
People's livelihood through train, pay attention to heating|Heating complaint problem solving tracking



Keeping warm and ensuring supply is a major people's livelihood project and a people's project, and it is necessary to do a solid job with a sense of responsibility of "always rest assured".

Heavy snow falls in the north, and it is a cold winter. Xinhua News Agency reporters went to Henan, Qinghai, Shandong, into residents' homes, properties, heating companies, and power plants to see how all parties tried to solve problems and strive to ensure the people's warm winter needs.

Zhengzhou, Henan Province: A joint working group was set up to provide heating to 8,400 households

The people complained: Residents of Dazheng Crystal Forest Community, High-tech Zone, Zhengzhou City, Henan Province, complained that there was no heating for three years after handing over the house, and residents of Langyue Park Mansion complained that the property did not heat the community on the grounds of insufficient heat.

Reporter investigation: On December 7, the reporter walked into Ms. Fu's home in the Dazheng Crystal Forest Community. Wearing a padded jacket and holding a 15-day-old baby in her arms, she told reporters that the heating was only provided on December 2, and at Ms. Pan's house in Building 18, the reporter touched the radiator in the bathroom and could hardly feel the heat.

People's livelihood through train, pay attention to heating|Heating complaint problem solving tracking

In the Dazheng Crystal Forest Community of Zhengzhou High-tech Zone, Henan Province, the owner (left) who complained about the heating at home was interviewed by Xinhua News Agency reporters. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Tang Jianhui

The reporter came to the property company, and Wu Tao, the property manager of the Dazheng Kunyuan Property Management Service Center, explained that at the end of November this year, the high-tech heating Co., Ltd., which is responsible for heating the community, finalized the heating. The pipe network should be dredged, the filter screen should be cleaned, and there are about 1,400 heating households in the community, but there are only 6 housekeepers and 6 maintenance masters in the property.

Wang Lin, deputy general manager of Gaoxin Heating Company, rushed to the community after hearing the news, which is a heating enterprise with private enterprises as shares. Wang Lin explained that the reason for the delay in heating the community is "insufficient heat source". In addition, there are still 8 communities that cannot be heated this year due to "insufficient heat sources", involving about 7,000 residents, and Langyue Park House is one of them.

The reporter came to Zhengzhou Heating Group Co., Ltd., which provides heat sources for high-tech heating companies, and Guo Junhui, manager of the investment planning department, introduced that Zhengzhou Heating undertakes 88% of the heating guarantee tasks in the central urban area, and will provide heat sources for high-tech heating companies from 2020. After this year's heating, Gaoxin Heating submits the heat load demand every day, and Zhengzhou Heating dispatches the heat supply accordingly. "We will provide as much heat as we quote," she says, pointing to the data on the dispatch report.

The reporter then went to Zhengzhou Yuzhong Energy Co., Ltd., which provides 52% of the total heating supply of Zhengzhou Heating Group's three coal-fired power plants. The reporter walked into the 1,000 MW coal-fired unit room, climbed the top of the 110-meter-high boiler, came to the dispatching center, and saw that the water supply of the pipe network on the heating network monitoring system was far from reaching the maximum value of the designed operation. Wang Zhigang, general manager of the company, said that last year, only about 70% of the heat energy was used in extremely cold weather.

Why is the heating in the Dazheng Crystal Forest Community late? Why are eight residential areas, including Langyue Park Mansion, not heating up? Based on the above investigations, this reporter learned that the development of the high-tech zone is relatively fast, and the people have a large demand for heating. Due to multiple reasons such as the integration of heating in the high-tech zone has not been completed, the maintenance of the pipe network is not perfect, the balance of heating supply is insufficient, and the communication between the heating responsible units is not smooth, resulting in the heating needs of the above 8,400 households have not been guaranteed.

Government response: The relevant person in charge of the Zhengzhou Municipal Development and Reform Commission told reporters that heating is related to the people's livelihood, and the Zhengzhou Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government require that "all supplies should be supplied". At present, the three power plants are running with two units, and the heat supply is sufficient and stable.

Guo Junhui introduced that the group currently manages more than 3,400 kilometers of underground heating pipelines and more than 3,000 heat stations. In order to improve the ability to guarantee heat sources, nearly 3 billion yuan has been invested this year to build new long-distance heating pipelines and renovate old pipe networks. It is planned to build the long-distance heating pipelines of China Resources Dengfeng Power Plant and Datang Gongyi Power Plant next year, which is expected to increase the heating capacity of more than 79 million square meters for Zhengzhou.

In order to solve the problem of unheated 8 residential areas, Han Yongjin, a second-level researcher of Zhengzhou Municipal Urban Management Bureau, said that according to the requirements of the Zhengzhou Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal Government, the Zhengzhou Urban Management Bureau strengthened supervision and coordination, and the Zhengzhou High-tech Industrial Development Zone Management Committee and Zhengzhou Heating Group set up a working group to calculate the heat required for 8 unheated communities, and urged Zhengzhou Heating Group and High-tech Heating Company to sign a heat source purchase agreement as soon as possible. This year, the integration of heating in the high-tech zone has been started, and it is planned to complete the acquisition of high-tech heating by Zhengzhou Heating Group next year, and the third-party evaluation is basically completed.

As of press time, 8 communities, including Langyue Park Mansion, have been identified as the second batch of new heating users in the 2023-2024 heating season of Gaoxin Heating and announced to the public. Tian Zhijian, general manager of the high-tech heating company, said that the fourth phase of Zhenghong High-tech Cyberport and the second phase of Langyue Park Mansion have begun to flush pipes, and eight communities will be heated as soon as possible. For the Dazheng Crystal Forest Community, which is not hot, the Zhengzhou Urban Management Bureau and other units randomly inspected the households, and the temperature reached the standard.

