
Zhou Haimei's last Weibo was a silent protest against Weibo

author:Joe Irene's notes

Copywriting丨Joe Irene's notes

Editor丨Joe Irene's notes


Zhou Haimei, a star who shines brightly in the Hong Kong entertainment industry, her name represents a glorious era, a golden age that makes people intoxicated. However, when people talk about Zhou Haimei, it may not only be the classic roles she plays, but also the challenges and dilemmas she has experienced as a public figure.

Zhou Haimei's last Weibo was a silent protest against Weibo

In this starry era, Zhou Haimei is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people with her excellent acting skills and classic roles she plays, such as "Zhou Zhiruo". Behind this dazzling light, however, lies a subtle and complex story, one about online violence, personal privacy, and social media.

Zhou Haimei's last Weibo was a silent protest against Weibo

Zhou Haimei's last Weibo post was seen as her silent protest against social media, and the meaning behind this Weibo sparked reflection on her personal life and the entertainment industry. This story goes beyond the life of a star, and it makes us think deeply about the current state of the Internet society and the problems that need to be solved urgently.

Zhou Haimei's last Weibo was a silent protest against Weibo

Zhou Haimei's life and achievements

Born in Hong Kong, Chow Hoi Mei is a high-profile actress who has demonstrated outstanding acting talent and diverse roles throughout her acting career. Since the 80s of the 20th century, Zhou Haimei has quickly become the focus of the Hong Kong entertainment industry with her excellent acting skills and unique charm.

Zhou Haimei's last Weibo was a silent protest against Weibo

She is famous for her role as "Zhou Zhiruo" in the TV series "The Legend of the Condor Heroes", which is not only loved by the audience, but also makes Zhou Haimei's name deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. In addition to "The Legend of the Condor Heroes", her outstanding performance in many TV series and movies has also left a deep impression on the audience.

Zhou Haimei's last Weibo was a silent protest against Weibo

Not only has Zhou Haimei achieved great success in the theater field, she has also shown versatility as a model, singer, and TV host. Her versatility made her one of the most prominent entertainment personalities of her time. Her name represents the golden age of the Hong Kong entertainment industry, and she has also become an eternal screen goddess in the hearts of a generation.

Zhou Haimei's last Weibo was a silent protest against Weibo

However, even in her brilliant acting career, Zhou Haimei also faced pressure from social media and public opinion, which became a turning point in her future acting career and life.

Cyber violence

Behind the brilliance of her acting career, Zhou Haimei inevitably encountered online violence from social media platforms. This elegant and talented actress has been attacked and maliciously remarked on the Internet for her "hateful role" in the TV series "Sweet Honey Sinks Like Frost".

Zhou Haimei's last Weibo was a silent protest against Weibo

At that time, Weibo became one of the main platforms for people to express their emotions and opinions. However, the social media platform, which is full of communication and interaction, has become a venue for Zhou Haimei to face abuse and online violence. Her Weibo has been attacked a lot, with some accusing her of being too vicious and her appearance not meeting aesthetic standards. This attack is not limited to character criticism, but even extends to attacks on her personal appearance and life.

Zhou Haimei's last Weibo was a silent protest against Weibo

In this harsh environment, Zhou Haimei chose to stop updating on Weibo. Although many fans have expressed support and retention for her, these voices cannot overcome the bad effects of online violence. Her Weibo suspension was seen as a helpless move to endure online violence.

Zhou Haimei's last Weibo was a silent protest against Weibo

However, this is not the first time that Zhou Haimei has been tortured by online violence. Although her acting career is full of poignancy behind the light, she has never stopped playing different roles on the big screen. However, these unfair and malicious attacks led her to eventually opt out of social media platforms and no longer face online violence.

Zhou Haimei's last Weibo was a silent protest against Weibo

The last tweet

Zhou's final Weibo post is a symbolic expression of her past experiences with online violence and a shift in her attitude towards social media. The post is a response to her past experiences and a silent protest against online violence in the current internet age.

Zhou Haimei's last Weibo was a silent protest against Weibo

This Weibo post was posted on August 28, 2018, and became her last post before the Weibo was stopped. In this Weibo, she expressed her avoidance of emotional coercion and controversy, hinting at her determination to choose "retreat bravely". After this decision, she officially retired from social media platforms to focus on other areas of life, such as sharing her daily life on short video platforms, as well as her cooking skills.

Zhou Haimei's last Weibo was a silent protest against Weibo

This Weibo seems to be a summary and farewell to Zhou Haimei's difficult period. She chose to move away from the controversial and abusive cyberspace in favor of a more tranquil and comfortable lifestyle. The decision makes one wonder how heavily a public figure is under pressure and influence in an environment rife with online violence and offensive rhetoric.

Zhou Haimei's last Weibo was a silent protest against Weibo

This Weibo is not a simple farewell, it is also a silent protest by Zhou Haimei against that era and the Internet environment. The story calls for reflection on the negative side of social media and the pressures experienced by public figures and ordinary users in the internet environment.

Responsibility of Weibo and Social Media Platforms

Zhou's Weibo suspension has sparked widespread attention on social media platforms' responsibilities to public figures and users. After she suffered online violence and eventually opted out of social media, people began to question the role of these platforms in protecting users' privacy and defending against online violence.

Zhou Haimei's last Weibo was a silent protest against Weibo

As the main place for information dissemination and exchange, social media platforms carry important social responsibilities. However, they are often unable to effectively respond to online violence and malicious speech. In Zhou's case, Weibo's failure to deal with the cyberattacks she suffered in a timely and effective manner and to provide her with adequate protection and support led to her eventual opt-out of the platform.

