
How many men has Chen Yuanyuan gone through? Is it true that Wu Sangui "rushed to the crown and became angry and became red-faced"?


When it comes to ancient Chinese beauties, there are countless of them. The four beauties of China, known to the whole people, Xi Shi, Wang Zhaojun, Diao Chan and Yang Yuhuan, should be "the first to bear the brunt". However, in fact, in ancient times in the mainland, beautiful women abounded, such as Chen Yuanyuan, the heroine of the mainland historical allusion "Rushing to be angry and becoming a red face".

How many men has Chen Yuanyuan gone through? Is it true that Wu Sangui "rushed to the crown and became angry and became red-faced"?

Chen Yuanyuan was a courtesan in Wuzhong in the late Ming and early Qing dynasties in ancient China, and also belonged to one of the "Eight Yan of Qinhuai". Her color and art are unique, and she also occupies a place in the list of ancient Chinese beauties.

How many men has Chen Yuanyuan gone through? Is it true that Wu Sangui "rushed to the crown and became angry and became red-faced"?

However, it is said that because Chen Yuanyuan is too beautiful, I don't know how many men have fallen for her, so she has "read countless men" in her life, and I don't know how many people have "possessed". So to get back to the point, the male protagonist Wu Sangui, who mentioned the allusion "rushing to anger and becoming a red face", is his move true or false? Please follow me to uncover the mystery.

How beautiful is Chen Yuanyuan?

The so-called "Qinhuai Bayan" refers to the eight "famous" and excellent singers on the banks of the Qinhuai River in Nanjing, Jiangnan in the southern part of the mainland during the alternating years of the Ming and Qing dynasties. On both sides of the Qinhuai River, on one side was the general examination hall of the southern part of the mainland - Jiangnan Gongyuan, which is now the China Imperial Examination Museum. On one side was the gathering place of the "famous actors" in Jiangnan at that time, and they were all talented and talented. Speaking of which, friends must have understood, if these "famous actors" are placed today, they all belong to the "world-class stars". Chen Yuanyuan, the protagonist of our article today, is the "leader" in this "famous trick" field.

How many men has Chen Yuanyuan gone through? Is it true that Wu Sangui "rushed to the crown and became angry and became red-faced"?

So, how charming is the beautiful Chen Yuanyuan? You can get the answer by reading the history books. The history books describe the actual situation of Chen Yuanyuan's performance on stage during that period as follows: "The audience is all broken." Take today's vernacular as an example, that is, whenever Chen Yuanyuan performs on stage, the audience is completely attracted by her beauty as if they have lost their souls. It can be seen that it is alluring to the city and the country!

Bumpy road

"Hard-working life" is very appropriate for Chen Yuanyuan. Chen Yuanyuan's original surname is Xing, born in a poor family in the south of the Yangtze River, due to the death of his parents at an early age, he was taken back to Taohuawu in Suzhou by his aunt for adoption, and later followed his uncle's surname Chen. Later, because his aunt's family became increasingly poor, Chen Yuanyuan was sold by his uncle-in-law to learn art in the pear orchard at the age of ten.

How many men has Chen Yuanyuan gone through? Is it true that Wu Sangui "rushed to the crown and became angry and became red-faced"?

As an adult, Chen Yuanyuan first married Gong Ruofu as a concubine, and was later expelled from the house by his wife because of his status as a concubine. Later, he met his "sweetheart" Mao Xiang, but maybe Mao Xiang did not regard Chen Yuanyuan as a "sweetheart", or maybe it was a trick of fate, after all, Chen Yuanyuan's dream of love was ruined in the fantasy stage. Chen Yuanyuan finally fell into the hands of the thieves, and the thieves dedicated it to Wu Sangui.

How many men has Chen Yuanyuan gone through? Is it true that Wu Sangui "rushed to the crown and became angry and became red-faced"?

At that time, Chen Yuanyuan had lost the strength to fight against fate. was taken captive because of his beauty, and thus "befriended" Wu Sangui. How could she have thought that the future history would give birth to an allusion because of their encounter, and the theme word of this allusion, "Chong Guan is angry and blushing", is also popular and "sung" to this day.

How many men has Chen Yuanyuan gone through? Is it true that Wu Sangui "rushed to the crown and became angry and became red-faced"?

Counting Chen Yuanyuan's "experiences," Gong Ruofu, Mao Xiang, Liu Zongmin, Wu Sangui, and so on, her life has been "tossed and turned" by so many people in the midst of "coveting" and "abandoning." How can fate play tricks on him! How can she decide her own destiny in the troubled times?

Chong Guan is angry and red-faced?

In March 1644, which was also the seventeenth year of the Ming Dynasty's "Chongzhen", Li Zicheng's peasant army captured the city of Beijing during the Northern Expedition. Unexpectedly, Li Zicheng, who entered the city of Beijing, plundered "frantically" in the city, and the city was miserable. And Chen Yuanyuan, who was in Beijing at that time, was also occupied by Liu Zongmin in the peasant army, which angered Wu Sangui, who was guarding Shanhaiguan. Originally, he had planned to surrender to the peasant army, but at this time, he opened the gate of Shanhaiguan, directly put in the Qing army that was preparing to invade, and led his troops to join forces with the Qing army, causing Li Zicheng's peasant army to flee in a hurry under heavy losses.

How many men has Chen Yuanyuan gone through? Is it true that Wu Sangui "rushed to the crown and became angry and became red-faced"?

At this time, Wu Sangui only wanted to find Chen Yuanyuan, but fortunately, he successfully found Chen Yuanyuan in the flames of war, and finally the two hugged the "military camp reunion". Since then, Chen Yuanyuan has followed Wu Sangui to fight on the battlefield, until Wu Sangui pacified Yunnan, Chen Yuanyuan entered the "Pingxi Palace" and was "loved by thousands of people" for a while.

How many men has Chen Yuanyuan gone through? Is it true that Wu Sangui "rushed to the crown and became angry and became red-faced"?

History is impossible to turn back. If Wu Sangui had not been "angry and red-faced" and the gate of Shanhaiguan had blocked the invasion of the Qing army, what kind of history would it be?

However, no matter what, the peasant army Li Zicheng was "driven away" by uniting with the Qing army, which was the only way for Wu Sangui to rescue Chen Yuanyuan.

Expand your imagination, if the beauty Chen Yuanyuan lives today, life must be very beautiful, with a good face and excellent talent, it should be possible to marry a "business tycoon". There is no need to worry about life, or, talented and beautiful, live a happy life of dignity and income. In short, such a talented and good-looking woman was destined to be "bumpy" in the turbulent and turbulent times at that time.

It can be said that the history of that period was changed because of Chen Yuanyuan's beauty. As a result, she became the "spiritual pillar" of Wu Sangui, who was infamous as a "national thief" because of her, and finally had a "stable life" of her own.