
Winter dermatitis attacks, how to moisten dryness and keep safe

author:Mr. Zhang, a Chinese medicine practitioner

The season is a long winter, the north wind is howling, the rain is scarce, and the weather is particularly dry. In addition, the use of air conditioning and heating in winter is even more dry, so "winter dryness" is often worse than "autumn dryness", which hurts the skin very much. Due to the lack of water, the skin is prone to chapping, itching and other symptoms, and you can't help but want to scratch when you itch, but the more you scratch, the more likely it is to cause dermatitis and eczema.

Winter dermatitis attacks, how to moisten dryness and keep safe

The hospital in winter is also a special scenery, and the dermatology department, which is usually deserted in the season, suddenly has more people at this time. Dermatologists remind that winter is the season of high incidence of skin diseases, people need to do a good job in the prevention and treatment of skin diseases, once there is skin discomfort, do not use drugs indiscriminately, especially not with irritating drugs or hormone topical drugs for topical application. Although these drugs can relieve the itch for a while, they often delay the condition, and in severe cases, it can even produce symptoms such as hormone dependence, and over time, the condition will become more serious. The most common form of hormone-dependent dermatitis is that the condition improves rapidly after taking the drug, but after a period of continuous external use, once the drug is stopped, the drug site will be red, tender, itchy, cracked, and desquamated, resulting in pustules and aggravation of the primary lesion. After a few months or years, the skin becomes more susceptible to mild hirsutism, excessive sweating, telangiectasia, fungal infections, acne-like dermatitis, subcutaneous bleeding, and wound healing difficulties, sometimes purpura. This is the case of 62-year-old Aunt Lu, when the winter first came, Aunt Lu had some punctate pimples on her back, and she went to the pharmacy to buy a tube of ointment to apply, which was quite effective at the time, but the small pimples not only did not go down, but recurred again, but turned red, and gradually spread from the back to the neck, chest and limbs. Some affected areas have developed oozing, dryness, crusting, roughness, hypertrophy, and tears. She had to go to the hospital for an examination and was diagnosed with atopic dermatitis, and what caused her dermatitis to aggravate was the ointment that she bought at the pharmacy, and the doctor said that the ointment used by Aunt Lu belonged to hormones, so when prescribing the medicine, she advised Aunt Lu to switch to non-hormonal and non-steroidal drugs.

Winter dermatitis attacks, how to moisten dryness and keep safe

Most of the skin diseases in winter are caused by dryness, and in the treatment of dermatitis and eczema, in addition to the correct medication, prevention is also very important. Especially in such a dry winter climate, eat more vegetables and fruits to keep your stool smooth. In addition, do not bathe too often, so as not to reduce sebum and aggravate the condition, and at the same time, due to the stimulation of soap and hot water, it can also accelerate the evaporation of water, making the skin dry and rough, thus aggravating itching. For these conditions, in addition to drug treatment, you can also take some medicinal porridge to nourish yin and nourish the body, which can play a good role in relieving it. You might as well give it a try.

  Winter porridge with sand cucumber and wheat. 15 grams of sand cucumber and 15 grams of wheat winter, 50 grams of rice, and an appropriate amount of rock sugar. Decoction of sand cucumber and wheat dong water to extract juice, increase rice and cook into porridge, rock sugar to mix, 1 dose per day. It can nourish qi and nourish yin, moisten the lungs and generate Jin, dissolve phlegm and relieve cough.

  Sesame porridge. 50 grams of sesame seeds, 100 grams of japonica rice. Stir-fry the sesame seeds and mix them into the japonica rice porridge to eat. It has the effect of moistening the lungs and nourishing the liver, nourishing sperm and hair growth, moistening the intestines and laxative, and is suitable for people with dry cough and Xi habitual constipation.

  White fungus jujube porridge. Soak 5~10 grams of white fungus, add 100 grams of japonica rice, and 3~5 jujubes to cook porridge together, which has the effect of nourishing yin and moistening the lungs, nourishing the stomach and nourishing the stomach.

