
Is the "8-hour sleep theory" wrong? After the age of 65, how long is it good to sleep every day?

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Is the "8-hour sleep theory" wrong? After the age of 65, how long is it good to sleep every day?

Pineapple appreciators

Pineapple appreciators


How important is sleep to people? Most of our body's self-repair is done during this time.

However, as life becomes more and more stressful and the functions of electronic products become more and more developed, modern people have repeatedly lowered their rest time.

Is the "8-hour sleep theory" wrong? After the age of 65, how long is it good to sleep every day?

Gradually, lack of sleep has become a "culprit" affecting human health, and young people staying up late have more and more physical problems, and how to sleep healthily has become a hot topic among the public.

How long does it take to get a good night's sleep? Most people will tell you that 8 hours is qualified, which is a theory that is generally accepted by the public.

So, where does this claim come from? Does it really work?

Is the 8 hours of sleep scientific

This has been said for a long time, in the 19th century, when the industrial revolution was being carried out in European and American countries, ruthless capitalists demanded that their employees go to work without restraint in order to squeeze their labor power, and the working hours could even reach more than 12 hours a day.

In such a situation, people's bodies are naturally difficult to support, behind the endless squeezing, there is an explosive fall, one by one workers can no longer continue to complete the work, all because of excessive fatigue and illness.

Is the "8-hour sleep theory" wrong? After the age of 65, how long is it good to sleep every day?

As a result, the workers collectively decided to protest against uncontrolled attendance, and although the capitalists were very keen to continue to oppress them, if they were really forced too much, they could lead to strikes or deaths, which would inevitably have the opposite effect.

So the workers proposed the "eight-hour" work system, which was to divide the day into three parts, which were used for work, sleep, and relaxation.

Is the "8-hour sleep theory" wrong? After the age of 65, how long is it good to sleep every day?

It is precisely because of this rest system that people default to 8 hours of sleep, and over time, these 8 hours have spread to become the "healthiest sleep time".

But from the source, we can see that this so-called standard sleep time is not proposed by scientists, but the right of workers to fight for themselves.

Is the "8-hour sleep theory" wrong? After the age of 65, how long is it good to sleep every day?

In the development process of the human body, sleep is a vital guarantee, and what is the sleep law that we should really abide by?

Different age groups need completely different sleep time, and many elderly people only sleep for four or five hours, so can this show that sleep time is not enough? In fact, this is not necessarily the case.

Is the "8-hour sleep theory" wrong? After the age of 65, how long is it good to sleep every day?

First of all, there is still a basic standard for the sleep time of people of different ages, especially children, who are in the developmental stage, and ensuring sufficient sleep time is the best for them.

Take babies as an example, they are basically sleeping for two-thirds of the day when they are born, and the other third of the time is either drinking milk or detoxifying, and they are basically awake for very little time, so this kind of routine is necessary for them.

Only by sleeping enough will his five organs and brain gradually improve.

Is the "8-hour sleep theory" wrong? After the age of 65, how long is it good to sleep every day?

4 or 5-year-old children, the time of awakening will be a little longer, basically half of the time, at this time they sleep and eat every day, etc., is to learn all the Xi habits of human life Xi human beings.

When you grow up a little more and reach the age of going to school, it is normal to ensure that you have 8-11 hours of sleep every day, so that your brain can fully rest.

Is the "8-hour sleep theory" wrong? After the age of 65, how long is it good to sleep every day?

Most of the sleep when I was a child was supervised by my parents, but as I grew up, people gradually became able to choose their own sleep time, and many people were worried about whether young people's Xi of staying up late would affect their bodies.

In fact, we often see that the same people do not sleep at night, some people can be refreshed the next day, and some are a little sluggish, what is the reason for this?

Is the "8-hour sleep theory" wrong? After the age of 65, how long is it good to sleep every day?

The importance of quality sleep

In fact, according to scientific investigations, the real guarantee of quality sleep is never the length of sleep, but whether it enters deep sleep after sleep.

We often hear that when someone sleeps, they are constantly dreaming, and often this does not meet the standard of quality sleep.

Is the "8-hour sleep theory" wrong? After the age of 65, how long is it good to sleep every day?

Even some people dream of some terrible scenes or scenes of being chased and killed in their sleep, which will greatly reduce the quality of sleep, and often this sleep quality will feel very tired when they wake up the next day.

Only the kind of people who have not slept all night can their sleep quality be considered high-quality sleep, and usually this kind of person can ensure that even if they only sleep for six hours, they can ensure that they are in the best mental state to face the next day's work.

Is the "8-hour sleep theory" wrong? After the age of 65, how long is it good to sleep every day?

And the kind of people who sleep longer and longer, their sleep quality must be bad, so they will not be able to wake up and have been immersed in a state of sleepiness.

It can be said that the quality of sleep has a great impact on our physical and mental health in the long run, and the first point of high-quality sleep can help us ensure the stable development of mental health.

Is the "8-hour sleep theory" wrong? After the age of 65, how long is it good to sleep every day?

According to psychologists in the psychological analysis of people, if the quality of sleep is in a state of disadvantage for a long time, it is easy to cause a lot of negative emotions.

Those who suffer from depression are prone to suicidal thoughts due to poor sleep quality, which leads to rising suicide rates.

Is the "8-hour sleep theory" wrong? After the age of 65, how long is it good to sleep every day?

Moreover, people with insomnia, because they do not get rest for a long time, will become anxious and irritable, and they are also prone to mental illness, and these mental illnesses will further deepen sleep problems, and so on, resulting in worse and worse physical condition.

Secondly, a good night's sleep can not only deeply repair the body, but also improve the functioning of the immune system.

Is the "8-hour sleep theory" wrong? After the age of 65, how long is it good to sleep every day?

