
Spring Airlines pays tribute to the civil aviation personnel with a short film. Netizen: Rainy and snowy days have a lot of understanding of civil aviation people


Title: Spring Airlines: Perseverance and Flight in the Ice and Snow

Spring Airlines pays tribute to the civil aviation personnel with a short film. Netizen: Rainy and snowy days have a lot of understanding of civil aviation people

In the snowy solar term, Spring Airlines has painted an unusual picture in the civil aviation industry with a kind of perseverance that can almost be called poetic. This is a story about the interweaving of responsibility, spirit and warmth, showing the persistent pursuit of civil aviation people to ensure the safe travel of passengers in the bitter cold.

Spring Airlines pays tribute to the civil aviation personnel with a short film. Netizen: Rainy and snowy days have a lot of understanding of civil aviation people

Back in 2008, when the heavy snow was still fresh in my memory, the "earth cannon" incident became a symbol of Spring Airlines' indomitable and innovative spirit. With the help of self-made equipment, the maintenance personnel ensure the normal operation of the aircraft, making the "Spring and Autumn Speed" a good story in the industry. The anecdotes of those years are still praised today, inspiring every Spring and Autumn Festival person to interpret the spirit of "earth cannon" with actions.

Spring Airlines pays tribute to the civil aviation personnel with a short film. Netizen: Rainy and snowy days have a lot of understanding of civil aviation people

The young people of Hebei sang in the "Hymn to the Maintenance of the Machine": "The clouds are overcast, and the wind and snow are back." This is not only a depiction of the natural landscape, but also a vivid portrayal of the crew working day and night and defying the cold. They are like unsung heroes who protect the safety of the skies, and see every rise and fall as the fulfillment of their professional oath.

Spring Airlines pays tribute to the civil aviation personnel with a short film. Netizen: Rainy and snowy days have a lot of understanding of civil aviation people

Now, in this vast white land, Spring Airlines is once again facing a test. But compared with more than 10 years ago, the technology is more advanced, the team is more tacit, and the service is more perfect. From the first rays of dawn in the morning to the disappearance of the last star in the night, from ground staff to flight attendants, from the tower to the aircraft maintenance warehouse, every link reflects the meticulous care for safety and the understanding of responsibility deep into the bone marrow.

Spring Airlines pays tribute to the civil aviation personnel with a short film. Netizen: Rainy and snowy days have a lot of understanding of civil aviation people

"Pass the brakes to the wheels" is a simple but meaningful phrase. It represents Spring Airlines' commitment to safety as the company's lifeline and its consistent commitment to every detail. This sense of responsibility has also been affirmed by the excellent results of the Civil Aviation Administration in the safety and security assessment for many years.

Spring Airlines pays tribute to the civil aviation personnel with a short film. Netizen: Rainy and snowy days have a lot of understanding of civil aviation people

Throughout the civil aviation system, Spring Airlines works closely with airports, air traffic control and other departments to build a passenger travel safety net. They are like gears that run in an orderly manner, even in the cold wind, to ensure that each plane takes off on time and lands smoothly.

The introduction of the 24 solar terms elements of traditional Chinese culture makes the report not only limited to the aviation industry itself, but also combined with China's strong cultural heritage. Readers can not only feel the professionalism of civil aviation people, but also experience the beauty of Chinese culture and the wonder of the changing seasons.

All in all, through the perseverance and warmth shown by Spring Airlines and its employees in the face of snow and ice, we have seen how a company and its team work together with professionalism and love to protect the safety of every passenger on their journey through the clouds. Such a story allows us to pay the highest respect to those who have paid silently in ordinary positions, and we are convinced that no matter what challenges we encounter in the future, Spring Airlines will continue to write a chapter of responsibility and glory.