Whether Dong Yuhui can survive this turmoil, whether the company can reach a settlement, or whether this is just an episode on the commercial stage, will be revealed in the future. This business war, no matter what the outcome is, will become a profound lesson for people in the workplace.

As an audience, we may not be able to influence the development of the plot, but we can draw reflections and inspirations from our professional careers. In this era of information dissemination, the power of public opinion cannot be ignored. Every small decision can make or break a company's reputation and fate. Each of us is an integral part of the company's destiny.

Finally, let's look forward to a satisfying ending to this business war drama. At the same time, I also hope that everyone who struggles in the workplace can learn from it and move towards a better future. In this ever-changing business arena, I hope everyone can stick to their original intentions, meet challenges, and achieve their own workplace legends.