Reporter's comments: As a franchise service enterprise, the heating unit must fulfill its social responsibilities in place. The administrative department of heat supply shall establish a comprehensive evaluation system for heat supply, and publish the evaluation results to the public; deal with complaints from residents in a timely manner, order heat supply enterprises to correct violations within a time limit, and punish them according to law, and smooth the "last mile".

People's livelihood through train, pay attention to heating|Heating complaint problem solving tracking

Zhengzhou Heating staff braved the snow to inspect the overhead pipe network. (Photo courtesy of Zhengzhou City Administration)

Is the heating for the 1,400 households in the Dazheng Crystal Forest Community stable? When will the heating in the eight communities be in place? When will the integrated reform be completed? Xinhua News Agency reporters will continue to follow up and report.

Haidong, Qinghai: The school immediately rectified and the county immediately investigated

People complained: A parent of a student at the No. 2 Middle School in Xunhua Salar Autonomous County, Haidong City, Qinghai Province, reported that the school's student dormitory was not heated, and the students slept cold at night.

Reporter investigation: At 11 a.m. on December 7, the reporter came to the No. 2 Middle School. The school implements a full boarding system, with about 2,000 students and staff. The reporter saw that the two gas supply equipment in the boiler room were operating normally, the student dormitory building was equipped with an insulation layer, the windows were installed with windshields, and the dormitories were equipped with radiators. The toilets on some dormitory floors are not heated.

At 10 o'clock in the evening, the reporter came to the dormitory again, and the room temperature of a Chaoyang dormitory on the second floor reached 22 degrees Celsius, and the temperature of the dormitory on the shady side was relatively low, about 20 degrees Celsius.

Principal Zhou Rongxian told reporters that the school boiler is centrally heated twice a day, that is, from 6 to 11 in the morning and from 6 to 11 in the evening.

The government responded: "In order to keep students warm in winter, starting this autumn, we will organize early maintenance of pipelines and renovation of equipment. Ma Dequan, director of the Xunhua County Education Bureau, said that the education department will conduct research on student activity areas, zoning, time-sharing, and precision heating. He Lin, the magistrate of Xunhua County, asked for a county-wide investigation of the heating situation in schools.

Zhou Rongxian said that the school held a special meeting on the 12th, and decided to change the original heating twice a day to four times a day, and the time was adjusted to 2 o'clock to 4 o'clock, 5 o'clock to 8 o'clock, 11 o'clock to 13 o'clock, and 20 o'clock to 0 o'clock, which was implemented from the evening of the same day; The school also decided to add two electric water heaters on each floor of the dormitory building and a solar heating facility, which will be delivered by December 20.

Reporter's comments: The reporter then visited the complainant, and he was satisfied with the school's attitude to solve the problem. To optimize heating services and achieve on-demand, time-sharing, and zonal heating, it is still necessary to work on the details.

Qufu, Shandong: Revised the special plan for heating supply to include unheated communities

People reflected: Some residents in Xinyu Sunshine City Community, Shuyuan Street, Qufu City, Shandong Province reported that they have been living in it for more than ten years and have not had central heating.

Reporter investigation: The reporter came to the community and learned that Xinyu Sunshine City started construction in 2010 and was delivered in 2012, with more than 600 residents and has been heating by gas wall-hung boilers. Ms. Zhang, a resident, told reporters that she has lived here for 11 years, and the gas wall-hung boiler is open from the end of November to the end of February every year. Some residents also expressed their concerns: "The gas wall-hung boiler is not warm enough" and "I am willing to consider it if it can be centrally heated".

The reporter came to the property, and the manager Chen Yongjian said: "Since there is no heating main network outside the community, the developer provides indoor heating facilities such as gas wall-hung boilers for each household, which is the standard configuration for delivery and does not charge additional fees." ”

Liu Qiang, deputy general manager of Qufu Juyuan Heating Co., Ltd., said that at present, the central heating area of Qufu City has reached more than 9.6 million square meters, and the heating scope basically covers the old urban area and some new urban areas in the south, but does not include Xinyu Sunshine City.

People's livelihood through train, pay attention to heating|Heating complaint problem solving tracking

Government response: Ren Bin, head of the Heating Section of the Qufu Municipal Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau, said that the special plan for urban and rural heating in Qufu City was prepared in September 2010 and approved for implementation in June 2011. According to the plan, Xinyu Sunshine City is 2.6 kilometers north of the heating range. In response to the desire of some residents to "hope that the community will be included in the central heating", Ren Bin said that the special plan for urban and rural heating in Qufu City has been implemented for more than ten years and is currently being revised. The issue of the inclusion of central heating in the Xinyu Sunshine City community will be raised when the plan is revised.

Reporter's comments: With the rapid expansion of the city's scale, the heating area should also be adjusted accordingly. For the communities that are not within the scope of the central heating plan, the local government should adjust the relevant planning in a timely manner according to the urban development situation, continuously optimize the heating network, improve the penetration rate of urban central heating, and meet the needs of the people.

Can Xinyu Sunshine City solve the problem of central heating? Xinhua News Agency reporters will continue to pay attention.

Planner: Huo Xiaoguang

Producer: Zhang Xudong

Co-ordinator: Lin Hongmei, Zhao Chao, Xie Liang

Reporter: Qu Ting, Wang Qiuyun, Liu Zhenkun, Gao Kang, Wang Zhi, Zhang Xinyi, Zhang Ziqi, Wang Youling, Han Jianuo

Editors: Nie Yan, Liu Yuanyuan