
Ma Lin caused controversy again! The strange timeout made Chen Meng almost lose, the coach made excuses, what's going on?

author:Ultraman is bearing

After Chen Meng's narrow victory over Hina Hayata, Ma Lin's guidance behavior caused many doubts from the outside world. In the 2023 WTT Women's Table Tennis Finals, a fierce battle between Chen Meng and Hina Hayada attracted the attention of many fans. In the end, Chen Meng won the game with a near-loss situation, but the guidance during the game caused controversy. Many fans believe that there are certain problems with Ma Lin's guiding behavior, which even led to Chen Meng's near defeat.

Ma Lin caused controversy again! The strange timeout made Chen Meng almost lose, the coach made excuses, what's going on?

During the competition, Marin's guidance caused many doubts. On the one hand, he did not give Chen Meng enough support and guidance at critical moments, which made Chen Meng fall into a passive situation in the game. On the other hand, Ma Lin's tactical arrangement has also been questioned, with some people believing that he has not fully exploited Chen Meng's potential, and is even a little conservative.

Ma Lin caused controversy again! The strange timeout made Chen Meng almost lose, the coach made excuses, what's going on?

The controversy has raised questions about Marin's coaching ability. As an experienced coach, Marin has led many players to world championships, but in this competition, his coaching behavior has raised questions from the outside world. Some people believe that Ma Lin's command mistakes at critical moments made Chen Meng's victory extremely difficult.

Ma Lin caused controversy again! The strange timeout made Chen Meng almost lose, the coach made excuses, what's going on?

Chen Meng and Hina Hayada are two strong table tennis players who have faced off against each other many times in the past. In this year's WTT Macau Championships, Chen Meng swept Hina Hayata, so he has a certain advantage on the psychological level. However, Hina Hayada is not a weaker either, she defeated Wang Yidi, the main player of national table tennis twice in a row this season, showing strong strength and counterattack awareness. After the start of the game, Chen Meng quickly entered the best situation and took a large lead of 6-1. Not to be outdone, Hina Hayada launched a counterattack and chased the score to 4-6 at one point. However, Chen Meng stabilized the situation, and she showed strong mental and technical strength, scoring five points in a row to win the first game 11-5.

Ma Lin caused controversy again! The strange timeout made Chen Meng almost lose, the coach made excuses, what's going on?

In the first game, Chen Meng showed strong strength and psychological quality. Not only did she have a technical advantage, but she also showed consistency in key moments. Hina Hayata's counter-attack was also impressive, showing great strength and determination, but Chen Meng's success in turning the tide showed her strength and experience. However, just when people were expecting Chen Meng to ride into the dust, Hina Hayada launched a counterattack again.

Ma Lin caused controversy again! The strange timeout made Chen Meng almost lose, the coach made excuses, what's going on?

In the second game, the two sides went back and forth, and the stalemate was abnormal. The score climbed from 11-11 to 15-14, with Chen Meng taking the lead. At this time, Chen Meng's coach Ma Lin suddenly stopped the game. However, the timeout turned out to be a turning point in the game. After the game resumed, Hina Hayada seized the opportunity and scored three points in a row to achieve a comeback at 17-15. This timeout not only failed to help Chen Meng, but disrupted her original rhythm of the game.

Ma Lin caused controversy again! The strange timeout made Chen Meng almost lose, the coach made excuses, what's going on?

Subsequently, Hina Hayada won the third game 11-7, and the total score became a 2-1 lead. Facing Chen Meng, who was already on the edge of the cliff, the latter finally broke out. After leading 6-3 in the third game, Chen Meng's advantage continued to expand, and Hina Hayada did not have the slightest chance to turn over, so he won the game with 11-8. In the fourth game, Chen Meng became more and more courageous, and after taking advantage of 6-3, he finally ended the game 11-7, and won the total score of 3-2 and successfully entered the quarterfinals.

Ma Lin caused controversy again! The strange timeout made Chen Meng almost lose, the coach made excuses, what's going on?

In this game, Chen Meng experienced the process from leading to being reversed, and then to winning in the end. At the critical moment, Marin's timeout became the turning point of the game. This turning point made Chen Meng suffer a setback in the game, but it also allowed her to burst out with more powerful strength in the face of adversity. This game is undoubtedly a valuable experience for Chen Meng. Not only did she develop her skills in the competition, but she also grew mentally.

Ma Lin caused controversy again! The strange timeout made Chen Meng almost lose, the coach made excuses, what's going on?

In the next match, Chen Meng will face another excellent Japanese player, Mimato Ito. In this game, Chen Meng was expected to easily defeat the opponent, but because of the pause at the critical moment, the situation was confusing again. However, Chen Meng, who has experienced this vicious battle, believes that he is ready to meet the challenge. She will have a more mature mentality and more exquisite skills to meet the future competitions.

Chen Meng tried to exonerate Ma Lin after the game, saying that he had determined a strategy with the coach, but the specific strategy was not revealed. This has led to further reflection on the role and intervention of coaches in the game.

The role of the coach in table tennis is very important. They are responsible for developing tactics, coaching players, adjusting their mindsets, and providing real-time feedback and guidance to players on the sidelines. The intervention and guidance of the coach plays an important role in the performance of the players. However, in the game, the coach's intervention also needs to be moderate and timely.

In Chen Meng's game, Ma Lin, as a coach, did intervene at critical moments. This intervention helped Chen Meng to a certain extent, but it also sparked some controversy. Some people believe that Ma Lin's intervention was too much, and even affected Chen Meng's performance. However, Chen Meng exonerated Ma Lin after the game, saying that the strategy was determined with the coach, which showed that the coach's intervention was partly due to the wishes and needs of the players.

The controversy has once again raised questions about the role and intervention of coaches in table tennis. The intervention and guidance of the coach plays an important role in the player's performance, but it also needs to be done in moderation and timing. Excessive intervention can interfere with a player's performance and even lead to mistakes and losses. Therefore, coaches need to find the right time and way to intervene in the game to provide effective guidance and support to the players.

As an experienced coach, Marin has a high reputation and achievements in the table tennis world. However, the controversy has also served as a reminder to Marlene and all coaches that they need to continuously improve their professional qualities and professionalism in order to better coach and support their players. Coaches need to understand the characteristics and needs of the players, develop appropriate tactics and strategies, and provide timely guidance and support during the game.

(Disclaimer: The process and pictures described in the article are from the Internet, and this article aims to advocate positive social energy and no vulgar and other bad guidance.) If it involves copyright or character infringement issues, please contact us in time, and we will delete the content as soon as possible! )

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