Maimendong porridge with 20~30 grams of Maimendong, decoction to extract juice, and then 100 grams of japonica rice to cook porridge for half-cooked, add Maimendong juice and rock sugar to cook together, has the effect of nourishing yin and rejuvenating Jin, and has a good effect on lung dryness, dry cough and less phlegm.

  Lily white fungus porridge. 30 grams of lily, 10 grams of white fungus, 50 grams of rice, appropriate amount of rock sugar. Wash the white fungus, put it into the pot with rice and lily, add an appropriate amount of water, simmer until the porridge is cooked, and take it with rock sugar, 1 dose per day. It can nourish yin and moisten the lungs, strengthen the spleen and invigorate qi.

Winter dermatitis attacks, how to moisten dryness and keep safe

  Pork lung lotus rice porridge. 150 grams of pork lungs, 15 grams of lotus rice, 50 grams of rice, appropriate amount of seasoning. Wash the pig lungs, cut them into pieces, add an appropriate amount of water and boil them, remove the foam, put two meters under them, cook them until the porridge is cooked, season them and take them, 1 dose per day. It can benefit the lungs, nourish yin and relieve cough.

  Cordyceps bird's nest porridge. 3 grams of cordyceps, 5 grams of bird's nest, 50 grams of rice, and an appropriate amount of rock sugar. After the bird's nest is opened, washed, boiled with an appropriate amount of rice and water, add cordyceps and bird's nest, boil until the porridge is cooked, add rock sugar, and then boil for one or two boils to eat, 1 dose per day. It can nourish qi and nourish yin, moisten the lungs and generate Jin, dissolve phlegm and relieve cough.

Dendrobium porridge. 15 grams of raw land, 30 grams of dendrobium, 50 grams of rice, appropriate amount of rock sugar. Decoction the juice of the two medicines, increase the rice and cook it into porridge, and when it is cooked, the rock sugar is adjusted, 1 dose per day. It can clear heat and cool the blood, nourish yin and nourish the body, moisten the lungs and relieve cough.

The above medicinal porridge can not really solve the problem of winter dryness, it only plays a relieving role to a certain extent, making patients feel more comfortable. In order to completely solve the problem of winter dryness, we must understand this "dryness" from the essence.

"Dry" and "wet" are often linked. In nature, we know that spring and summer are "wet", autumn and winter are "dry", spring and summer are the seasons of yang divergence, at this time, yang is steaming, and with the evaporation of this yang energy, with yin water going up, this forms a wet, so the associated wet is naturally a lot, and the yang energy of autumn and winter turns from divergence to aggregation, and there is no transpiration after polymerization. Without transpiration, the conditions that constitute wetness are missing, so autumn and winter are naturally less wet. And the lack of humidity in this autumn and winter naturally leads to an important related problem, that is, the problem of dryness. Dry and damp relatively, more humid natural less dry, less wet natural more dry. Why is autumn and winter dry? To put it bluntly, there is less wetness, that is, there is less steaming of yang energy. Therefore, it is fundamentally said that the wet nature is hot, and the dry nature is cool.

Winter dermatitis attacks, how to moisten dryness and keep safe

In view of this understanding of the fundamental characteristics of "dryness and coolness", the ancients put forward the view that "Xin can moisten dryness", so Xin can moisten dryness, that is, Xin Wen can agitate Yang Qi and evaporate Yang Qi, and Xin Wen can form a pattern of spring and summer. In this way, the yang energy is agitated, evaporated, the pattern of spring and summer is produced, the humidity is naturally generated, and there is nothing dry to speak of.

It can be seen that to solve the problem of dry skin in winter, the most fundamental thing is to eat more pungent and warm products, traditional medicine believes that during this period, "the five organs belong to the kidney", and the diet should eat more warm and spicy to replenish the kidney yang. Therefore, commonly used therapeutic raw materials include beef, mutton, dog meat, longan, red dates and cherry meat. To improve the kidney water to moisten it, this is the fundamental strategy to treat both the symptoms and the root cause.

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