
These conditions are not pharyngitis, but a distress signal from the five organs

author:Traditional Chinese medicine is a prescription for Dr. Li

In traditional Chinese medicine, the throat and the body's internal organs are very closely related, we can use the throat as a mirror of the body, which can emit our physical condition, if the throat is always uncomfortable, the internal organs may generally have some problems. So today, Dr. Li is here to teach you to understand the five organs through the throat.

These conditions are not pharyngitis, but a distress signal from the five organs

First of all, the throat and kidneys. If your throat is always dry and itchy, painful, sometimes red, swollen and burning, accompanied by hot hands and feet, backache and weak legs, insomnia and dreams, this may be due to kidney yin deficiency, insufficient fluid, unable to nourish the throat, at this time we can refer to a wheat flavor rehmannia pill to nourish kidney yin, nourish and moisturize.

These conditions are not pharyngitis, but a distress signal from the five organs

The second is the throat and lungs. If you usually have a dry and sore throat, itching and pain after eating a little spicy food, although the phlegm is less but more viscous, and there will be hot flashes and night sweats, this may be caused by the deficiency of lung yin and the dryness and heat in the lungs.

These conditions are not pharyngitis, but a distress signal from the five organs

The third is the throat and liver. If it is usually difficult for you to cough up phlegm and can't swallow it, and you feel like your throat is blocked by something when you are emotional, this may be caused by uncomfortable liver qi and stagnation of liver qi, and phlegm and dampness are stagnant in the throat.

These conditions are not pharyngitis, but a distress signal from the five organs

The fourth is the throat and spleen and stomach. If your throat is always red, swollen and painful, your stomach always burns, your mouth is dry and thirsty, your urine is yellow, your urine is yellow, your mouth is constipated, and your tongue is red and your tongue is yellow, this may be caused by excessive stomach fire.

These conditions are not pharyngitis, but a distress signal from the five organs

Finally, the throat and heart. If you are usually irritable, insomnia and dreams, mouth and tongue sores, and difficulty swallowing, you always feel a fire in your heart, and the tip of your tongue is very red, which may be caused by a strong heart.

These conditions are not pharyngitis, but a distress signal from the five organs

Of course, when it comes to medication, it is recommended that you use it under the guidance of a professional physician, so as not to delay the condition of the medicine if the symptoms are not right! Okay, then I will talk to you about it today, have you learned?

These conditions are not pharyngitis, but a distress signal from the five organs