A female guest in a previous show publicly said that because of work, she was in a state of staying up late and working overtime for a long time, and as a result, she suffered from ovarian cancer at the age of less than 30, and she was not married and had children at that time.

Because of staying up late, I completely lost my qualification to be a mother, and no matter how much I regretted it, it was irreparable.

Is the "8-hour sleep theory" wrong? After the age of 65, how long is it good to sleep every day?

This is not an isolated case, when doctors diagnose the past life history of patients with major diseases, they will find that they all have sleep quality problems, either staying up late, insomnia, or light sleep.

All kinds of sleep problems have become the number one killer of young people, poor sleep quality, and easy to affect the normal development of the brain, over time will cause memory decline, learning ability to Xi decline and so on.

Therefore, insomnia has now become one of the biggest problems of contemporary people, and how to ensure a quality sleep is very important.

Is the "8-hour sleep theory" wrong? After the age of 65, how long is it good to sleep every day?

Psychologists have suggested some ways to help you sleep.

The first is that before going to bed, you must let your body and mind reach a relaxed state, if you can't relax, you can take a bath or take a break and listen to soothing music.

The second is to go to bed at the point, we all know that 9-11 o'clock is the best time to fall asleep, and falling asleep at this time makes it easier for people to reach a state of deep sleep.

Is the "8-hour sleep theory" wrong? After the age of 65, how long is it good to sleep every day?

A normal biological clock is an important criterion for ensuring stable sleep.

The third is to ensure a comfortable and safe sleeping environment, some people's insomnia is to recognize the bed, and some people need to sleep with their quilts when sleeping, otherwise they can't sleep.

We should not rely too much on something, and gradually let ourselves Xi the environment, so that we can adapt to different environments and have a good quality of sleep.

Is the "8-hour sleep theory" wrong? After the age of 65, how long is it good to sleep every day?

Especially before going to bed, don't exercise drastically and for a long time, as this will make people feel high. Try not to watch some films and news with strong stimulation, especially suspense dramas and horror films that stimulate people's senses.

Because the human body is in a state of high mood, it cannot go to sleep.

Is the "8-hour sleep theory" wrong? After the age of 65, how long is it good to sleep every day?

As we mentioned above, as we get older, people get shorter and shorter sleep, is it really okay if you don't sleep for 8 hours after the age of 65?

Is the "8-hour sleep theory" wrong? After the age of 65, how long is it good to sleep every day?

Sleep in older adults

The older you get, the more your body's organs are gradually deteriorating, which directly affects the quality of your sleep.

We often see the elderly go to bed very early, around 10 o'clock, but they will basically get up at three or four o'clock, and they can't fall asleep at this time.

Is it normal to sleep less than the expected 8 hours?

Is the "8-hour sleep theory" wrong? After the age of 65, how long is it good to sleep every day?

Some time ago, a professor from Fudan University made a detailed analysis of the sleep time and sleep quality of middle-aged and elderly people.

By comparing the 500,000 pieces of human body data in the British biobank, it can be fully seen that people's sleep patterns are directly linked to the happiness index.

What's more, in the process of analysis, they concluded that 7 hours of sleep is the most ideal state for middle-aged and elderly people, and if they can't reach 7 hours, they should at least ensure that they can get 6 hours of sleep.

Is the "8-hour sleep theory" wrong? After the age of 65, how long is it good to sleep every day?

At the same time, sleep time is very important, after the age of 65, sleep quality is the most important condition to ensure the health of the elderly, after 9 o'clock in the evening, the liver will begin to function, promote the body's metabolism, to achieve a process of detoxification.

At this time, the elderly will enter a state of sleep, if there is no way to sleep, the liver will not receive the signal from the brain, and it will slow down the operation.

The metabolism of the elderly is declining, and it is necessary to let the liver function at the right time.

Is the "8-hour sleep theory" wrong? After the age of 65, how long is it good to sleep every day?

In addition, less worrying is also the most important key to ensuring the quality of sleep, we often see some elderly people, because of various problems, when the time comes, do not want to sleep, just there cranky thoughts.

This kind of disease is often easy to cause chronic diseases, and chronic diseases need sufficient rest to be effectively regulated, and over time, the health of the elderly will become worse and worse.

Is the "8-hour sleep theory" wrong? After the age of 65, how long is it good to sleep every day?

According to British researchers, the later you fall asleep, the more likely you are to cause cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.

Falling asleep an hour late increases the chance of getting sick by 10%~15%, and not falling asleep after 12 o'clock increases the prevalence by 30%~40%.

Is the "8-hour sleep theory" wrong? After the age of 65, how long is it good to sleep every day?

But going to bed early is also harmful to the body, because at this time, the body has not yet started to function, and the brain lets it work early, which will overconsume liver function over time.

Therefore, the survey shows that falling asleep between 10 and 11 p.m. is the healthiest for the health of the elderly.

Is the "8-hour sleep theory" wrong? After the age of 65, how long is it good to sleep every day?


Sleep is very important, especially for the elderly, who have a good quality of sleep to ensure physical and mental health development.

If there are elderly people at home and the quality of sleep is not good, try not to make them angry, usually accompany them more, and take them out for a walk.

Is the "8-hour sleep theory" wrong? After the age of 65, how long is it good to sleep every day?

Maintaining a happy attitude for a long time can not only make the elderly healthy, but also reduce the contradictions and conflicts between the elderly and the elderly, otherwise it will be too late to regret what happens to the elderly.

For the children at home, we should also persuade them in time, and when it is time to go to bed, try to turn off electronic devices, because these things have great temptation, and it may be an all-night game to play, and in the long run, the negative impact on the body can be imagined.

Hope you all have a good night's sleep.