
Nightmare!The Greater Toronto couple spent 55,000 yuan on renovation!The master disappeared!The Chinese boss: The police have been called

author:Sister Jin looks at society

A couple in the Greater Toronto Area suffered a renovation nightmare when they spent $55,000 and the renovation master vanished. The Chinese boss of a company whose address was indicated in the contract said, "The former employee used my address without my knowledge," and said he had called the police.

According to CityNews, Oakville couple Angela Costabile and Gino Costabile have been wanting to renovate their kitchen.

Nightmare!The Greater Toronto couple spent 55,000 yuan on renovation!The master disappeared!The Chinese boss: The police have been called

One of Angela's favorite things to do is cook and bake for her family and friends. So, the couple has been saving money for 37 years to renovate the kitchen. They had planned to renovate their kitchen before Christmas this year, but they didn't expect this to be the beginning of a nightmare.

Back in June of this year, they approached a contractor recommended by someone else.

At first, they were satisfied. Because this contractor started some work, like redoing the floor, some cabinets, and ceilings.

Nightmare!The Greater Toronto couple spent 55,000 yuan on renovation!The master disappeared!The Chinese boss: The police have been called

"He started out great and I really enjoyed his job. ”

But a few weeks later, the couple gave him an advance of nearly $55,000 to pay for work and materials, and he never showed up again.

Nightmare!The Greater Toronto couple spent 55,000 yuan on renovation!The master disappeared!The Chinese boss: The police have been called

Now, their kitchens are rudimentary, with only a few half-installed cabinets and bare countertops, and no appliances, because the renovation project started a few months ago is unfinished.

Angela said. "He's still going around in circles with us. We'd call, we'd text, 'When are you coming?' and he would say, 'I'll be here tomorrow.'" But I waited for him at home, and he never showed up. ”

This has been going on for almost six months.

Nightmare!The Greater Toronto couple spent 55,000 yuan on renovation!The master disappeared!The Chinese boss: The police have been called

"We were so frustrated that he said something we wanted to hear via text or phone call but never showed up. ”

Frustrated, the couple contacted the media.

"Hopefully you'll find him and ask him why he hasn't done his job yet, or find out what's going on, we want to know," Angela said.

Nightmare!The Greater Toronto couple spent 55,000 yuan on renovation!The master disappeared!The Chinese boss: The police have been called

"Where is the product we paid for? Why didn't he come? I really wanted him to do the work because I liked his job, but he needed to show up. ”

According to the renovation contract signed by the couple, the contractor's name was Quy Ly.

Nightmare!The Greater Toronto couple spent 55,000 yuan on renovation!The master disappeared!The Chinese boss: The police have been called

He listed an address on the contract. So CityNews reporters went to the address, a kitchen cabinet manufacturer in Vaughan. However, Ly no longer works for the company and does not own it.

Sam Chen, the owner of Samwood Kitchens Inc., said, "He used to work for me without my knowledge, but left a few months ago. ”

Nightmare!The Greater Toronto couple spent 55,000 yuan on renovation!The master disappeared!The Chinese boss: The police have been called

He said Ly had worked for his company for three months as a sawyman. However, after he accused Ly of cashing a check twice, he left the company.

"According to my bank, he deposited a check once, then tried to deposit the same check a second time, and when I questioned him, he resigned," Mr. Chen said.

Ly listed a second address on the contract, which was an uninhabited house in Vaughan, which was listed as a rental unit according to the sign on the lawn.

Nightmare!The Greater Toronto couple spent 55,000 yuan on renovation!The master disappeared!The Chinese boss: The police have been called

The reporter also found Ly's home address, and we tried to visit him several times, but he was not there.

On December 8, when the reporter called Ly's mobile phone, it was connected. Ly said on the phone that he did intend to finish work on Angela's house.

"We just lack something that needs to be done," he said. "Once we get those things, we're done. ”

He said he was waiting for several doors and other materials that would be installed in the kitchen, but when asked what exactly, he did not specify.

He said at the time, "I'll pick it up tomorrow and install the door or something this weekend." ”

When asked when he would go for the installation, he said he would go the next day and the day after tomorrow.

However, he never appeared.

"Despite his promises to you, he never shows up and doesn't answer our calls or respond to text messages now," Angela said. ”

Since then, Ly has not answered any calls from the media.

When the reporter spoke to Ly, he did mention cashing the check twice, but denied that he had never done so.

When asked why he used someone else's business address, he said he was working with the company at the time. But Mr. Chan said that Ly was never allowed to use the company for outside work.

"He shouldn't have done that, he's had a bad impact on my business," Mr. Chan said. "I don't know how many other customers he does this and uses my address, and I'm worried. ”

Mr. Chan has now filed a police report for a criminal investigation. Mr. and Mrs. Angela did the same.

At the same time, they had to look for hiring other contractors to do the job, which would add to their initial estimated costs.

Nightmare!The Greater Toronto couple spent 55,000 yuan on renovation!The master disappeared!The Chinese boss: The police have been called

"What was supposed to be $60,000 is now a lot more. Angela said.

She said she had paid Ly about $55,000 and about $25,000 for the rest of the work to be completed.

Now she has to accept the fact that she won't be able to bake for Christmas in her new kitchen this year.

"Unless we can find a renovation team in time to get the job done, but that seems unlikely," she said. "We can only look ahead and obviously he has no intention of coming back. ”