
Which children are at high risk of severe influenza and are there any sequelae of influenza?

author:Physician old pay

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Influenza is a disease that can be prevented and treated, but due to people's lack of understanding of influenza, the dangers of influenza and prevention and control measures are often ignored, leading to the epidemic and spread of influenza.

Which children are at high risk of severe influenza and are there any sequelae of influenza?

Especially for children, the harm of influenza is more serious, because their immune system is not perfect, they are more susceptible to influenza viruses, and they are more likely to develop severe disease and complications. So, which children are at high risk for severe influenza and what are the sequelae of influenza?

1. The flu almost took his life

Xiao Ming is a 6-year-old boy who is usually lively and cute, and he learns Xi very well. This winter, there was an epidemic of flu in his city, and many of his classmates fell ill one after another. Xiao Ming's mother knew the dangers of the flu, so she vaccinated Xiao Ming against the flu, and often reminded him to pay attention to personal hygiene, wash his hands frequently, and avoid going to crowded places.

Which children are at high risk of severe influenza and are there any sequelae of influenza?

One day, when Xiao Ming came home from school, he suddenly felt a headache, fever, and a little cough. His mother thought he had a cold, so she gave him some fever and cough medicine to drink more water and rest early. The next morning, Xiao Ming's mother found that his fever had not subsided and he was still panting, so she quickly took him to the hospital.

The doctor tested Xiao Ming for the flu, and the results showed that he was infected with the H1N1 influenza virus, commonly known as "influenza A". The doctor said that Xiao Ming had already shown signs of viral pneumonia and needed to be hospitalized, otherwise his life could be in danger.

Which children are at high risk of severe influenza and are there any sequelae of influenza?

The doctor explained that although the flu vaccine can effectively prevent the flu, it is not 100% effective because the flu virus is constantly mutating and the components of the vaccine need to be updated every year.

Moreover, the effect of the flu vaccine is to enhance the body's immunity by stimulating the body's production of antibodies, but this process takes a certain amount of time, generally about 2 weeks after vaccination to achieve the best effect. If you come into contact with the influenza virus during this time, you may still get the flu.

Which children are at high risk of severe influenza and are there any sequelae of influenza?

Influenza is a very dangerous disease for children, because children's immune systems are not yet perfect, they are more susceptible to influenza viruses, and they are more prone to severe illness and complications. In particular, infants under 6 months of age, children under 2 years old, and children with underlying diseases such as asthma, heart disease, kidney disease, and immune deficiency are at high risk of severe influenza disease.

Once infected with the flu, it can lead to serious extrapulmonary complications such as pneumonia, respiratory failure, heart disease, and even life-threatening. Therefore, for these high-risk groups, once the symptoms of influenza appear, they should seek medical attention in time and use antiviral drugs as soon as possible to reduce the symptoms and prevent complications.

Which children are at high risk of severe influenza and are there any sequelae of influenza?

2. The sequelae of influenza: hidden dangers that cannot be ignored

Influenza can not only cause severe illness and complications, but also cause some sequelae that can have long-term physical and psychological effects on patients. There are four main sequelae of influenza.

Viral pneumonia is one of the most common sequelae of influenza and is inflammation of the lungs caused by the direct invasion of the lungs by influenza viruses.

Symptoms of viral pneumonia include high fever, cough, dyspnea, chest pain, etc., and in severe cases, it can lead to respiratory failure, shock, multi-organ failure, etc., which can be life-threatening. Treatment of viral pneumonia is mainly the use of antiviral drugs, along with supportive care such as oxygen therapy, fluid replacement, and nutritional support.

Which children are at high risk of severe influenza and are there any sequelae of influenza?

Prevention of viral pneumonia is mainly to prevent infection with influenza viruses, which are the most common causative agents of viral pneumonia.

Bacterial pneumonia is another common sequelae of influenza and is inflammation of the lungs caused by a bacterial infection. Symptoms of bacterial pneumonia include high fever, cough, sputum production, dyspnea, chest pain, etc., and in severe cases, it can lead to empyema, lung abscess, sepsis, etc., which are life-threatening.

Treatment of bacterial pneumonia is mainly with antibiotics and supportive care, such as oxygen therapy, fluid replacement, and nutritional support. The prevention of bacterial pneumonia is mainly to prevent the occurrence of influenza, as well as to treat influenza in time to prevent secondary infection of bacteria.

Which children are at high risk of severe influenza and are there any sequelae of influenza?

Reye syndrome is a rare but serious sequelae that is an acute cerebrohepatic lesion caused by an infection with an influenza virus or other virus. Symptoms of Reye syndrome include vomiting, diarrhea, drowsiness, convulsions, coma, etc., and in severe cases, it can lead to cerebral edema, cerebral hemorrhage, liver failure, etc., which is life-threatening.

The treatment of Reye syndrome is mainly symptomatic, such as reducing intracranial pressure, maintaining water and electrolytic balance, and protecting liver function. Prevention of Reye syndrome focuses on avoiding salicylic acid drugs such as aspirin in children, as these drugs are associated with influenza virus infection and may increase the risk of Reye syndrome.

Which children are at high risk of severe influenza and are there any sequelae of influenza?

Septic shock syndrome is an extremely dangerous sequelae that is a systemic infection and inflammatory response caused by influenza viruses or other pathogens. Symptoms of septic shock syndrome include high fever, chills, rapid heart rate, low blood pressure, skin bleeding, organ failure, and in severe cases, death.

Treatment of septic shock syndrome is mainly with antibiotics or antiviral drugs, along with supportive care, such as fluid replacement, maintenance of blood pressure, and improvement of organ function. Prevention of septic shock syndrome is mainly to prevent the occurrence of influenza, as well as to treat influenza in time to prevent the spread and worsening of infection.

Which children are at high risk of severe influenza and are there any sequelae of influenza?


The flu is not a simple cold, but a fatal illness that can lead to severe illness, complications, and sequelae. For children, a special group of people, the harm of influenza is even more serious. Therefore, we should pay attention to the prevention and treatment of influenza to protect the health of children.

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