Zhou Haimei's last Weibo was a silent protest against Weibo

This raises questions about the management and regulation of social media platforms. What are the responsibilities of platforms to protect user privacy, prevent online violence, and manage user speech, should they strengthen their regulation of malicious speech and offensive content, and are their actions timely and effective enough?

Zhou Haimei's last Weibo was a silent protest against Weibo

In addition, the privacy protection and personal rights and interests of public figures and ordinary users also need to be paid more attention. Social media platforms should take stricter measures to protect users' private information from being misused or leaked. Platforms should also provide more support and assistance to users who have suffered online violence to ensure that their legitimate rights and interests are protected.

Zhou Haimei's last Weibo was a silent protest against Weibo

In general, social media platforms need to take more responsibility in the face of online violence and user privacy protection. They need to strengthen management and formulate stricter norms and policies to protect the legitimate rights and interests of users and create a healthier and friendlier online environment. This is also the direction and requirement that society and the public expect from social media platforms.

Zhou Haimei's last Weibo was a silent protest against Weibo

Cyber Violence and Internet Ecology

The online violence that Zhou Haimei faces reflects some of the profound problems in the current Internet ecology. Cyber violence is a problem that seriously affects the health of society and individuals, and it not only exists in the entertainment industry, but also permeates all levels of society.

Zhou Haimei's last Weibo was a silent protest against Weibo

Due to the anonymity and convenience of the Internet, some users are prone to fall into online violence, attacking others, spreading malicious speech, and violating personal privacy. In Zhou's case, she was subjected to online violence for playing a negative role, which was not only an attack on a public figure, but also a harm to her as an individual.

Zhou Haimei's last Weibo was a silent protest against Weibo

Online violence takes a huge toll on the psychological and emotional toll of the victims, while also affecting the professional and personal lives of public figures. More importantly, it undermines the healthy ecology of the Internet community, making the Internet space negative and aggressive.

Zhou Haimei's last Weibo was a silent protest against Weibo

In the case of Zhou Haimei, the speech and behavior on the Internet showed a certain degree of violent tendency. This has led to a rethinking of the Internet ecosystem, and we need to look at the current online environment, identify the problems in it, and take measures to improve and reshape the healthy atmosphere of the Internet community.

Zhou Haimei's last Weibo was a silent protest against Weibo

Rebuilding a healthy online ecosystem requires a concerted effort. In addition to strengthening management and supervision by platform managers, users are also required to consciously improve their online literacy and advocate rational and friendly speech and behavior. Only through joint efforts can we gradually eliminate the phenomenon of online violence and create a more harmonious and positive Internet environment.

Zhou Haimei's last Weibo was a silent protest against Weibo

Zhou Haimei's legacy

As a talented actress and public figure, Zhou Haimei has left a rich artistic legacy and far-reaching influence. Her acting career has witnessed the golden age of Hong Kong's entertainment industry, and the classic roles she portrayed are still deeply imprinted in the memories of audiences. However, her experience of online violence and her decision to quit social media has also sparked deep thinking about the internet community and online violence.

Zhou Haimei's last Weibo was a silent protest against Weibo

Zhou Haimei's experience has inspired the public to pay attention to and reflect on the issue of online violence. People are beginning to realize that online violence is not just against public figures, but also a threat to everyone. In the pursuit of online hotspots and public opinion, personal privacy and dignity are often ignored and violated. This has led people to reflect on whether the development of social media is to some extent contrary to the dignity of human nature and the conscience of society.

Zhou Haimei's last Weibo was a silent protest against Weibo

Ms. Zhou's choice to quit social media is a silent protest against the current internet environment. Her decision has raised concerns about the platform's responsibilities and users' rights. Social media platforms need to pay more attention to the privacy protection of users, take responsibility for users, and create a safer and healthier online space.

Zhou Haimei's last Weibo was a silent protest against Weibo

In addition, Zhou's story also reminds people that everyone should be more rational about online information and speech. Respect for others and rational expression are important foundations for building a good online community. In the face of online violence and offensive speech, people should be more rational and friendly, and work together to maintain a positive and healthy online environment.

Zhou Haimei's last Weibo was a silent protest against Weibo


As a well-respected actress and public figure, Zhou Haimei has created immortal classics in her acting career and left a valuable artistic legacy. However, the online violence she suffered and her choice to quit social media have aroused widespread attention and thinking about the Internet ecology and online violence.

Zhou Haimei's last Weibo was a silent protest against Weibo

The meaning of her last Weibo post goes beyond an individual's choice, but is a profound reflection on the Internet community and the Internet age. This story teaches us that the internet should not be a breeding ground for attacks and malice, but a platform for communication and understanding. The privacy and dignity of individuals, as well as respect for the speech of others, should be given more attention and protection.

Zhou Haimei's last Weibo was a silent protest against Weibo

In the Internet era, we need to emphasize more civilized, rational and friendly online code of conduct. Social media platforms should also take on more responsibilities, strengthen the protection and management of user privacy, and formulate stricter norms and policies to create a more harmonious and healthy online ecosystem.

Zhou Haimei's last Weibo was a silent protest against Weibo

Zhou's story is a wake-up call to online violence and a reflection on how we can work together to make the internet a more welcoming, loving and respectful environment. This is a goal that requires the joint efforts of all sectors of society, let us work together to build a better Internet era.

Zhou Haimei's last Weibo was a silent protest against Weibo