
55~65 years old is the "critical period of longevity"! How to maintain health? 5 secrets of longevity, worth learning

author:Dr. Guangyou talks about health

Longevity, this is a desirable topic. In the long history of mankind, longevity has always been the goal pursued by people. With the advancement of modern medicine and technology, human life expectancy has been significantly extended, and more and more people can enjoy the beauty of longevity.

Longevity is not just a physiological phenomenon, it is a way of life. A healthy lifestyle is the key to achieving longevity. Good Xi and adequate sleep are also key to staying healthy.

With the advancement of medicine, human lifespan has been significantly extended. In the future, with the continuous progress of science and technology, human life expectancy is expected to be further extended. We should cherish life, pay attention to health, and actively pursue the beauty of longevity.

55~65 years old is the "critical period of longevity"! How to maintain health? 5 secrets of longevity, worth learning

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What are the determinants of lifespan?

First of all, genetic factors are one of the important factors that affect longevity. Genes can determine a person's physical characteristics and physiological functions, while also having an impact on longevity. Some genetic variants may increase or decrease lifespan, for example, some genes can increase antioxidant capacity, thereby reducing cell damage caused by oxidative stress, which in turn can increase lifespan.

Secondly, environmental factors also have an impact on longevity. For example, climate, water quality, air quality, food availability, etc., all affect longevity. In addition, factors such as socio-economic conditions, sanitation and health care can also have an impact on longevity. For example, people in areas with better medical care tend to live longer on average.

In addition, lifestyle is also one of the important factors that affect longevity.

Xi Diet, physical activity, smoking, and alcohol consumption all have an impact on longevity. For example, healthy eating Xi can reduce the risk of chronic diseases and thus increase life. Moderate exercise can enhance the body's immunity and cardiovascular function, and also help to prolong life. Smoking and excessive alcohol consumption can shorten life expectancy because they increase the risk of cancer, cardiovascular disease, and other health problems.

55~65 years old is the "critical period of longevity"! How to maintain health? 5 secrets of longevity, worth learning

In addition to the above factors, there are some other factors that can also affect lifespan, such as psychological factors, interpersonal relationships, etc. Mental health and good relationships can help to live longer by reducing stress and anxiety.

55~65 years old is the "critical period of longevity"! How to maintain health? 5 secrets of longevity, worth learning

In the journey of life, the period between the ages of 55 and 65 is known as the "critical period of longevity". At this stage, the human body undergoes a series of physiological changes that lay the foundation for a long and healthy life.

First of all, from a mental health perspective, this stage is an important turning point in life. Many people face professional, family, financial, and other pressures during this period. Therefore, it is crucial to maintain a positive mindset and good emotional management skills. By cultivating hobbies, making new friends, and participating in social activities, you can effectively relieve stress and improve your mental health.

Secondly, in terms of physical health, during this period, the organs of the human body gradually declined, and the immunity decreased. However, it is also a critical time to improve your health by making lifestyle changes. Eating right, exercising in moderation, getting enough sleep, and avoiding bad habits are all important factors in maintaining good health. In addition, regular medical check-ups and timely medical treatment are also important means of preventing diseases and maintaining good health.

55~65 years old is the "critical period of longevity"! How to maintain health? 5 secrets of longevity, worth learning

Finally, social relationships also play a role that cannot be ignored at this stage. Staying close to family, friends, and community can lead to emotional support and social interactions that can help reduce feelings of loneliness and stress. Actively participating in community activities, volunteering, and joining interest groups are all great ways to expand your social circle and enrich your life.

In conclusion, the age of 55 to 65 is a "critical period for longevity", and by focusing on the adjustment and maintenance of mental health, physical health and social relationships, we can lay a solid foundation for a healthy and long life. During this period, maintaining a positive mindset, a healthy lifestyle, and good social relationships are key to achieving a long and healthy life.

These 5 longevity secrets are worth learning from!

Don't make your belly bigger!

In general, weight gain in men is usually first seen on the belly, and while their face may not appear fat, their belly is larger than that of a pregnant woman. Women, on the other hand, tend to gain weight from the thighs and buttocks, and once these areas are filled with fat, they gradually move towards the abdomen, which is known as "central obesity".

According to a 2018 "Prospective Study of the Risk of Central Obesity and Ischemic Heart Disease in Chinese Adults", published in the Chinese Journal of Epidemiology, central obesity is an independent risk factor for an increased risk of ischemic heart disease. As your waist circumference increases, so does your risk of ischemic heart disease.

Therefore, if you make your belly bigger, you are committing suicide! The bigger your belly, the shorter your lifespan!

55~65 years old is the "critical period of longevity"! How to maintain health? 5 secrets of longevity, worth learning

Don't harden or narrow your blood vessels!

