
If you are reluctant to wear Korean-style semi-permanent and tights, don't play the role of "female bodyguard", are you blind as an audience?

author:Xiao Xiaoyi loves to watch dramas

Recently, a series of domestic dramas have attracted widespread attention from the audience, including "Yi Nian Guan Mountain", "Shen Yin", "I miss you very much" and CCTV's spy masterpiece "Thrush". These works have aroused varying degrees of criticism from the audience in terms of plot setting, actor performance and image building. In this article, we will delve into the issues in these shows, as well as the different perspectives on the image of a "female bodyguard".

First of all, let's focus on "Yi Nian Guan Mountain" starring Liu Shishi. The audience always has high expectations for this actress with outstanding acting skills, but in this drama, her performance has caused some dissatisfaction. Liu Shishi, as an 85 flower, although her status is online, she seems to be a little dramatic in the processing of her expression and eyes. This feeling of drama may stem from some shortcomings in her character portrayal, and the audience is looking forward to seeing a more profound display of acting skills.

If you are reluctant to wear Korean-style semi-permanent and tights, don't play the role of "female bodyguard", are you blind as an audience?

Another high-profile work is "Shen Yin", starring Zhao Lusi and Wang Anyu. However, despite the extraordinary strength of the leading duo, it has caused some controversy because of the costume styling. Some viewers described the hero and heroine wearing ancient costumes as a big-headed son and a small-headed father, and this image incongruity became a major reason why the film was criticized by the audience.

If you are reluctant to wear Korean-style semi-permanent and tights, don't play the role of "female bodyguard", are you blind as an audience?

Next, we paid attention to the sweet pet drama "I Miss You Very Much". The focus of criticism is mainly on the plot setting, in which the hero and heroine fall in love because of their voices, but there are some unreasonable plots when they meet by chance in the supermarket. The male protagonist meets the female protagonist in the supermarket but can't speak, which is considered to be an unreasonable plot setting, which makes it difficult for the audience to accept.

If you are reluctant to wear Korean-style semi-permanent and tights, don't play the role of "female bodyguard", are you blind as an audience?

Finally, we delved into the spy war drama "Thrush" launched by CCTV. This drama has been criticized because of the outrageous plot and the image of the heroine Pang Hongmei. In the plot, the villain's behavior seems absurd and ridiculous, and the protagonist's aura is too strong to become one of the reasons for the audience's disgust.

In the play, the heroine Pang Hongmei is set as a female bodyguard, but her image makes it difficult for the audience to trust. Criticism focused on her makeup and costumes, arguing that they did not match the image of a professional female bodyguard. Not only that, but the heroine's makeup has not changed in the plot, and even in the case of injury, the makeup is still intact, which is considered disrespectful to reality.

If you are reluctant to wear Korean-style semi-permanent and tights, don't play the role of "female bodyguard", are you blind as an audience?

In addition, the heroine's costume became an object of criticism. Her tights and high heels appear unprofessional in the line of duty, far from the image of a female bodyguard. The audience was puzzled by the shaping of this image, and some even said that such an image of a female bodyguard made people wonder whether the crew's portrayal of the professional image was well thought out.

While reflecting on the play, we should also be aware that criticism from the audience is often a catalyst for the progress of the industry. All kinds of comments are not only the expression of the perception of a specific work, but also the expectation and suggestion for the development of the entire industry. Therefore, let's think deeply about these issues and hope that future domestic dramas can be improved in the following aspects.

If you are reluctant to wear Korean-style semi-permanent and tights, don't play the role of "female bodyguard", are you blind as an audience?

The criticism of Liu Shishi's performance in "Yi Nian Guan Mountain" can trigger deeper thinking about the actor's character portrayal. The actor's performance power is not only reflected in the expression of lines, but also needs to deeply interpret the complex emotions in the character's heart through delicate processing such as expressions and eyes. This requires deeper thinking and input from the actors, as well as precise guidance from the director to ensure that the presentation of the characters is more realistic and three-dimensional.

In terms of plot, the audience's requirements for logic and rationality are increasing day by day. Whether it is the mismatch of the costume styling in "Shen Yin", the sound love setting of "I miss you very much", or the outrageous plot in "Thrush", it is necessary to strengthen the construction of rationality at the screenwriter level. This is not only about the audience's perception, but also about the reputation and influence of the work. A well-thought-out plot design will be more likely to tug at the heartstrings of the audience.

If you are reluctant to wear Korean-style semi-permanent and tights, don't play the role of "female bodyguard", are you blind as an audience?

The issue of the image of the female bodyguard is not only reflected in "Thrush", but has attracted much attention in many film and television works. The audience is looking forward to seeing a more realistic and professional image of a female bodyguard. Therefore, in the portrayal of the character image, the producer needs to pay more attention to details, respect the characteristics of the profession, and win the audience's recognition with a more realistic image.

The heroine's costume and makeup in the play also need to be taken seriously. The audience has higher requirements for the authenticity of the character image, which includes both the rationality of the costume and the naturalness of the makeup. Creators should break tradition and pursue fashion, while also ensuring the credibility of the character image and not making the audience feel visually disagreeable.

As the audience's demand for domestic dramas continues to increase, the drama should also actively look for ways to improve to ensure that better works can be created.

If you are reluctant to wear Korean-style semi-permanent and tights, don't play the role of "female bodyguard", are you blind as an audience?

First of all, the producer can strengthen the cooperation with professionals to ensure the authenticity of the plot setting and character image. Especially for plots involving special professions, such as female bodyguards, you can consult a professional consultant to ensure that the image presented is more authentic and believable. This helps to dispel the audience's doubts that the image does not conform to the characteristics of the profession and improves the professionalism of the work.

Secondly, directors and screenwriters should pay more attention to the rationality of the story logic. The audience wants to see a story that is smooth, reasonable, and has internal logic, not a puzzling plot. When conceiving the plot, the production team can think from multiple angles and start from different levels to ensure that the storyline is not only logical, but also emotionally resonant.

If you are reluctant to wear Korean-style semi-permanent and tights, don't play the role of "female bodyguard", are you blind as an audience?

In addition, for the design of clothing and makeup, you can invite a professional fashion consultant or stylist to ensure that the clothing and makeup are in harmony with the plot and character settings. This can not only cater to fashion trends, but also show the characteristics of the characters, making it easier for the audience to have a sense of substitution.

Finally, the training and acting skills of actors are also an aspect that cannot be ignored. When creating a character, the actor needs to deeply understand the inner world of the character and convey the character's emotions through more delicate performances. The director can have more communication and discussion with the actors, ensuring that the actors have a deeper understanding of the role and thus present a better performance.