The connection between blood sugar and blood vessels is close and subtle, just like the process of making Peking duck. As one of the main complications of diabetes, the incidence of central cerebrovascular disease is much higher than that of non-diabetic patients, and the disease is more severe. This is mainly due to the influence of atherosclerosis, which significantly increases the risk of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, and is very likely to cause serious diseases such as coronary heart disease, myocardial infarction or stroke.

Professor Hong Zhaoguang used the production process of Peking duck as an analogy to vividly illustrate the relationship between blood sugar and blood vessels. He pointed out that human vascular endomembrane proteins are very afraid of sugar, and too much sugar will cause the protein to harden and become brittle, just like roast duck becomes brittle and easy to crack after being coated with sugar. When a person's blood sugar rises, the lining of the arteries also tends to become crispy like roast duck, which can lead to bleeding once the brittle ruptures.

Don't always get angry with yourself!

We often persuade others to dissipate their anger, saying, "Dissipate your anger, don't get angry." This is not just a casual talk! Getting angry often has many disadvantages to the body, such as damaging the digestive system, blowing up the heart and causing the heart to suffer, menopause is angry, the mammary glands are easy to find trouble, they quarrel if they disagree, they come to "report" for pigmentation, they are stressed and have a big temper, and hyperthyroidism also comes to join in the fun. Therefore, the most important thing in health preservation is to nourish the heart, and when you are in a good mood, you will stay away from many diseases, which is of great benefit to your health.

55~65 years old is the "critical period of longevity"! How to maintain health? 5 secrets of longevity, worth learning

When we persuade others to dissipate their anger, we will say, "Dissipate your anger, don't get angry", which is not a casual saying. Because getting angry often can have a lot of bad effects on the body. For example, anger can damage the digestive system, damage the heart, make menopausal women more susceptible to irritation, lead to breast problems, and quarrels can lead to the appearance of dark spots. In addition, if you are stressed and have a temper, it may also cause diseases such as hyperthyroidism.

Don't overeat yourself!

It can be said that many diseases are caused by "excessive" eating! The most direct is that long-term overeating leads to indigestion of the stomach and easily induces gastritis and gastric ulcers. Long-term overeating can also lead to obesity, which can lead to a variety of diseases.

Meng Hua, deputy director of the Second Department of General Surgery at China-Japan Hospital, said in an interview with Health Times in 2019 that the medical community has proven that obesity is directly related to more than 15 diseases that lead to death, including coronary heart disease, myocardial infarction, cerebral embolism, uterine cancer, ovarian cancer, liver and kidney failure, etc. In addition to fatal diseases, apnea syndrome, diabetes, polycystic ovaries, etc. are also associated with obesity.

55~65 years old is the "critical period of longevity"! How to maintain health? 5 secrets of longevity, worth learning

Don't let yourself sit still all the time!

Sitting for long periods of time has become the norm for modern people, however, every extra minute of sitting is one step closer to illness. Therefore, I advise you to stand up, take a few more steps, and move. Because the best exercise in the world is walking. Walking is effective in regulating blood pressure, lowering cholesterol, controlling weight, and more importantly, preventing or even reversing hardening of the arteries.

Walking can gradually soften arteriosclerosis, reduce the risk of diabetes, reduce blood lipids, make the mind clearer, less prone to falling, and even prevent Alzheimer's disease. Moreover, this type of exercise is suitable for everyone, making it easy and enjoyable for people to stay healthy.

What foods can help increase life?

First and foremost, fruits and vegetables are key to staying healthy. They are rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, nutrients that help us fight off disease and keep our bodies functioning properly. For example, apples, bananas, strawberries, spinach, carrots, etc., are all very beneficial foods.

55~65 years old is the "critical period of longevity"! How to maintain health? 5 secrets of longevity, worth learning

Second, nuts and seeds are a source of high-quality protein and healthy fats. They are also rich in vitamins and minerals that can help us stay full and reduce calorie intake in our diet. For example, almonds, walnuts, pumpkin seeds, etc., are all very beneficial foods.

In addition, fish is also one of the important foods for longevity. They are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which can help us reduce our risk of heart disease and stroke. In addition, fish is also rich in vitamins and minerals that can help us maintain good health.

Finally, whole grains are also key to longevity. They are rich in fiber and B vitamins, which can help us stay full and reduce calorie intake in our diet. In addition, whole grains are also rich in antioxidants and minerals that can help us fight disease.

In conclusion, to live longer, we need to maintain a healthy diet Xi habits. Fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, fish, and whole grains are all very beneficial foods. We should try to consume more of these foods to maintain good health and prolong life.

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